Friday, October 16, 2009

Jewish Science Fiction: Carbon-copying Has Become The Jewish Way For Immortalizing The Holocaust Survivals.

"Thou shall not die, but instead thou shall become immortal so that the Goyim shall ponder on the shoah they caused thee and on and all the crimes they committed towards thee"

"O children of Israel; my beloved ones, remember that my divine sparks run in thee. Therefore, thou art a part of the divine that shall not depart from Me. But the goyim, I created from the stuff crapped by satan"

"O Israel, thou shall liveth long and prosper, so sayth Yehweh, thy Lord"

These are some of the verses quoted from the scrolls that has been recently excavated under the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Israel.

Written on swine hides and preserved for thousands of years in crockpots, the scrolls were discovered by a Jewish boy who was at the time of dicovery playing ping-pong with his younger sister inside Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Young Yehuda Bin-Jackass strongly served the little white ball to his sister who missed shooting it back. The ball, made in Israel, went flying like one of the missiles his father, Jackass, fired to kill childeren in Gaza. But this time young Yehuda's missile ball, though regretfully but luckily did not land on the Palestinians who were around striving to perform their prayers, but landed on one of the crockpots that were stached in a hole in the ground.

Israeli authorities, upon the discovery, had to close the mosque, and also one of the feather-headed politicians, who was accopanied by a few door-nobed archeologists, said that according to his reliable resources, Mahmoud Abbas was aware of the existance of the scrolls.

"Thank G-d, the thought did not cross Abass' thick mind to distroy such invaluable treasure. Thank G-d for the thick-headedness and stupidity which we noticed multiple times during negotiations", the politician, who is a close relative to Benjamin Netanyahu, said.

Palestenian are violently riotting because of the closure of the mosque, although the Israel authorites promised them that they will leave as soon as the scrolls have been retrieved; an operation that may take a few decades or more according to the Israeli calculations.

In cooperation with the Israel police, and as demonistration of love, the Palestinina Authority (PA) police rounded up the rioters and handed them over to the Israeli police who immediately took them to prison, the location of which has not been declared yet. Arutz Sheva newspaper along with a few others have reported that the Palestinians arrested by Abbas' police are well-fed, well-taken care of and are spending their time between watching Hollywood movies and playing poker with the Israeli prison guards. "We have sedated them", said the proson warden, Jaccob Bin-Torture, "Now they are as meek as Mary's little lamb", he adde.

It is also woth mentioning that the scrolls were found to be of good condition, except that a few verses here and there were covered by animals' crap. The Israelis are not worried about that as they will use a special crap remover made in the USA and has been used by the CIA in forgering documents during the cold war. In case the remover does not work, the Israelis are still not worried. "We can fill in the blanks", an Israeli official said, "We have done this all the time", the official added.

Well, the above story is as fake as what the Talmudic Zionists want us to believe.

I've come accross "Cloning Holocaust Martyr" on "Snippits and Slappits" a blogspot run by "Noor Al-Haqiqa"; a descriptive name meaning "light of the truth". Her blog is illuminative and enlightening. I left a comment, but was not detailed enough.

Well, does anybody remember a moment in his life when he laughed so much that he couldn't help throw himself on the floor and roll over many times while holding his stomach because laughter cramps were hurting so much and he couldn't wipe off his uncontrolled tears that were pouring down his cheeks .

 That is exactly what happened to me after reading that article. I rolled over on the carpet like a wild ass rubbing off al that itchiness off it body. So please be prepared to go through the same agony of muscular contraction I had.

Cloning holocaust martyrs
September 19, 2009
By Michael K. Smith

With the WWII generation rapidly passing into history, custodians of the official Holocaust narrative have concluded that the only way to preserve the extermination legend is to clone the remaining Holocaust martyrs while time still permits.

Proponents of the extermination thesis have long worried that the death of eyewitnesses to the Holocaust will cast undue attention on the lack of forensic evidence for mega-gas-chambers, calling into question how an assembly line of extermination could have existed without leaving behind material and documentary evidence.

