My comments are in Italic
OTTAWA (EJP)---Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
suggested that
his country recent failure to secure a seat on the UN Security Council can be
blamed on the government's support
for Israel in the face of growing anti-Israeli sentiment.
Portugal won the coveted seat.
The traitor, Stephen Harper sold himself and his country for a number of silver coins like Judas Iscariot did
Harper said: "There are, after all, a lot more votes in being anti-Israeli than in taking a stand. But as long as I am Prime Minister, whether it is at the United Nations, the Francophonie or anywhere else, Canada will take that stand, whatever the cost"
Mr. Harper, Enjoy your Prime Ministry while it lasts! You have totally sold your soul and body to the devil knowingly or unknowingly. Standing against anybody, whoever it is, for the Jews! Tell me..Is your mother a Jewess?!
The devil has offered Stephen Harper a contract and he signed it selling himself and his country for a number of silver coins like Judas Iscariot did.
Harper said: "Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because history shows us, and the ideology of the anti-Israel mob tell us all too well, that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are in the longer term a threat to all of us…What this conference is actually about isn't anti-Semitism,"
Mr. Harper, in fact history tells us that the Jews have always been pain in the human rear-end. What version of history are you referring to? Is it the falsified, deceptive and twisted version you have been paid a number of sliver coins in order to believe in it?
Mr. Harper, what ideology of the so-called anti-Semitic mob are you talking about? No one has an ideology to threaten the existence of the Jewish people unless the Jewish people have been troublesome amongst the nations of the world; a matter which is well-documented historically. But I think you are too lazy to read.
Knowledge is light. Ignorance is darkness. Stupidity is absurdity. Mr. Harper, are you ignorant or stupid?
Mr. Harper: maybe the conference is not about anti-Semiticism, but it definitely is about attacking and limiting dissent and criticism on expressing criticisms of Israel. If Jews are your idols, you can visit their temple as many times as you want to prey and show them you submission and humiliation. We do not.
Mr. Harper, as regards the long term threat to all of us, it is the Zionist Jews who are the real threat. They have always been, they are and they will always be a threat to humanity as long as they are what they are; racist, supremacist, living in their own Talmudic bubble, Jews vs Gentile.
Christians NOT ALLOWED INTO Israel -
Apartheid, Jewish Supremacism
Jewish Rabbi Calls for
Killing Non Jews -Nov 09
Harper said: "We must be relentless in exposing this anti-Semitism for what it is”
ABOVE: Jewish reversed psycology: smear them
they smear us for what we are.
BELOW: Anti-Arabs slogan calling for gasing all the Arabs.
Mr.Harper, I can see you are very active regarding that, but when the attack is on Arabs who are also Semites, I fined you a 1000 miles lagging behind, if not a total handy-capped.
Harper said that while Israel is receptive to fair criticism, Canada is obligated to stand up for its ally when it comes under attack from others.
Mr. Harper, Have you ever given it a thought why Israel is receptive of this type of criticism? If you put aside the so-called and propagated anti-Semiticism, be unbiased and open up your mind, you might be able to reach the right conclusion, whatever it is.
Mr. Harper, as for standing up for your allay, here is a nice story for you: once upon a time, a wise man said to his companions: "support you friend whether he is doing justice or in justice". The companions wondered, "We'll support him when he is doing justice. But how could you say we also have to support him when he is doing injustice". The wise man then explained, "Your support to him in this regard will be by not supporting him"
Mr. Harper, bottom line is you do not support your ally when it is doing injustice. Otherwise if you do, you will be a complicit party in the murder they have committed. Haven't you supported Israel when they massacred the Palestinians in Gaza, killing civilians; children, women and elderly. The whole world condemned them. Thus and consequently you are condemned too.
Harper warned that if evil is left unchecked there will most assuredly be another Holocaust, citing what he called growing anti-Semitism around the world…Let us not forget that even now, there are those who choose evil, and would launch another Holocaust if left unchecked.
Mr. Harper, You are right. Evil should not be left unchecked. But the point is who is the evil? Is it the gentile or the Jews who believe in a racist, supremacist book called Talmud? Thus they have become racist and supremacist. I bet you have never read that book. Have you? Have you criticized any of the racist stuff said by their rabbis. YouTube is replete with this kind of video clips. My advise an account for yourself. You can do it under a pseudo-name if you want.
Mr. Harper, yes there are those who choose evil, and you are one of them. And the picture shown below shows the result of shaking hands with the devil.
Harper said that Jews increasingly are subjected to vandalism, threats, slurs and just plain, old-fashioned lies.
Mr. Harper, why would Jews be vandalized, subjected to threats, slurs and just plain old fashion "so-called" lies unless they have done what makes them deserve all the aforesaid.
A bucket fill of shit is a bucket full of shit.
It ain't yield pure water.
Ralph said: "What it's about is attacking and limiting dissent and criticism on expressing criticisms of Israel. And the thing is that when Harper says today that Israel is a country under attack, Israel is being attacked for its violations of human rights."
ABOVE: Jews buried the children of Gaza alive under the rubble
BELOW: That is what the Jews do.
It is all false accusations put forward by this traitor to the Canadian people. The problem is there are many gullible Canadians who will believe such lies.
He falsely claims that the criminals are subjected to vandalism, threats, slurs, and just plain old fashioned lies... Yet he overlooks the fact that these criminals have lied, cheated, and stolen land in Palestine that does not belong to them, and has continued to murder innocent people with impunity! He also overlooks the racist statements by these people claiming that others are nothing more than cattle and to be nothing more than their slaves! Does Stephen Harper even check these facts? Does he not know what true evil really is?
Gaza 2009
Operation Cast Lead
The fact is staring in this clown's face saying that the growing "anti-Semitism" is primarily due to the fact that people everywhere around the world are waking up to the truth about Israel and its evil murderous actions. People everywhere are no longer tolerating the fact that their nations have been hijacked by these criminals, with their evil Usury debt based monetary systems, that have ruined their nations, and brought those nations to their knees! People no longer want to be slaves, but are now wanting to be free!
With the collapse of the United States, and its fall into tyranny, there has always been the hope that Canada would be the new "shining light unto the world" that nations can model themselves after her. Now we know the truth: Canada is totally under the control of the criminals!
Further proof that the Jews control the media? Nope. The Canada Post isn't a newspaper, but Canada is being judized.
As a Canadian, I cannot believe it when I see this man grovels to his true masters. I have always believed that leadership in a nation has to answer to the will of the people of that nation. Now I can see that the Canadian government is no better off than the US Government, in that it answers first and foremost to criminals, and their masters in Tel Aviv!
ISRAEL: mother of all sitting..oh, sorry...shitting dog.
Hey, my man... Thanks for using some of my comments in your article! I applaud your expansion of my article and adding more facts, videos, and details!
ReplyDeleteYou have done us all a great service with this article... We can only hope that more Canadians wake up to the truth!