Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ISRAEL: Is the rouge state of Israel really democratic as they say?

How can that be when in 62 years there was not one single Arab village established and illegal settlements are being built on Palestinian lands?

Israel "The Occupier" Approves 
ANOTHER 900 Illegal 
Settlement Homes

Do I have to tell how many Jewish towns and villages were established and not one Arab village?

ABOVE: An Israeli settlement. 
BELOW: How Palestinians are living

How can Israel be democratic when researches have shown repeatedly that Jews and Arabs get different punishments for the same crime?

How can Israel be democratic when a Palestinian student can hardly rent an apartment in Tel Aviv, because when the Israelis hear his/her accent or his/her name almost nobody is willing rent to him/her?

November 23rd 2010

How can Israel be democratic when Jerusalem invested 577 shekels a year in a pupil in [Palestinian] East Jerusalem and 2372 shekels a year in a pupil from [Jewish] West Jerusalem; four times less, only because of the child’s ethnicity?!

Every part of Israeli society is racist.

George Galloway - Jews have the rights over Palestine because.....

This is what Israel is.

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