Monday, December 20, 2010

The USA: No wonder Middle Easterners and Muslims allover the wold hate the USA (correction: the foreign policies of the USA, not the nation)

It is said: "May a thing you think it is harmuful to you be indeed of a benefit to you" 

In fact I do not trust WikiLeaks very mush. Nonetheless I can not deny that there are elements of truth in it. Assage's connection to the Rothschild, bankers and Zionists in the USA is quite obvious. However giving him the shadow of doubts, he could have been manipulated and used for an elaborate plan concocted by the Zionists to pave the way for bringing the USA down to her knees, while, in the meantime, hitting two birds with one stone; pitting the Arabs against each other and causing a chaos in the Middle East.

Therefore WikiLeaks should not be taken lightly in spite of the fact that most of Middle easterners are already aware of what is happening.

In fact the whole issue is so sophisticated that need throwing some light on factual historical events. As it is said: "there is a woman behind every successful man",  and also: "There is a crime behind every great fortune", and understanding these saying categorichally not letterilly, there is a MOSSAD, a CIA, a Zionist behind every crime that has been committed so far in our world.

The history I am going to mention is embedded in between the video clips and may seem irrelevant to the clip, but it is relevant to the whole issue of invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the expected war with Iran; to what happened, what is happening and what will happen. And it is a also a wake-up call to the American people to  rise and do something before it is too late.

This was the  plan executed against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, aided by the false accusations of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

U.N. inspectors found no WMD's in Iraq; still, Fox News, Israel's most dangerous and inhumane  media  arm, was utilized to manipulate the American government to invade Iraq by creating a most hostile environment.  Iraq was no threat to America; yet once again, American blood and taxpayer’s money were pitted against Israel’s enemy using its instrument - the United Nations. Israel was strengthened and tightened its stronghold on America and its people, the virtual slaves of the Zionist World Order. Is there anyone who can refute this? The invasion of Iraq has irreversibly changed America - it will never be the same.The Iraq War caused the economic collapse: unemployment, closing of businesses and factories, poverty, hopelessness, mysterious diseases. The people hate their government for fighting a useless war, feelings that culminated in one man's vengeful act against his government- the murder of fellow officers while he awaited deployment to Iraq. Soldiers in Iraq are contracting many illnesses brought on by syndromes, and their mental condition is truly deplorable. 

It’s a pity that the American public has been duped by the Zionist controlled press and media, The TV networks, Hollywood films, newspapers and internet have brainwashed the American people into believing that Muslims are their enemy and that Muslims are terrorist. One can only hope that irrefutable proof will convince a great deal of Americans and concerned Americans to know that Israelis are the world's number one terrorist and terrorist sponsor all over the world against all countries.  This rebuttal cannot contain all the facts which I have but nevertheless I can, once again, refer to Stranger than Fiction, an  independent investigation of the true culprits behind 911 by Albert D. Pastore, Ph.D.

The US had never had any problem with the Arab people, and had no reason to quarrel with the Arabs. 

In 1955 one of these "false flag" operations was publicly exposed for the world to see, Israeli agents impersonating Arab "terrorists" were staging a series of bombings against American installations in Egypt. When this conspiracy was exposed, the Israelis government claimed it was an "anti-semitic" hoax. But when the Egyptians produced the captured Jewish terrorists, Israel was forced to admit the existence of this "false flag" operation.

The scandal caused such a controversy that ultimately it brought down the Israeli government. The long since forgotten scandal came to be known as "the Lavon affair" after Pinchas Lavon, the Israeli defense minister, who was blamed for failed conspiracy. 


Then, again, on June 8, 1967, during the war with the Arabs, Israeli gun boats and fighter jets deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, an unarmed U.S .communications ship. Thirty-five American sailors were murdered and 170 others injured in a prolonged Israeli onslaught/ carried out in broad daylight, with the US flag flying prominently. The intent was to kill all the Americans, then leave the Egyptians to take the blame.
Evidence that the murderous attacks on the USS Liberty were deliberate was overwhelming. The survivors of the attack operate a website www.ussliberty.org; it is an excellent resource which clearly dispels the Israeli lie that the attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident."

In the 1980s the Israelis once again succeeded in framing enemy Arabs in order to enrage America.  Former Mossad case office, Victor Ostrovsky, became so disgusted with of the criminal behavior of his own  government that he defected from the Mossad. Ostrovsky tried to warn America just how evil and murderous the Mossad actually was. Ostrovsky revealed exactly how the Israelis framed Libya for the bombing of a German night club in which American service were killedIt was this frame-up job that caused President Reagan to bomb Libya in 1986, killing the four year old daughter of Muammar Qadhafy. 

