Future Prospects for Aqsa-Intifada
Since the beginning of the Intifada early October
Palestinian protesters had suffered many casualties on the hands of the Israeli
soldiers, who had murdered so far 120 Palestinians, including 25 children and 6
women, many were murdered in cold blood in short range and by Israeli snipers.
By Dr. Elias Akleh
The Israeli barbaric terrorism against Palestinians had
violently broken all the red lines. The imperialist Israeli government had
occupied the land, destroyed villages, ethnically cleansed Palestinians,
besieged, starved and bombed Gaza Strip, controlled all Palestinian civilian,
political and economic life aspects, kept on expanding and building new illegal
colonies/settlements, suppressed all Palestinian peaceful demonstration within
Palestinian towns with extreme military violence, loosened all punitive laws
against extremist colonizers/settlers, who daily terrorize Palestinian
civilians, and finally encouraged extremist religious Talmudists to routinely
violate Palestinian religious sites.
A Palestinian olive grove at Burin village
in Nablus , set
on fire by settlers from the Yitzhar settlement
Under the protection of the Israeli soldiers, armed
extremist Jewish Israeli religious fundamentalist colonizers/settlers have been
terrorizing Palestinian civilians. They routinely attack Palestinian farmers,
cut down their thousands-years-old olive trees, fruit trees and agricultural
products. They shoot Palestinian farm animals, poison their water wells, burn
their harvests, and conduct nightly raids against Palestinian homes with fire
bombs and live ammunitions. Even within main Palestinian cities Israeli young
gangs terrorize residents, vandalizing and burning their properties.
Jewish settlers destroy Church
They have attacked and burnt many churches as well as
mosques. They ram with their cars Palestinian young students while on their way
to school. They have kidnapped Palestinian children, tortured them, and burned
them alive. They firebombed Palestinian homes and burned them while asleep. And
lately they are violating the Islamic Al-Aqsa Mosque; the third holiest Islamic
site, and consecrating its sanctity with their disconcerting ritual dances and
calling for the destruction of the Al-Aqsa and the rebuilding of their alleged
Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque
Tired of the Israeli terrorism, of the continuous theft of
their land, of the humiliation they suffer at the hundreds of Israeli military
checkpoints, of the increasing loss of their freedom, of the inability of the
Palestinian Authority to protect them, of the frozen peace negotiations, and of
the negligence of the international community of their plight and their rights,
the Palestinian young generation took into the streets into a third Intifada.
While the majority of them are demonstrating against the choking military
checkpoints confronting well-armed Israeli soldiers and snipers, who use stun
and smoke grenades, rubber-coated and live bullets, and poisoned and chemically
treated waste water cannons, others, who had suffered and lost the most,
decided to give the Israelis some of their own medicine. So we witness some
knife stabbing and vehicular ramming of Israeli soldiers.
Since the beginning of the Intifada early October
Palestinian protesters had suffered many casualties on the hands of the Israeli
soldiers, who had murdered so far 120 Palestinians, including 25 children and 6
women, many were murdered in cold blood in short range and by Israeli snipers.
Almost 15800 protesters were wounded and at least 2500, including 1200
children, had been detained during early morning raids. In a collective
punishment the Israeli soldiers had demolished with explosives tens of homes
belonging to Palestinian families, whose children were involved or accused of
attacking Israelis.
Israeli soldiers arrest and handcuff young Palestinian boy
Yet the Intifada continues and intensifies. The more violent
the Israeli soldiers become, raiding hospitals and schools, closing media
centers and breaking their equipment, attacking reporters and medical personnel
on the scene and increasing their military checkpoints between Palestinian
towns, the more Palestinians take to the streets. The present Palestinian young
generations are no longer afraid of Israeli soldiers as expressed by some
Israeli military officials.
With all this violence, the casualties, and the interruption
of daily lives of both Palestinians and Israelis one wonders where this
spontaneous Intifada would lead, what are its goals, how would it end, and who
would blink first; the Israelis or the Palestinians.
There are three possibilities. In the first the
Intifada would be totally ignored and deserted by the local Palestinian
traditional leadership, by the Arab World, and by the international community.
Faced with the Israeli intransigence and brutal military force the protests
would wind down gradually until they are totally suppressed without achieving
any gains.