Now notice this as I'm going to comment on it later: 1. With the WWII generation rapidly passing into history, 2. custodians of the official Holocaust narrative, 3. the only way to preserve the extermination legend is to clone the remaining Holocaust martyrs while time still permits and 4. the death of eyewitnesses to the Holocaust will cast undue attention on the lack of forensic evidence for mega-gas-chambers, calling into question how an assembly line of extermination could have existed without leaving behind material and documentary evidence.

Now let us disscus the issue of cloning which in its turn necessitates the discussion of of the human brain.

Human Cloning

Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human cell, or human tissue. The ethics of cloning is an extremely controversial issue. There are three types of human cloning: 1. therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning involves cloning cells from an adult for use in medicine and is an active area of research, 2. while reproductive cloning would involve making cloned humans. Such reproductive cloning has not been performed and is illegal in many countries, and 3. A third type of cloning called replacement cloning is a theoretical possibility, and would be a combination of therapeutic and reproductive cloning.

What really concerns the majourity of people is the reproductive concern as the road leading to  its achievements is covered with slippary ice; human victims, immoral actions and atrocities to be committed.
Replacement cloning would entail the replacement of an extensively damaged, failed, or failing body through cloning followed by whole or partial brain transplant.

Cloning Advantages and Disadvantages

The practice could provide genetically identical cells for regenerative medicine, and tissues and organs for transplantation. Such cells, tissues and organs would neither trigger an immune response nor require the use of immunosuppressive drugs. Both basic research and therapeutic development for serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as improvements in burn treatment and reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, are areas that might benefit from such new technology. New York University bioethicist Jacob M. Appel has argued that "children cloned for therapeutic purposes" such as "to donate bone marrow to a sibling with leukemia" might someday be viewed as heroes.

Proponents claim that human reproductive cloning also would produce benefits. Severino Antinori and Panos Zavos hope to create a fertility treatment that allows parents who are both infertile to have children with at least some of their DNA in their offspring.
Well, but cloning does not stop there. Some scientists, including Dr. Richard Seed, suggest that human cloning might obviate the human aging process. Dr. Preston Estep has suggested the terms "replacement cloning" to describe the generation of a clone of a previously living person, and "persistence cloning" to describe the production of a cloned body for the purpose of obviating aging, although he maintains that such procedures currently should be considered science fiction.

Opponents of human cloning argue that the process will likely lead to severely disabled children. For example, bioethicist Thomas Murray of the Hastings Center argues that "it is absolutely inevitable that groups are going to try to clone a human being. But they are going to create a lot of dead and dying babies along the way." ie: because of the difficulty of cloning any living animal, it is likely that there would be a great number of failures in the creation of a living human clone, such as clones without viable immune systems or other gross genetic failures.