France refused to allow US bombers to fly over their air space and bomb LibyaA wave of anti French sentiment swept across America.  I can still recall demonstrations of angry American "patriots" dumping bottles of French wine, and radio hosts urging listeners to boycott French goods.  Ignoramuses throughout America... shrieked: “We bailed those Frenchies out of two World Wars and this is how they thank us!” 

But the reason France refused to cooperate with the deadly U.S. bombing raid was because French intelligence knew that Libya had been framed by the Israelis. Ostrovsky, whose 1990 tell-all book, “By Way of Deception," infuriated the Mossad, made him a target of numerous death threats. Among Ostrovsky's other amazing revelations are: 
  1. The Mossad recruits Arab agents to carry out missions.
  2. Israeli agents are skilled at impersonating Arabs.
  3. The Mossad had an elaborate scheme to vilify Iraq and involve America in a war against it.
  4. The Mossad knew in advance of the 83 Arab surprise attack of US marines based in Lebanon. Instead of warning their American “allies”, the Mossod deliberately allowed more than 200 U.S. Marines to be killed in the surprise bombing attack.
  5. Wealthy Zionists, in America are often called upon to help carry out Mossad missions."
 In the beginning of Chapter 10 of his book, Albert D. Pastore, under the heading of ‘The September 11 Dance Party’ states: “Let us review what we have learned.  We have clearly established that Zionists played a key role in steering the U.S. into two World Wars. We have clearly established that Zionists do not care if Americans (or others) are killed to further their goals.  We have clearly established that Zionists have a record of attacking Americans in order to frame Arabs. We have clearly established that the Zionists are capable of acts of unspeakable brutality and genocide.

Having established these precedents, we can easily deduce that the reason why those five dancing Israeli agents (photographing the destruction of World Trade Center from the Jersey side) who celebrated the 9-11 attacks were so happy because they knew Americans would now become unconditional supporters of theirIsraeli ally” and fanatical  haters of Muslims, Palestinians and other Arabs

The same author states "We were told that the reason Bin Laden attacked the US was because he hates our “freedom” and “democracy”. The Muslims were “medieval” and they want to destroy us because they envy our wealth, and were still bitter about the Crusades"
Amazingly, millions of media addicted Americans actually swallowed this fallacious fecal matter about the “Clash of Civilizations! But Bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that the Zionists orchestrated the 9-11 attacks. The BBC published Bin Laden's statement of denial in which he said: "I was not involved in the September 11 attacks, nor did I have knowledge of the attacks.  There exists a government, within the government, within the US. The US should try to trace the perpetrators of the attacks within itself.  There are people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity.That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks....The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States" (page 54,55, Stranger Than Fiction

In a classic example of Israeli duplicty, their agents infiltrated the tablighi jamaat. The Tablighis hold an annual gathering in Pakistan and Bangladesh during which up to 100,000 people join them from many countries.

The author states,(pps. 59-60) “Now I’m really going to rock your faith in the false religion of  9-11. In February of 2000, Indian intelligence officials detained 11 members of what they thought was an Al-Qaeda hijacking conspiracy.  It was then discovered that these 11Muslim preachers” were all Israeli nationals!  "The Week," reported: "On January 12 Indian intelligence officials in Calcutta detained 11 foreign nationals for interrogation before they were to board a Dhaka-bound Bangladesh; Biman flight.  They were detained on suspicion of being hijackers. “But we realized that they were tablighis (Islamic preachers,) so we let them go,” said an  Intelligence official.

The eleven had Israeli passports but were believed to be Afghan nationals, who had spent a while in Iran....  Indian intelligence officials, too, were surprised by the nationality profile of the eleven. “They say that they have been on tabliqhi (preaching Islam) in India for two months.  But they are Israeli nationals from the West Bank,” said a Central Intelligence official.  " He claimed that Tel Avivexerted considerable pressure” on Delhi to secure their release. “It appeared that they could be working for a sensitive organization in Israel and were on mission to Bangladesh, the official said.

This exposed a conspiracy against the Islamic world. Israel maintains an active and large establishment of Tablighis , and as we have been informed, Israelis are fully trained to behave like Muslim scholars joining Islamic Tablighi preaching meetings, during which they commit acts of terrorism, bombing, and also funding the terrorists who carry out acts of terrorism between various groups.

I have established the fact as to why the American government has not given the reason as to why the hijackers were not intercepted by NORAD.   Who was responsible for black out for 45 minutes?  No one has given an explanation because there is no answer. NORAD appears within minutes the moment a airplane is off its path/course; it shows up on the radar, so why didn’t they intercept it? 

