Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Merkaba (The Chariot Of God)

In the Star Trek: The Final Frontier movie, a mighty alien, who claimed to be God, asked William Shatner and Leonardo Nemoy to give him their Starship so he can leave the remote planet on which he lived alone for eons. The two actors asked the God a very simple question: “Why does God need a starship?”. I then remembered the book of Ezekiel which is a part of the Jewish Bible. Prophet Ezekiel was the son of Buzi and one of the Israelite exiles who settled at a place called Tel-Abib (mound of the deluge), on the banks of the Chebar River in the land of the Chaldeans. The Book of Ezekiel gives little detail about Ezekiel's life, but an accurate and detailed account about the merkabah.

The word ‘merkabah’ in Arabic is ‘markabah’, meaning “the ridden/vehicle”; a derivative of the trilateral-root word ‘r-k-b', meaning 'to ride ’. The same word means the same in Hebrew.

According to the verses in Ezekiel and its attendant commentaries, the analogy of the Merkabah image consists of a chariot made of many angels being driven by the "Likeness of a Man."Four angels form the basic structure of the chariot. These angels are called the "Chayot" (lit. living creatures). The bodies of the "Chayot" are like that of a human being, but each of them has four faces, corresponding to the four directions the chariot can go (north, east south and west). The faces are that of a man, a lion, an ox (later changed to a child or cherub and an eagle. Each Chayot angel also has four wings. Two of these wings spread across the length of the chariot and connected with the wings of the angel on the other side, thus creating a sort of 'box' of wings that formed the perimeter of the chariot. With the remaining two wings, each angel covered its own body. Below, but not attached to the feet of the "Chayot" angels, are other angels that are shaped like wheels. These wheel angels, which are described as "a wheel inside of a wheel", are called "Ophanim" (lit. wheels, cycles or ways). These wheels are not directly under the chariot, but are nearby and along its perimeter. The angel with the face of the man is always on the east side and looks up at the "Likeness of a Man" that drives the chariot. The "Likeness of a Man" sits on a throne made of sapphire. The Bible later makes mention of a third type of angel found in the Merkaba called "Seraphim" (lit. "Burning") angels. These angels appear like flashes of fire continuously ascending and descending. These "Seraphim" angels powered the movement of the chariot. The movement of the "Ophanim" is controlled by the "Chayot" while the movement of the "Chayot" is controlled by the "Seraphim". The movement of all the angels of the chariot is controlled by the "Likeness of a man"

So, to sum it up, there is: 1. A box (body of the chariot), 2. Wheels inside wheels (opharim), 3. power (seraphim), 4. A Captain (likness of Man), and Four men (the crew). This summation definitely tells me that what Ezekeil saw was a spaceship of a small size (runaway ship), exactly as in the star trek episodes. And since this is something Ezekiel has encountered for the first time, he named everything "angels", and that guy who has the command in his hand, of course, must be God.

Maimonides’ 12th Century work, “Guide for the perplexed” is in part intended as an explanation of the passages Ma'aseh Borsht and Ma'aseh Merkabah. In the third volume, Maimonides commences the exposition of the mystical passage of the mystic doctrines found in the merkaba passages, while justifying this "crossing of the line" from hints to direct instruction. Maimonides explains basic mystical concepts via the Biblical terms referring to Spheres, elements and Intelligences. In these chapters, however, there is still very little in terms of direct explanation. Maimonides wrote: “We have frequently mentioned in this treatise the principle of our Sages not to discuss the Ma'aseh Merkaba even in the presence of one pupil, except he be wise and intelligent; and then only the headings of the chapters are to be given to him. We must, therefore, begin with teaching these subjects according to the capacity of the pupil, and on two conditions, first, that he be wise, i.e., that he should have successfully gone through the preliminary studies, and secondly that he be intelligent, talented, clear-headed, and of quick perception, that is, have a mind of his own, as our Sages termed it”.

In a nutshell, Ezeikl saw an extraordinary object, accurately described it and faithfully believed that it was a chariot God used to move around. Hundreds of years later, various schools of thought interpreted the merkabah differently and in a mystic way, thus following the steps of their idolaters ancestors who worshiped an array of gods; each one of them representing elements of nature, or in other cases, something they fear. However in our case, the idols became angles.

Had anyone in our time seen that merkabah, he would have immediately recognized it as a UFO. Had the astronaut in the UFO communicated with that someone, he/she would have wondered and asked the same Shatner and Nemoy’s question: “Why does God need a starship? ”, since God is Omnipotent and Omnipresent.

1. Do you think Ezeiklhas seen his God riding a merkaba (chariot)?

2. Do you think we are alone in the universe?

3. Do you think that aliens have visited Earth thousands of years ago?

4. Do you believe that aliens are still visiting our planet?
5. Do you believe that the our ancient ancestors are the ones who built those monlithinc buildings like the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx?, and 6. In building those gigantic buildings, do believe our ancestors had technology given to them by aliens, or they were only workers supervised by aliens?

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