Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Zionist Propaganda Machine: War of Words

I have read a few intellectual articles posted on the "Palestine Think Tank" related to the Zionist propaganda machine's war of words against Palestine and the Palestinians.

The three articles were published under an overall title "The First Word War – Palestine Think Tank and Tlaxcala declare war against disinformation PalestineThink Tank"

I could not resist leaving a comment which reads as follows:

Logos“, plural “Logoi” is Greek , meaning “Word” or “Reason”. In Arabic “Kalimah” means “Word”, Plural “Kalaam” Hence, “’Elmul-Kalam” means “Science of words” which means “Linguistics”. It is also worth mentioning that the “word” is sharper than a mighty sword.

Well, linguistically speaking, the human language is a highly organized system basically composed of three elements functioning independently and inseparably:

  1. The individual sounds which are called “Phones
  2. The combination of these sounds into meaningful units which is called “Morphs”, and
  3. The combination of these meaningfull units into a larger utterance which is called “Syntax.
So far, the Zionist ugly lyre has had the above three chords, and they keep stroking them, composing their propaganda campaigns for serving their unjust and twisted cause.

Mr. Ayman El-Kayman has cleverly explained the first stage “The combination of individual sounds aka PHONES in his article. He also touched on the subliminal messages involved.

The second stage “The combination of meaningful units aka MORPHS” is abundant in the Zionist propaganda; their choice of certain suggestive “WORDS”, such as: "Islamists", the improper usage of words “fundamentalists” and “Madrasa”, the improper usage of the comprehensive word “Arabs” instead of the selective word “Palestinians”. Although Palestinians are Arabs, my point is their suggestion (their hate to the Palestinians - the Palestinians are Arabs, therefore Arabs are to be hated, too; a twisted logic where the implied quantitive “all” is judged by the implied quantitive “some”, hence, logically yielding a wrong comnclusion.

The third stage “The combination of meaningful units aka Syntax. Mr. SANTIAGO ALBA RICO cleverly covered this stage. But languages have more features for the Zionist cabals to manipulate, such as: Adjectives, adverbs, and tenses, etc.

In my preparation for exposing the perversion of the Zionist rabbis, I came across this piece of news:

“ 'Muslim' rabbi flees sex scandal
Thursday, 13 January 1994

JERUSALEM (AFP) – A rabbi at the centre of a sex scandal has run off to his native Morocco and converted to Islam.”

Rabbi Shimon Dadon, who in Israel had enticed schoolgirls by giving away exam results, is working in a mosque. A rabbinical court is to decide whether to grant a divorce to his wife, Myriam. Under Jewish law, the husband must agree."

For God sake, why use the word “Muslim” to qualify the word “rabbi”? How can it be possible that some one is “Muslim” and a “rabbi” at the same time? If one is a Muslim, then he is not a rabbi. And if one is a rabbi, then he is jewish, not Muslim.

In conclusion, what really bother me is Journalists nowadays are foolish; parrots intentionally mimicking the Jewish propaganda machine, or unintentionally out of ignorance, and sometimes out of fear of getting smeared with anti-Semiticism; a dirty card the Zionists always wave in the face of whoever oppose them.

So what is the solution?We have to fight fire with fire; linguistics with linguistics.

Long Live Palestine

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