Thursday, January 6, 2011

ISRAEL: Elei Wiesel's principles are being taught at Jewish kindergartens

Elei Wiesel's principles are being taught to kindergarten children  in Israel. First let me introduce to you Mr. Wiesel through his own Weasel words and belief...

 Elei Wiesel

Intentionally over-exaggerated feelings

In his work "Legends in Time", Wiesel tells a story about a visit to a Rebbe, a Hasidic rabbi, he hadn't seen for 20 years. The Rebbe is upset to learn that Wiesel fabricates stories“‘'What are you writing’ the Rebbe asked. ‘Stories,’ I said. He wanted to know what kind of stories: true stories. ‘About people you knew?’ Yes, about people I might have known. ‘About things that happened?’ Yes, about things that happened or could have happened. ‘But they did not?’ No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end. The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: ‘That means you are writing lies!’ I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself:Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are—although they never occurred.’” Legends of Our Time (New York: Avon, 1970), p. viii.

What a weasel this Weisel is!

Wiesel claims that the Holocaust is equal to the Revelation of the Torah by God to Moses at Mount Sinai.

"Worse still is that mankind - the non-Jewish world - learned nothing from the Holocaust: The event which had no precedent in history, which should be equal to the Revelation at Sinai in significance." - Against Silence, p. 35

Well, that could be as exaggerated as they want the world to believe. But I wonder why whenever someone wanted to re-visit that specific period in history, they oppose and call the re-visitor anti-Semitic. What are they afraid of? 

Wiesel says that he and two rabbis put God on trial at Auschwitz

"I was there when God was put on trial....At the end of the trial, they used the word chayav, rather than ‘guilty'. It means ‘He owes us something'. Then we went to pray." 

Well, if the Talmud says that God stands up when he reads the Talmud; a book written by the hands of rabbis, then I believe they put him in a trial.

Wiesel's view on the Qur'an and Jerusalem is 
in contrast to Muslim interpretations of implied textual references to Quranic verses and subsequent Islamic tradition.

"For me, the Jew that I am, Jerusalem is above politics. It belongs to the Jewish people and is much more than a city, it is what binds one Jew to another in a way that remains hard to explain. When a Jew visits Jerusalem for the first time, it is not the first time; it is a homecoming. The first song I heard was my mother's lullaby about and forJerusalem. Its sadness and its joy are part of our collective memory."

So a while ago, he and two rabbis put God on a trial and God was found guilty. But now Jerusalem; a city made of stones and gravels seems to be more divine than God. In addition Jerusalem is a collective memory only to the Jews whose fathers lived in the area for centuries, not Khazar Ashkenazim whose fathers never walked the land.of Palestine.

Wiesel on the the real purpose of the Holy Hoax Canard...the demonization of the German people

"Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate - healthy, virile hate - for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead."

He is so hateful, and his hate is so blinding him that he wants everyone to allocate an area of hate in his/her heart indiscriminately towards  the German people; all women, all menchildren, elderly, sick and healthy; everybody , guilty and innocent.

Criticism by Norman Finkelstein

 Wiesel is highly criticized by Norman Finkelstein in his book The Holocaust Industry. Finkelstein accuses Wiesel of promoting the "uniqueness doctrine" which holds, according to Finkelstein, the Holocaust as the paramount of evil and therefore historically incomparable to other genocides.  

Finklestein also accuses Wiesel of playing down the importance of other genocides, especially the Turkish Holocaust on the Armenians, and thwarting efforts of raising awareness of the genocide of the Romani people executed by the Nazis. These claims are exemplified by Wiesel's lobbying for commemorating Jews alone (not the Romani people) in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, in addition to his numerous other assertions on the "uniqueness of Holocaust". 

Controversy over historical and religious rights to Jerusalem 

On April 15, 2010, Wiesel took out full page ads in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and elsewhere, in which, among other things, while emphasizing Jewish rights to the city, he denied the Muslim connection to Jerusalem, saying that Jerusalem wasn't mentioned in the Koran. He said that: "For me, the Jew that I am, Jerusalem is above politics. It is mentioned more than six hundred times in Scripture — and not a single time in the Koran." He also claimed that Muslims can settle anywhere in Jerusalem. 

