I've read the following on "Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel" blog.
"Sunday, October 04, 2009 - Lying About Palestinian Archeological Site
Note how the Israel Antiquities Authority consistently and propagandistically uses the term Jewish where Judaic should be written.
2nd Temple Judaism having neither Mishna nor Jerusalem Talmud nor Babylonian Talmud was far closer to Greek Orthodox or Syrian Christianity in its elite Temple version and to Islam in its popular version.
Modern Israeli Zionist interlopers have no ancestral, cultural, or religious connection to the people that actually patronized the synagogue described below. The members of this synagogues community had a high probability of being ancestors to the population of al-Majdal, who were ethnically cleansed by racist murderous genocidal Zionist invaders in 1948."
Exposing Israel for what it is, and the Jews for what they are, I had to leave a comment. With some adaptation, my comment reads as follows:
The term in Arabic is "Yahoud" in its plural form (noun), and "Yahoudi" in its singular form (adjective and noun). In the Qur'an the whole race is referred to as "Al-Yahoud", and "Bani Israel"
"Jew" etymology according to Webster: Middle English, from Anglo-French ju, jeu, from Latin Judaeus, from Greek Ioudaios, from Hebrew Yĕhūdhī, from Yĕhūdhāh Judah, Jewish kingdom.
Notice how the words "Jewish Kingdom" have been sneaked in. Why not "Yĕhūdhī Kingdom"? It is a linguistic confusion phenomenon like "Al-Kahira" became "Cairo". But the "Jews" allege that they're known for accuracy, so whay don't they use the accurate word "Yĕhūdhī" instead. It is their own way of deception.
It is a deciption well-demonistrated when discussion arise regarding the origin of the Palestinian race. Are the Palestinians canaanites, semitics, or a seafarer race that immigrated from some island in the Medit. sea and settled on the medit.coast in what is now known as Gaza?
Seafarer or not, they lived in palestine thousand of years ago, and they have full rights to the land. In fact, the father of the three majour religion, Abraham, is Mesopotemian (Iraqi). Hence, the Hebrews do not belong to that area where the Canaanites and other races thrived. Realizing this fact, the Jews had to tie their cause to two of their fallecious believes: 1. the chosen people, and 2. the promised land.
In light of the fact of what the Jews are (assuming they are Judaics/Judists), and the fact that God did not call for a total displacement of the indigenous people, the Jews are neither chosen, nor have they been promised any thing. Any thing to the contrary will mean that God is a tyrant and unjust.
The Jews are masters of confusion, but the truth lies some where in the nooks and crannies of history for whoever cares to dig and learn.
What the heck do the words "Jews" and "Jewish" mean? I know that the words were invented just a few hundred years ago when the international "jewry" started to be known to the international community.
The word "Judaism" refers to the people of the tribe of Juda.
"Yahoud" in old Islamic history books means "Al-Lazina Haadou", meaning "Those who have been guided, or received guidance". It is derived from the the three-letter verb "Hada" (transitive verb) and "Ihtada" (intransitive verb).
The word "Jews" is alien to me. Hence I personally call "Al-Yahoud" in English "Judists" or "Judaics"
The "Jews" are but a whole bunch of thugs and thieves, usurping the "Judaic" heritage everyday in an attempt to authinticate their filthy lies.
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