Saturday, August 22, 2009

Palestinian Love Story

It's amazing what people will do for love. A Palestinian woman has braved the threat of Israeli bombs by crawling more than one kilometre through a dangerous underground tunnel between Egypt and Gaza just to marry her sweetheart. For May Ahmed love conquered any fear and she was married on Tuesday. Middle East correspondent Anne Barker reported: “True love it seems truly does know no bounds, least of all for a Palestinian couple who faced a giant hurdle to getting married. He [Mohammed Warda] lived in Gaza which has been under total blockade for two years by the Israelis…She [May Ahmad] lived in the West Bank, barely two hours away by road but separated by Israel. And for a long while it seemed they might never even meet…Twenty-five year old Mohammed Warda was introduced to 23-year-old May Ahmed via Webcam. After a whirlwind online romance they decided to marry” Anne Backer also reported, “Even getting to the tunnel was a challenge for May Ahmed that involved visa problems in Jordan, a four-hour boat trip to Egypt, then nine hours by road to the Gaza border and entry to the tunnels”

“Unfortunately the Israelis they didn't show any mercy for us to let us meet…I applied for the Israelis five times to get the permit to go and to get married with her officially, on using the official ways. They rejected all the times. I suggested to her family to bring her through Jordan, Egypt and then through a tunnel and they accepted the idea”, said Mohammad warda.

“What did you think about when you were crawling through the tunnel?”, Anne Baker asked May Ahmad. “It was really horrible because Mohammed told me the Israelis sometimes bomb the tunnels and also it was exhausting. It's difficult to get through the tunnel on your hands and knees.", May Ahmad answered, "I was really scared, not just because of the bombs but because there were a lot of men there and I was the only girl inside a tunnel with men I'd never met”

“Finally after nearly an hour crawling through mud May Ahmed climbed out of the tunnel on the Gaza side into the arms of her fiancĂ©”, reported Anne Backer.

“Her clothes were dirty. I couldn't really recognise her and I felt I wanted to cry when I saw her”, Mohammad Warda said.

“But for all their marital bliss the Israeli blockade in Gaza means these newlyweds won't be going anywhere for a honeymoon”, Anne Backer concluded.

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