His position has been criticized by the Americans for Peace Now in an open letter: "Jerusalem is not just a Jewish symbol. It is also a holy city to billions of Christians and Muslims worldwide. It is Israel's capital, but it is also a focal point of Palestinian national aspirations." They also claimed that equal residential rights do not exist in the city.

Haarets  newspaper criticism 

Wiesel has also been criticized in Israel. Haaretz published an article by Yossi Sarid which accused him of being out of touch with the realities of life in Jerusalem. Wiesel's ads, according to unnamed senior American officials, are "not a wise move"

Elei Wiesel principles are being taught to children in kindergarten

Script of the video clip

A person highlighting the video:"Studies at schools and kindergarten are supposed to prepare our Ichildren for our complicated life in Israel. The Ministry of Education and  the Organization Im Tirzu developed special programs for many kindergartens, such as this one in Tell-Aviv."

"Today, kids, we’ll talk about peace. Who can tell me what we need to have peace?", the teacher said. But a kid asked, "What peace?" and then added, "Who we we’ll make peace with? There is no one to talk to on the other side!"

"That’s right, Liali. There’s no one to talk to.", the teacher said emphasizing. A kid said, " I used to be a lefty, but I got disillusioned" and then added, "It is proven, removing settlements doesn’t bring peace."

"So why is the world angry at us?", the teacher asked. "Our Problem is PR", a kid answered. And another kid added, "The IDF is a moral army!". And another interrupted saying, "Our Problem is PR." . The teacher then reacted saying: "Just a second, cuties, other kids want a chance to say that too, right?". And then talking to the viewers, the teacher said, "We don’t want them to grow up ignorant, we teach them geography from a young age."

Back to the kids, the teacher said, "Here is our tiny Israel in the Middle East. Who knows…". A kid said, interrupting her, "Our problem is PR". The teacher said: "Yes, cutie, but I didn’t finish the question, did I?" and then asked, "Who knows what we call the rest of the world?". "Anti-Semitic.", all kids answered in one voice.

"Do you want to play 'Who are they to preach morals?'", the teacher asked. "Yes!!! – Ya – O.K.", all kids responded and cheered.

"Italians?", the teacher asked. "Helped the Nazi.", a kid answered. "The French?", the teacher asked. "The Vichy Regime.", a kid answered. "The Turks?", the teacher asked.  "Massacred the Armenians.", a kid answered. "Incomplete answer.", the teacher noted. "And the Kurds.", the kid said. "Norway?", the teacher asked. "Killed all the salmon.", a kid answered. "So What do we tell the world?", the teacher asked. "Don’t preach us morals!", a kid answered.

And then all the kids said, "There won’t be another Auschwitz!"

"Give them Judea and Samaria and they’ll want Haifa!", a kid said. "That is how the Arabs are." a kid said , confirming. But the teacher interfered saying, "We don’t say 'Arabs' here, cutie." - "Sorry, I meant demographic threat.", the kid apologized and corrected himself.

"Here ends another lesson with you, we just learned something…", the teacher said. "New!", all kids answered. And then the teacher said, Teacher: "And now children, get up to sing the anthem…."

Now everybody is singing, "He who believes doesn’t fear. To loose his faith. And we have the king of the world. He protects us from everyone."

Messages implied in the video and my answer thereto

THERE IS NO ARABS (PALESTINIANS) TO MAKE PEACE WITH: How can that be when you have and have approved the so-called Palestinian government headed by the puppet president Mahmoud Abbas. There is also "Hamas"; a body democratically elected by the Palestinians in Gaza. But you are calling them  terrorists because they are not puppets like "Fath" and they do not turn the other cheek.

REMOVING THE SETTLEMENTS DOES NOT BRING PEACE: This is the most ridiculous and twisted thing I have ever heard. Does this imply more Palestinian house demolitions and continuation of building new illegal settlements on Palestinian lands? Doesn't this illegal continuation have it own impact on Palestinians' live and create more haters?