Currunt Law about Cloning

1. United Nations: On December 12, 2001, the United Nations General Assembly began elaborating an international convention against the reproductive cloning of human beings. A broad coalition of States, including Spain, Italy, Philippines, the United States, Costa Rica and the Holy See sought to extend the debate to ban all forms of human cloning, noting that, in their view, therapeutic human cloning violates human dignity. Costa Rica proposed the adoption of an international convention to ban all forms of Human Cloning. Unable to reach a consensus on a binding convention, in March 2005 a non-binding United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning calling for the ban of all forms of Human Cloning contrary to human dignity, was finally adopted. 2. Australia: Australia had prohibited human cloning[9], though as of December 2006, a bill legalising therapeutic cloning and the creation of human embryos for stem cell research passed the House of Representatives. Within certain regulatory limits, and subject to the effect of state legislation, therapeutic cloning is now legal in some parts of Australia, 3. European Union: The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine prohibits human cloning in one of its additional protocols, but this protocol has been ratified only by Greece, Spain and Portugal. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union explicitly prohibits reproductive human cloning, though the Charter currently carries no legal standing. The proposed Treaty of Lisbon would, if ratified, make the charter legally binding for the institutions of the European Union, 4. United States: In 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2007, the United States House of Representatives voted whether to ban all human cloning, both reproductive and therapeutic. Each time, divisions in the Senate over therapeutic cloning prevented either competing proposal (a ban on both forms or reproductive cloning only) from passing. Some American states ban both forms of cloning, while some others outlaw only reproductive cloning. Current regulations prohibit federal funding for research into human cloning, which effectively prevents such research from occurring in public institutions and private institutions such as universities which receive federal funding. However, there are currently no federal laws in the United States which ban cloning completely, and any such laws would raise difficult Constitutional questions similar to the issues raised by abortion, 5. United Kingdom: The British government introduced legislation in order to allow licensed therapeutic cloning in a debate in January 14, 2001 in an amendment to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990. However, on November 15, 2001, a pro-life group won a High Court legal challenge that effectively left cloning unregulated in the UK.[vague] Their hope was that Parliament would fill this gap by passing prohibitive legislation. The government was quick to pass legislation prohibiting reproductive cloning Human Reproductive Cloning Act 2001. The remaining gap with regard to therapeutic cloning was closed when the appeals courts reversed the previous decision of the High Court. The first licence was granted on August 11, 2004 to researchers at the University of Newcastle to allow them to investigate treatments for diabetes, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, 6. In popular culture: Cloning is a recurring theme in contemporary science fiction. Examples include the novels Joshua Son of None (about the cloning of an assassinated U.S. President strongly implied to be John F. Kennedy) and The Boys from Brazil (cloning Adolf Hitler), as well as the Star Wars films and TV series The Clone Wars. The 2000 Arnold Schwarzenegger film The 6th Day and 2005 The Island, directed by Michael Bay, also explores the theme of human cloning. An episode of Star Trek: Enterprise (Similitude) deals with the moral and ethical issues surrounding growing a human clone to harvest tissue for an injured crewman. The famous video game franchise Metal Gear Solid, also revolves around the concept of cloning and genetic alteration. In Margaret Peterson Haddix's novel Double Identity, Bethany is an exact copy of her deceased older sister Elizabeth. The young adult Sci-Fi novel The House of the Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer, also explores the idea of cloning, and 7. Religious objections: A) The Roman Catholic Church, under the papacy of Benedict XVI, has condemned the practice of human cloning, in the magisterial instruction Dignitas Personae, stating that it represents a "grave offense to the dignity of that person as well as to the fundamental equality of all people", and B) Human Cloning is forbidden in Islam. The Islamic Fiqh Academy, in its Tenth Conference proceedings, which was convened in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in the period from June 28, 1997 to July 3, 1997, issued a Fatwā stating that human cloning is haraam (prohibited by the faith.

Both Christian and Muslims don't tell which type of cloning is forbidden, or whether all types of cloning're forbidden. If their decession is comprehensive, i.e forbidding cloning in general, I personally don't agree with them.

So far I have touched on cloning and the human brain. Nonetheless, there is another aspect of the human beings which is the human soul. All that has been written about the soul does not quench anybody's thirst. I find it all to be pseudo-science.

In Judaism a human being is composed of 1. Nefesh, and 2. Soul. As far as I understand both, Nefesh means the "Self" and Soul is the divine spark that is in all of us. It could be the other way around, but I thought of it in this way as the word Nefesh sounds like the Arabic word "Nafs", which means the "Self". However In Christianity and Islam both religion talk about the "soul". Nevertheless, Islam states that in the "Day of Reckoning" all people will reserruct in both "Soul" and "self",  to stand in the presence of God for their final judgement, meaning in soul and body.

It is also worth mentioning while we are at it, that the ancient Egyptian believed in similar stuff; i.e the believed in the "Ba" which represents the total functionality of the human body, and in the "Ka" which represents the soul takes a celestial journy to be judged by the gods.

Now let us get to the main issue, which is the Ralmudic propaganda, and what is for it and what is against it.

Remeber the 4 points I mentioned at the begining of the artcle: 1. With the WWII generation rapidly passing into history, 2. custodians of the official Holocaust narrative, 3. the only way to preserve the extermination legend is to clone the remaining Holocaust martyrs while time still permits and 4. the death of eyewitnesses to the Holocaust will cast undue attention on the lack of forensic evidence for mega-gas-chambers, calling into question how an assembly line of extermination could have existed without leaving behind material and documentary evidence.

The whole propaganda is a total BS. The Talmudic Israel is trying to dazzle us like the ancient Egyptians when they performed their famous serpants trichk that frightened Moses.  In this regards, the Jews are but the snake oil street vendor who is trying to sell his fake all-curing medicine, by the hook (terrorism) or by the crook (intimidation), using in the meanwhile their lethal tool which is anti-semitism to hush anybody who dare object.

