Saturday, January 29, 2011

MUBARAK: It is time for you to go. Stop clinging like a the pathetic you're!

Time for this dictator to go. 

Egypt has suffered long enough. I watched yesterday Biden's interview and he said, Hosseni Mubarak is not a dictator. I am shocked on this so-called foreign policy self-claimed guru of USA. 

To start, he is the one who voted for the war resolution sponsored by King Bush. His son worked few monthsly in Iraq and now has become the attorney general of the state. What a quick reward? How come Mubarak is not a dictator? He is holding office for 30 years or more and never had a single election free and with opposition from another candidate. In most of the elections, he was the only candidate. 

Now, he is grooming his son Jamal for this post. Egypt, in the last 55 years and after the overthrow of King Farooq, had only three presidents, Nassir, Saddat, and Mubarak, and all of them hailed from army and from one party. Had they allowed some opposition, Ziwahari must be still in Egypt, instead of living somewhere in Wazirstan or Afghanistan. They stifled the opposition so much that all of the political dissidents spread throughout the world. 

When couple of year ago, Israelis massacred more than 1300 Palestinians in Gaza, the foreign minister of Israel had a smiling picture only couple of days ago with Egyptian dictator Mubarak. That was printed in Cairo's newspaper to the dismay of all of us. This dictator is no different thant Suharto of Indonesia, or Shah of Iran, or Tunisian dictator.

Time has come to change thse henious dictators.  They are despicable people. The tsunami of revolution is coming, and it would prove one more thing that King Bush occupation of Iraq and bringing the so called democracy through the barrel of gun would be proven wrong for rest of the time.

Yes he is

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