ISRAEL'S PROBLEM IS PUBLIC RELATIONS:  I really laughed when I heard this one. What on Earth is wrong with those people? Are they all stupid? Do they want me to believe that they have a lack of sufficient Public Relations, all right?!

Who owns Hollywood, kids? The Jews
Who, is controlling the media, kids? The Jews
Who is manipulating the Western conscious by waving specific cards; HolocaustAuschwitz, anti-Semitic, in the European governments' face? The Jews
Who raises hell when some one wants to re-visit the Holocaust and find out the truth? The jews
Who constitute the majority in the American congress, even though the Jewish population in the USA is a tiny minority? The Jews
Who are the majority of advisers of the president of the USA? The Jews.

So, kids, do you still think PR is our problems? Of course not, we are just bluffing.

THE IDF IS A MORAL ARMY: If killing civilians; children, women, elderly and civilian men, harassing Palestinians constantly, shooting Palestinian children while collecting gravel to build their destroyed homes, burning olive groves, is moral, then I hereby acknowledge that the Israeli IDF is the most moral army in the galaxy.

ISRAELIS DO NOT WANT THEIR KIDS TO GROW UP IGNORANT: This is a noble thing to do. But in their case of course it does not matter whether they are filling their heads with lies or not as long lying it is in favor of Israel; the end justifies the means as usual.

EVERYBODY IS ANTI-SEMITIC: Anti-Semitic slogan is a misleading one. Arabs are Semites, but Muslim Arabs never raised that slogan whenever, they or their religion, were attacked. It has to be the Jews because they are not only so paranoid, but they also are so Talmudic; a book full of hatred, racism, and sexual filth. Please watch this and tell me who is the anti-Semitic.

HOLOCAUST: On the left hand: What the Nazi did to the Jews. On the right hand: The Jews are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazi did to them.

ARABS CAN NOT BE SATISFIED: What did they ever give to the Palestinians to say that Arabs can not be satisfied?

Israel demolishes bedouin village in Negev

Today, at dawn, the rebuilt tent structures that now constitute the unrecognized Israeli Bedouin village of Al-Araqib (Al-Arakib) in the Negev were destroyed, again — for the seventh time — by Israeli bulldozers protected by Israeli military forces.

Israeli bulldozers, destroying tents housing Israeli citizens, some of whom served in the Israeli Defense Forces… in order to plant a forest, financed by the Jewish National Fund, in the Negev desert…

[Al-Araqib was destroyed, then partially rebuilt, on 27 July, 6 August, 10 August, 17 August, 13 September and once more recently before today -- while several other nearby villages were destroyed on 3 August. Bedouin communities have also been destroyed in the West Bank, including in the Jordan Valley.] (

Video of third demolition
In the Jewish eye, everybody else is immoral. Hence if immorality is the river of madness, and since the Jews have the right to drink from the river. nobody then should blame them when they become mad. This is their logic and their premise. But is everybody else really immoral? Definitely not. It is the stupid human trait of generalization. therefore, since we all are humans; we do mistakes. Hence  we cannot justify or rationalize our mistakes by saying..oh..others also do mistakes.

Come to think of it, it is more immoral to teach such justifications and rationalizations to kindergarten kids.

Everybody else is immoral, so can we, and nobody then has the right to blame us.What a stupid way of thinking! That is what Israel is doing; indoctrinating and brainwashing their children. 

But that is not only it. Now they are intensifying their PR campaign to brainwash the rest of the word through subtitled networks, dramas and news. So when every dweller of the global village has had a sip from the river of immorality, then and only then, the immoral becomes common. Hence commonality will give it the necessary illusion, and it becomes moral. This is what the Jews are doing: Let's all get our hands stained. When we all have dirty hands, nobody can point his finger to anybody.

The Jews are thieves, murderers, immoral, deceptive, liars, diabolical, and their synagogues are the synagogues of Satan, frequented by sons of snakes and scorpions.

Elei Wiesel is  an array of different animals that can fill a zoo: a snake, a hyena, a vulture, a scorpion, a lizard...and in the world of men, he is: a liar, a twisted person, a cheater...After all, he is JEW 
The way the Jewish behave and think about them self and others makes one think that the mere Jewish existence is an insult to human intelligence.

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