Well, but how is it true that their all-curing medicine is fake? Well, let us analyse the above 4 items one by one. To begin, one should always bear in mind that the HOLOCAUST is of an extreme importance to the Talmudic Jews.

As regards item 1: "With the WWII generation rapidly passing into history", time is scaring the Jews that sooner or later the holocaust eyewitnesses will perish.

As regards item 2. "custodians of the official Holocaust narrative", and since the holocaust is of such extreme importance that they already have in action a group of official whose main duty is keeping the holocaust story alive in a way or another, using any means necessary.

As regards item 3. "the only way to preserve the extermination legend is to clone the remaining Holocaust martyrs while time still permits", then they will have to pull up from their sleeve one more trick which may find an appeal amongst the young goyinm; the hollywood and video games generation whio learned almost nothing at school and who are the main target for the Zionist propaganda and brainwashing. The takmudic Jews, of course, couldn't come up with this sort of trick decades ago as it would have sounded like a fegment of the the Jewish immagination. But now, every idiot down town has heard in a way or another of cloning.

And as regards item 4: "the death of eyewitnesses to the Holocaust will cast undue attention on the lack of forensic evidence for mega-gas-chambers, calling into question how an assembly line of extermination could have existed without leaving behind material and documentary evidence", it is self-explanatory, i.e the Talmudic Jews are scared shit as every now and pop up some REVISIONISTS and SCEPTICALS who convencingly refuted the evidences broughtforth by the Jewish propaganda, and  DENIERS who rejected the whole thing; some of them are Jewish. Lack of forensic evidences and documentry supporting an occurance of such enormous allegation is of course scary. 

Is the holocaust rug is being pulled from under the Talmudic jews' feet? Yes, though the filthy fallacy is still supported by corrupt gornemt every where. But as far as the populace is concerned, a great deal of them is awakening due to the influence of the internet, and a great deal is still swimming in the river of ignorance and idiocy.

The market where the snak oil vendor is promoting his all-curing medicine is going sour

The Talmudic Jewish character suffers from a split-personality syndrome. They believe that they are the chosen people, that their alleged holocaust which they supported by so many fabricated evidence that will not stand time, and that the goyim  should be constantly reminded with the holocaust and feel guilty about it, and whenever they raise up their heads to object, the anti-Semitism lethal tool should be immediately used.

If we cannot see the harm in talk of peoples and homelands, it is because obsession with anti-Semitism has blinded the goyim.

Before the Nazis, anti-Semitism was prevalent all over Western Europe. There were ugly incidents, one or two outrageous miscarriages of justice, but no genocide. As for Germany; it was the least anti-Semitic country in all of pre-Nazi Europe. Why then is the Nazi genocide attributed to anti-Semitism, which clearly was necessary but not sufficient to produce it?

And what about the aspects of Nazi ethnic cleansing that anti-Semitism can't possibly explain - the genocide against the gypsies and the planned extermination of thirty million Slavs, many of whom died as 'subhumans' in inhuman prison camps?

Holocaust and anti-Semitism are the sword and the shield by which the Talmudic Jews attack and defend their lies, and to justify all the crimes they have committed so far against humanity in general, and against the Palestinians in particular.

In a nutshell, one should ask himself: Is the fantastic Jewish cloning project feasible. My answer is YES, if their Talmudic god YEHWEH; the Elshaddai, the god of the mountains, the merciless good who shed many bloods of Canaanites and Philistines and other races, tells them how. Or may be they harnessed the esoteric knowledge long time ago through their filthy underground societies; the freemasons, the illuminati, the carbonari, and the skull and bones.

The Auschwitz 'History' - a case for holocaust denial

This video presents evidence debunking the party line story surrounding the Auschwitz camp in Poland during the Nazi occupation, thereby undermining the 'official holocaust' story(a fabricated hoax).

Iran President on Holocaust Denial

Irish Holocaust denial

Gaza Victims: Innocent children have been masscred

|Jewish Crimes

Bloody Extraterrestrial Yahweh

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