Monday, November 23, 2015

CHOMSKY: I respect Noam Chomsky, but the truth has to be said.

Fuck Noam Chomsky: The Sellout is Helping Push for Regime Change in Turkey for Israel’s Greater Kurdistan Project.

Posted on November 22, 2015 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

Noam Chomsky can kiss my ass. I’ve tried to be forgiving when the guy says what he says about 9/11 or JFK for far too long. I gave him credit for a lifetime of activism and some of the most important critical writing regarding the inner working of deep state politics any US writer has ever produced. But it’s time I gave up on the notion that he is anything more than a scared, old sellout who isn’t even a shadow of the man he once was.

I write this today because I came across an article written by Chomsky and some globalist hack and UNESCO Mockingbird named Christophe Deloire which used almost every single regime change buzzword they could come up with in order to demonize Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for cracking down on the inflammatory, destabilizing journalism” being produced in Turkey by globalist, for-profit media outlets serving the West’s regime change agenda.

Look, I believe in free press. Obviously. But when these globalist assets start using their media outlets to incite internal discord by publishing outright lies in order to make the popular government look evil, you don’t get to screech about the loss of the “free press”

This is what institutions pushing Hillary Clinton’ssoft power” did in places like Iran during the Green Revolution, Russia in the lead-up to the last election and in Ukraine just prior to the neo-Nazis taking over the country with the help of the likes of George Soros.

And if anybody understands how this fucking shit works, it’s Noam Chomsky. He literally wrote the book on “Manufacturing Consent

Recent developments have made it perfectly clear that the Obama administration has decided to give up on the 4-year-old regime change operation in Syria with the caveat that they be allowed to bust off a piece of the country, the north eastern part, as a “safe zone” for the Kurds.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that’s one third of the Greater Kurdistan project right there and next, they have to take a little piece of Turkey to see it completed.

Enter the piece of shit Noam Chomsky to prepare the fake left for that regime change operation.

This is disgusting. Let’s take his little ideological treason one step at a time, shall we?

Sidelining opposition media has become a bad habit in Turkey, which is ranked 149th out of 180 countries in the latest Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index. ..Noam Chomsky

First of all, this report was published by the UNESCO program, Reporters Without Borders, that is run by the globalist Mockingbird, Christophe Deloire. Check here as Chris extols the heroism of “Pussy Riot“. Check here to read how Chris demonizes Assad back in 2013 for arresting some globalist shill journalist trying to stir up regime change in that country.

Do you know who they list at the bottom of that press freedom ranking list? Just all of the governments in the world who stand opposed to our globalist agenda, that’s who.

152 – Russia
154 – Libya (after the election)
168 – Yemen (new Yemen)
169 – Cuba
173 – Iran
174 – Sudan
176 – China
177 – Syria
179 – North Korea

Anyone seeing a pattern developing here? Want to see who’s doing well in terms of press freedom according to this list?

12 – Germany
13 – Czech Republic
25 – Australia
34 – UK
38 – France
39 – South Africa
49 – United States

Here’s the kind of “evidence” that they use to justify this extremely disingenuous propaganda piece: “On Nov. 17, 18 editors and publishers will go on trial for “terrorist propaganda” because of a photograph. They face up to 7½ years in prison. One of these journalists, Cumhuriyet editor Can Dundar, already stood accused of “spying” by Erdogan, who has vowed that Dundarwon’t get away with it.” His paper published evidence that Syria-bound trucks leased by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization had, as suspected, been carrying arms.…” Noam Chomsky

I wrote about this propaganda when it happened. They took photos of some NGO’s trucks being loaded up with medical supplies and possibly weapons on route to support our “moderate” terrorists in Syria and used them to imply that it was Erdogan sending weapons to ISIS. The propaganda was ridiculous and certainly designed to be inflammatory to the local population of Turkey.

Used to be in this country it was illegal to publish deliberate lies in the media. They changed that. Said the media corporations were “persons” and thus they had a right to free speech, which includes lying to their audience.

That’s not “freedom of the press” people. And just because it’s a privately owned corporation doing this shit targeting “the evil statists” doesn’t make it right or just.

How many fucking times do we need to explain FASCISM?

Making up outrageous lies about a popular government or political party in order to foster a climate for regime change is not something I defend or condone. And that’s what these media companies were doing. They do it in all sorts of places that we wish to change for the sake of “stability”

Just ask Reporters Without Borders. They’ve been publishing pro-regime change propaganda with regard to Syria and Libya for years now.

… The metastasizing Syrian conflict and the resumption of fighting with Kurdish rebels have accentuated governmental paranoia about critical journalists…Noam Chomsky

The Syrian “conflict”? There’s not a “conflict” in Syria. It’s a regime change operation via irregular warfare. It’s terrorism. Not a “conflict” as Mr. Chomsky puts it.

“Kurdish rebels“? You mean like the Syrian rebels we are supposed to love? Like the Contra “rebels“? Or for that matter the al Qaeda “rebels” fighting in Afghanistan during the 80s?

And what is that about governmental “paranoia” regarding them trying to defend themselves against this kind of color revolution agitation? Is it paranoia what we did in Ukraine? How about Russia before the election? Does the Green Revolution in Iran ring any bells?

How the hell did Chomsky think he could get away with publishing this kind of blatant neoliberal regime change propaganda without being called out for it?

But if you think that’s bad, just check this out: They need a stable Turkey to help limit the spread of the Syrian chaos and to guarantee its people’s security and prosperity. The Turkish government must stop fueling tension and, for this, it is essential that the truth can be told. Reopening the space for democratic debate is essential for stabilizing the country. Freedom of information is part of the solution.Noam Chomsky

This seems to be taken straight from Neoliberal Regime Change Propaganda 101. It’s got everything.

Yes, it’s all about “stability” from the “chaos” and protecting the people’s “security and prosperity”, isn’t it?

Fucking bullshit. It’s about forcing a regime change so they can secure various assets for various globalist institutions and their prosperity!

The Turkish government must stop fueling tension? Is that a joke? The Kurds are starting up their terrorism campaign in Turkey once again while the globalist media outlets are doing their level best to frame Erdogan for acts. And of course, the Western MSM is busy linking him to ISIS™ every chance they get while alternative sellouts like Tarpley and others do the exact same thing.

The key to understanding major propaganda campaigns as they unfold is taking a look at how they reach across the artificial political divide in real time. Like the build-up to the illegal invasion of Iraq back in 2002 and 2003, when everyone starts running with the same bullshit propaganda, you know it’s an important objective to the masters of the universe.

In this case, they already have Iraqi Kurdistan and are in the process of invading, occupying and relocating the indigenous population of north eastern Syria.

The formation of Greater Kurdistan is a major objective to the U.S. and Israel alike.

"Divide, rule" is their game.

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