Friday, January 21, 2011

ISRAEL: Hey you, tyrants... You, lovers of darkness... You , enemies of life...

"Inna Ghadan Li Nzirohu Karibu/For those who( patiently) await,(sunny) tomorrow will be (pretty) close", so it is said. It is also said' "Ishtaddi Azamatun, tanfariju/the more a crisis gets tougher, the sooner it will resolve"

The above is the wisdom of our people; our culture. Below is the wisdom of my mother. She always said to me that  God marks the door of a tyrant by hanging a lantern on it. When I asked her why, and why a lantern, she gave me a few reasons: 1. The light of the lantern tells everybody that this person is a tyrant, 2. God would not  let a tyrant perish before giving him a chance to change and follow the straight path, and 3. Tyranny never prevails..

Time tested the above again and over again,. And it has been found to be right. The universe is round. So is the Earth. And what goes up always comes down. .

ABOVE: A snapshot of Latifa clip "Ela Toghat Al Alaam
(To the tyrants of the world). 
The little girl is 6 month old Eman Hijjo been killed by Israeli troops.
ABOVE: Palestinian Eman Hijjo 
shot dead  by Israeli troops
 BELOW: Placard show four month old Palestinian girl Eman Hijo
BELOW: 4-month old Eman Hijjo 
along with other children
BELOW: Palestinian Kawkab burred alive 
under the rubble

 ألا أيها الظالم المستبد
حبيب الظلام عدو الحياه
سخرت بأنات شعب ضعيف
و كفك مخضوبة من دماه
و سرت تشوه سحر الوجود
و تبذر شوك الاسى في رباه
رويدك لا يخدعنك الربيع
و صحو الفضاء و ضوء الصباح
ففي الافق الرحب هول الظلام و قصف الرعود و عصف الرياح
حذار فتحت الرماد اللهيب
و من يبذر الشوك يجن الجراح
تأمل هنالك انى حصدت رؤوس الورى و زهور الأمل
و رويت بالدم قلب التراب اشربته الدمع حتى ثمل
سيجرفك سيل الدماء
و يأكلك العاصف المشتعل

Hey you, the unfair tyrants...
You the lovers of the darkness...
You the enemies of life...
You've made fun of innocent people's wounds; and your palm covered with their blood
You kept walking while you were deforming the charm of existence and growing seeds of sadness in their land
Wait, don't let the spring, the clearness of the sky and the shine of the morning light fool you...
Because the darkness, the thunder rumble and the blowing of the wind are coming toward you from the horizon
Beware because there is a fire underneath the ash
Who grows thorns will reap wounds
You've taken off heads of people and the flowers of hope; and watered the cure of the sand with blood and tears until it was drunk
The blood's river will sweep you away and you will be burned by the fiery storm.

ABOVE: This is
what they write, what they want; 
a total massacre of the Arabs; women, men, elderly and children. 
BELOW: This is what they see themselves regardless of 
how they became to be

Lies Vs. Facts 

BELOW: The new Torah; Torah HaMelech calling for killing children.
Children being trained for killing Palestinians. 
Missiles piled for the killing Palestinians. And at the bottom...
Oh, you can guess it.

Live, Palestine

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