There is a lot more which people now know about the 911 conspiracy. Everyone knows it was an inside job, and, obviously, Israelis are behind it.  It seems that the so called Christian Action Network, in fact is a Zionist set up by Mossad who are keen to declare Muslims as terrorists in America and elsewhere .This effectively means that Muslims are made out to be the enemies of America.

I can quote hundreds of concerned US authors and prestigious investigators people with deep insight into the affairs of USA. We choose only one such American war hero, Colonel Donn de Grand Pre. He declared in a four volume work, Barbarians Inside the Gates, that the enemy is already within USA and he, explains in detail what we must do to defeat the enemy and restore the American republic.

In Volume One, Chapter One (The Serpent's Sting), the Colonel declares: "My friends, we are at war… and we have been under seige since 1933.The major problem is that we do not realize it. We have become so accustomed to being under siege by the enemy within that we do not realize that we are in a war to the death."

"And we are losing… not only the war but our country. "We now must define that enemy within. his history, his status, and his techniques, chief among them being mass manipulation, coupled to physical and psychological acts of terror. "The enemy now dominates six of the seven M’s Money, Media, Markets, Medical, Mind, MoralsHe desperately needs the seventh M – muscle – embodied in our military and its primary function, to defend the constitution of the USA against all enemies, foreign and domestic."Without getting wrapped around the flagpole, that muscle is slowly and systematically being sabotaged … and then by thrusting that military into U.N. wars of attrition, no win wars of both psychological and physical defeat as planned by the amorphous self aggrandizing, self promoting one worlders who are slowly, slowly strangling us and our freedom with the binding chains of despotic world government.  And who has done so since the assassination of President Mckinley in 1901 by one Emma Goldman’s “Eastern European émigrés.”  Thus began what many knowledgeable historians call “the Jewish Century

Let's not be cheated or duped by false propaganda. Know who the real terrorists are and who the real enemy is; not only for America, but mankind.  The only remedy lies in Muslim Christian unity--which is going to happen. 

Also while we are on the subject of MSSAD , CIA, MOSSA infeltiration into Muslim societies, I would like to also the following to the reader's attention...

Former U.S. President George W. Bush says Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak informed the U.S. that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. He also spoke of other people who had influence on his decision to invade Iraq.

The revelation comes in Bush's memoirs,
Decision Points, in which he highlighted mistakes made during the Iraq war campaign, and the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in the country. "President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt had told [general] Tommy Franks that Iraq had biological weapons and was certain to use them on our troops," Bush revealed in his newly-released book.
The former president said Mubarak "refused to make the allegation in public for fear of inciting the Arab street."

So far, the Egyptian government has issued no reaction to Bush's claim.

Mubarak of Egypt; a traitor, a pharaoh, and American and Israeli agent.
In a revealing passage Bush writes that President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt told Tommy Franks that Iraq had biological weapon.
Bush explained that the "intelligence from a Middle Eastern leader who knew [former Iraqi president] Saddam [Hussein] well had an impact on my thinking."

"Just as there were risks to actions, there were risks to inaction as well,"  he wrote in Decision Points.

Bush says the diplomatic process drifted along, the pressure for action had been mounting. He says in early 2003, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told him the uncertainty was hurting the economy. There was also concern among America's Middle East allies.

"Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, the kingdom’s longtime ambassador to Washington and a friend of mine since dad’s presidency, came to the Oval Office and told me our allies in the Middle East wanted a decision," Bush explained.

Another person who had a deep impact on his war decision was holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Elie Wiesel. "There was passion in his 74-year-old eyes when he compared Saddam Hussein's brutality to the Nazi genocide," the former president remembered.

 Well, back to the video clips

As you can see for yourself how duped the nations of the world are. Killing of civilians, torture of prisoners, invasion based on false allegation (Iraq and Afghanistan), protection of Israel; a rouge state who never cared for America and her people; a parasite feeding on the American tax payers' money.

 Iraq Prime Minister, Al-Malki; an American shiite agent, who does not care about nothing but killing and torturing as many Sunnis as he can, thus carrying the wishes of the USA's government and her rouge ally Satanic Israel.

America, clean up; change your attitude!

1 comment:

  1. i think this picture of Mubarak with would be offensive to jews, please change it this is not nice at all, i am egyptian muslim, and i am against portraying jews as evil, i oppose zionism but not judaism and many people of all religions including judaism oppose zionism, but this pictures makes him look like a Rabbi, it's really not nice i hope you change it


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