Saturday, August 15, 2009


The little arrowheads on the map, which is on the left, show the Israeli’s settlement on Palestinian lands. Palestinians lived in those areas for hundreds of years until the criminal military forces of the Zionist state of Israel and the Israeli civilians, backed by the police, threatened, attacked, tortured, killed and drove the Palestinians out of their homes, villages and farms. But the paradox is, Palestinians can be massacred amass, nevertheless, when an Israeli is killed by a Palestinian, the sky comes down and the earth goes up. Retaliation by the Israelis becomes immenint, and it is not only "a tooth for a tooth, as the Jewish Bible dectates, or even 10 folds, but a 100 times folds as if there is something scared about the Jewish blood.

I am against killing; revenge and uncontrolled retaliation because killing creates a vicious vengeance circle; killing begets nothing but killing. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, justice has to be achieved. That is...controlled retaliation; i.e. justice offered to the victim through competent authorities, where once satisfied, the blood shedding should stop.

Do I trust the Jewish news? No, most of it is definitely a biased propaganda towards Israel. Do I support Arabs killing Israelis even for a legitimate cause? No, I am against killing in general. But Israel is making the whole situation in the Middle East too difficult to handle; Israel wants to slap the Arab on the right cheek, and then wants the Arab to turn to it the left cheek. This is an idealistic tolerance that may be practiced by the very few. The Jewish Bible itself provides for a “tooth for a tooth”, not "teeth for a tooth"

Hana Levi Julian reported: "A Jewish father is dead, and his wife and daughter badly traumatized after a gang of eight intoxicated young Arab men attacked them Friday night at the Tel Baruch beach. Two young women were with the gang… The Arabs made a comment about Leonard "Arik" Karp's 25-year-old daughter, and the father answered in kind. Within moments, a verbal attack quickly became a lynching…The mother and daughter fled, with some of the young men, all residents of the Arab village of Jaljulya, chasing and beating them…The daughter managed to put a call through to police; she and her mother sustained light injuries. But although police say they arrived in less than five minutes" - "We operated forces to locate the missing man, and at the same time located the suspects, all around 20 years old,” police Commander David Gez said, "Police rounded up 10 suspects, thanks in part to a tip called in by the 17-year-old girl who had been with the gang"

Even though, as I mentioned above, I do not trust any Jewish news, I am going to take the above at its face value. And even doing so, I can not stop wondering about two things: 1. “…all residents of the Arab village of Jaljulya, chasing and beating them…”, and 2. “thanks in part to a tip called in by the 17-year-old girl who had been with the gang...”

I find it too difficult to swallow. Also the layout of the whole story in the Jewish news smells of a rotten rat; intentional bias and propaganda under the current circumstances in Israel and the Middle East.

Jewish Propaganda

These days the jewish propaganda media are trying to decieve and manipulate the masses even through simple cartoons which are labelled as 'funny' or 'comical.

CFR Council Of Foreign Relations - jewish control media mind influence.

Jewish owned media (mainstream-media) are tight-lipped when it comes Israelis' all crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and the conduct of apartheid policies. Zionist media always supports the policy of war in one or another way.

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