Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Arabs and Judaists are Semites. The term “Anti-Semitism” has been brought to our attention by the Jewry of the world. My question is, Whom are we to blame , accuse or condem as being Anti-Semitic? In order to answer this question, we have, first of all, to establish what does the term "Samite" mean ? Does it mean: 1. Someone who is a Semite by race ?, 2. Someone who has a Semitic religion ?, 3. Someone who has a Semitic culture ?, and/or 4. Someone who claims that he/or she has any of those three ?

When we differentiate between Jews and Israelis, we can clearly say that both are not necessarily Semites, but both have a Semitic religion. As a matter of fact 85% of Israelis are not Semites and about 65% are not even religious.

Therefore, we can claim that "the huge majority of Israelis" are not Semites, if and when , we agree that a semitic culture must be basicaly and historicaly an oriental culture. We, again, can claim that the Israeli society is not semitic at all. A blue-eyed-Israeli of European origins, who is not even religious and who has brought his own european western traditions with him to Palestine, cannot and must not claim any kind of semitic identity whether it be it be racial, cultural, social, national, historical or biblical. It is more than obvious that the people who may claim being Semitic are the Arabs and especially the Palestinians; descendants of the Biblical people (who have later converted to Chritianity and/or Islam)

Now, let us correct a few things: 1. Dictionaries and specify who is, or is not, a Semite, 2. Let us also find a new definition or a new description to the fact that Aryan-people's slaughter of Ashkenazim people, which is an awfull deed, is any thing but "Anti-Semitism". It should be called something else.

Hence, and in light of the above, who can be called today an Anti-Semitic is Benjamin Nathaniahu , who is killing the Semites, not El Sayed Hassan Nasrallah.

1. If someone is “Anti-Semitic”, does it mean that this person is also Anti-Arabs?, 2. Do you think the term “Anti-Semitism” is accurate as used by Zionism?, and 3. Do you think the Zionists have monopoly on the term?

If you think the Zionists have such a monoply, wouldn't this be unethical on the Zionists side as the term is misleading?

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