Wednesday, November 18, 2015

FRANCE: Shades of 9/11 and 7/7

French President Hollande loving the Actor/EMT who became the face of the “I am Charlie” pro-fascism movement in Paris, Patrick Pelloux

Posted on November 18, 2015 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton (H/T Tim Groves)

FEMA set up camp at Pier 92 on Sept. 10, 2001

On 7/7 in London they were holding drills for the exact same kind of attack and in the exact same locations as the attacks.

On Friday the 13th in Paris they held mass casualty drills for “penetration wounds” preparing doctors and EMTs for what would happen a few hours later.

Anyone see a pattern? Come on. Look hard. Take a minute. Think about it.

This is how these monsters sleep at night. They stage false flag terrorism, shooting up their own citizens for “the greater good” but they set into motion the mechanics of preparing as best they can the first-responders and doctors to treat the wounded so they can save as many lives as possible. So they can save as many of their citizens as they can who were wounded by their terrorists.

Back on Nov. 14th, just one day after the Paris attacks of Nov. 13th, I wrote about a French EMT named Patrick Pelloux who stated in an interview that it was “lucky” that the First Responded  community of France had held a mass casualty drill in Paris the morning of the “terrorist” attacks.

[Why do I put the word “terrorist” in parenthesis? – “ISIS, the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria fostered, funded, armed, equipped and trained by the United States, its Gulf allies, Turkey and Israel has reportedly taken responsibility for the attacks.” James Corbett]

In that article I pointed out that not only is Mr. Pelloux an EMT who also just happened to be first on the scene at the Charlie Hebdo staged false flag event, but he also an actor as well with several screen credits to his name as well as a close personal friend of French president Hollande.

yeah. he’s an actor

2009 : Incognito, directed by Éric Lavaine, Patrick Pelloux as The nurse
2012 : Bad Girl, directed by Patrick Mille, Patrick Pelloux as The Doctor

yeah. He’s the face of the “I Am Charlie” campaign with a brand new book that came out the day before the new shootings and … yeah… he’s a good friend of President Hollande.

 7/7 (London)
 9/11 (USA)

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