Tuesday, January 11, 2011

USA: who taught America to torture? Would it be a shocker to know...that...

Believe me, before long the Jews will shut down America. Their getting away with murder is just a drop in the bucket. And talk about grand theft of the American nation’s wealth and prosperity.

They Molested the American children, stole human organs, and laundered money, and pushed for drugs. Every American should wake up to these filthy, greedy, haters of mankind before it’s too late.

ABOVE: Iraqis being tortured in Abu Greib prison. BELOW: Israelis torturing a Palestinian child.

Their plan is to bring the none-Jewish American down deep into the gutter.  If it does not bother any American that Israel is the recipient of billions of American dollars every year, then die where you’re because you deserve it. And when you have nothing left, blame it on beaver.

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