Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amazing Ancient Words

Having read the Jewish Bible, the Christian Bible, the Qur'an and the Mesopotamian and Ancient Egyptian mythology at an early age, and finding amazing parallels, I started wondering if we could really make a link. My wondering at that time was firstly based on linguistic ground; example: Some of the words which we still use today are found in the Mesopotamian vocabulary; some with slight differences, but can be traced back to languages spoken by Mesopotamian.

Some of these words are:

1. The word "Amen" in most current languages sounds like the name of the Ancient Egyptian God "Amen/Amon".

2. The Arabic word “Ardh”, and the Hebrew word 'Eredz', both mean "Earth", sound like 'Aridu' which is the name of the first city built in Mesopotamia.

3. The word “Eden” in English and "Adn" in Arabic, sound like the Mesopotamian ‘Eden’, which is a place where the first Adam was created.

4. The word “Adam” in English and Arabic and many other languages sounds like the Mesopotamian 'Adam, or Adama'

5. The word “Utoon” in Arabic, meaning 'fire', sounds like the name of the Ancient Egyptian God 'Aton'. The English verb “Atone” sounds like a derivative of the same word.

6. "Mami/Mama" in many languages sounds like the nickname of the womb Goddess who carried the first created man in her womb.

It is also worth mentioning that the first phoneme 'M' in the word ‘mother’ is common in words for mother in many languages; 'uM' in Arabic, 'Mother' in English, 'mère' in French, 'Mutter' in German and Sanskrit, etc.

The following are Mesopotamian (Akkadian) words similar to words in the Arabic language

Ab/Father (Abb), Ach/Brother (Akh), Bani/Ban/Builder or maker (Banna'), Bit/House (Bayt), Eql/Field (Hakl), Ertset/Earth (Ardh), Ezzum/Bone (Azmah, Pl. Ezzam), Id/Arm (Yadd), In/Eye (Ayn), Enuma/When (Endama), Kal/ Totality or Entirety (Kull), La/No (La), Labâshum/To wear or to put on (Labasa), Lama/Before (Lamma), Libitt/Brick (Labin), mâ'û/Water (Ma'), Kima/like or As (Kama), Nishû/People (Nass), Rîsh/Head (R'ass), Rubâ'- /Rub-/Princess or Noble (Rabb), Shamash/Sun (Shams), Shamâ'û/Shamû/Sky or heavens (Sama'), Sharâq-/Thief (Sariq), Sharâqum/To steal (Saraqa), Shinn/Tooth (Sinn), Tupp/Clay tablet (Touba), Tsubât-/Garment or Mantle (Thawb), Umm/Mother (Umm), Uzn/Ear (Uzun), Walâdum/To bear or give birth to (Walada)

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