In this scenario we see the Palestinian Authority (PA)
paralyzed politically and unable to protect or even to lead the protesters. The
PA is pressured by Israel ,
the US ,
the EU, and some Arab leaders to stop and to suppress the Intifada or lose all
financial support and collapse completely. Although mildly objecting openly of
the harsh Israeli measures the PA is not just being passive but is covertly
colluding with the Israelis in arresting some activists and providing
intelligent reports to the Israelis. Not doing so the PA could be dismantled,
and its officials could be laid off, imprisoned, deported or assassinated.
The Arab World is busy with the Israel/American/EU-created ISIS terrorists. Most of the Arab leaders had given up on
the Palestinian cause and had not been contributing anything to the
Palestinians. Some are treating Palestinians as a foreign nation and don’t want
to do anything with them. The attitude is “let them deal with their own
problems, we have our own”. Even the Arab media outlets are ignoring the Palestinian
Intifada and seldom report about it even though they have enough space to
report about trivial facts about western actors’/actresses’ lives and sport
The Arab World is either ignoring or unaware of the fact
that their “terror problem” is actually the rear battle line of the Zionist
imperialist project while Palestine
is their front line and that Palestinians are actually fighting and defending
the whole Arab World.
The international community is totally ignoring the
Palestinian Intifada as they had done during the previous decades. They are
busy doing the Zionist bidding by destroying Syria
under the justification of their “war against global terror”; ISIS .
The Zionist owned/controlled major media outlets are hardly mentioning the
Intifada, and if they do they would describe the Palestinian protesters as
“knife wielding terrorists against unarmed Israeli civilians”, totally ignoring
the fact that Israelis have been terrorizing Palestinians for the last 67 years
and lately they had broken all the red lines by burning their children and
desecrating their Christian as well as their Islamic holy sites.
The second scenario is the development of some type of
underground armed struggle against Israeli targets similar to what happened
during the second Intifada. Every day Palestinian social media post horrific
videos and accounts of the brutality of Israeli soldiers, extremist
colonizers/settlers and armed Israeli civilians gunning down Palestinians in
the streets, invading Palestinian towns, demolishing Palestinian homes, and
desecrating Al-Aqsa mosque calling for its destruction. New Palestinian
generations could not and would not accept to keep living under such terror. If
ignored and left alone without any political support from the Arab World nor from
the international community that may lead to some tangible gains, like the
dismantling of the hundreds of check points, the lifting of the siege against
Gaza Strip, and the unification of the several Palestinian factions through
election and political process, some Palestinian youths could become
radicalized and resort to armed struggle.
Few instances of such armed struggle had been witnessed
lately. On Friday November 6th two shooting attacks left three
Israeli soldiers injured after a 72 years old Palestinian woman was shot dead
in Halhul north of Al-Khalil (Hebron ).
Several incidents of shooting against Israeli soldiers took place around
Palestinian Qalandia Camp; in November 11th against the Israeli colony of
Kokhaf Yacob, in November 16th against Israeli soldiers who tried to storm
the camp to demolish a Palestinian home, and in December 12th against
Israeli soldiers. Also on December 12th Shaul Nir, a former member of an
Israeli terrorist organization; Jewish Underground, was shot near the West Bank
city of Tulkarem .
Although some Palestinian factions in Gaza Strip are calling for arming the
Intifada to bomb Israeli targets, yet such possibility is still remote.
The third scenario is the intensification of the
Intifada involving the majority of Palestinians; young and old, men and women,
to take the shape of total community demonstrations that would fill up the
streets of all the Palestinian cities and towns. Such large movement would grab
the attention of the whole world and would cost Israel further international
embarrassments and inflict on it severe economic and security prices that would
eventually lead to Palestinian political gains. Such a scenario requires new
leadership, new blood independent from the traditional competing factions, with
revolutionary political vision.
Whatever the future may bring, the Intifada had already
accomplished some political gains. It had torpedoed Israel ’s plans to divide Al-Aqsa
Mosque, asserting that the Mosque is the burning red line. It had also worked
as a warning to the extremist colonizers/settlers that their terror attacks
against Palestinians would not be as easy as before and they would have
repercussions. It also had sent a message to the Israeli occupiers that they
would not enjoy security with occupation. Many Israelis opted to stay indoors
away from public places and not using public transportations for fear of
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