Friday, October 9, 2009

Gaza Zoo: How Far Israel Will Lower Itself in Its Stinky Abyss?

Israel restricts the importing of animals into Gaza, so the Marah Land Zoo's keepers covered the pair of donkeys in black and white stripes instead.

Mohammed Bargouthi, the owner of the zoo, said it would have cost $40,000 to smuggle in a real zebra into Gaza. So, instead, he used French-manufactured hair dye.

Palestinian children astride fake zebras
in Gaza zoo.

Mr Barghouthi's son, Nidal, said the two female donkeys were striped using masking tape and hair dye, applied with a paint brush.

"The first time we used paint but it didn't look good," he said. "The children don't know so they call them zebras and they are happy to see something new."

Hasan Yaseen said on Thursday that since his three children had never seen a real zebra, they enjoyed the Gaza version.

Aside from the two "zebras", the zoo also flaunts an aging tigress, two monkeys, and a selection of birds, rabbits and cats.

Gaza's Palestinians are impoverished by their isolation under an Israeli embargo against its Hamas rulers, who refuse to give up armed resistance against the Jewish state.

This is really sickening. I am damn angry with this thing called Israel. Israel violates every human right by the right hand while its left hand propaganda machine wages campaigns of lies that Israel is good and religious - click here and here. How far will Israel let itself sink in the stinky abyss of its actions?!

Gazan Zebra (left) Vs African Zebra (right)

Thank you Barghouti family for your novel way to get around Israeli restrictions on the importation of animals by partly dying two donkeys so they resemble zebras.

I am happy that the children are happy, because their happiness is sending a determination message to the satanic leaders of the Zionist state that no matter what they do, they won't submit to their diabolical tactics.

Long Live palestine


  1. What I thought disgusting was that during the Gazan massacre, the big brave IDF men went in and just randomly shot all the animals for fun. That was all they did. Shoot them.

    They were not bombed, they were shot for sport by a bunch of idiots. If I remember correctly a lion, wounded, survived. Some let the less dangerous animals out of their cages and shot them for "sport".

    I suppose there were no children in sight so they had to kill something.

    I believe also that they were killed because they were sources of joy to the children of Gaza. And we all know that JOY in the eyes of these fanatics is criminal.

    Can you remember the last time YOU ever had a heartfelt belly laugh that left your tummy muscles sore, and a smile that stuck on your face for hours after? I sure cannot. That is because these creatures SUCK HAPPINESS OUT OF ALL THEY TOUCH.

  2. They're nothing but a whole bunch of vampires. As for the laugh you described, sometimes I have at in moments of despair and disgust.


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