Friday, January 28, 2011

EGYPT: Fearless demonstrators and casualties rising...

  Egyptians losing fear of confrontation with regime

"Go, go, Mubarak go" and "the people need to end this regime" shouted the angry crowds around al-Istiqamma mosque in Cairo's Giza Square, as they shook their fists at the lines of helmeted riot police after Friday prayers.

Within minutes, water cannon showered the demonstrators and there were loud thuds as tear gas canisters were fired.

People ran into the side streets of this poor neighbourhood, on the edge of the capital, with their eyes streaming.

"Let the world see what is happening in this country," yelled one elderly man. "We will never stop until this... government goes."

Ordinary Egyptians appear to be losing their fear of direct confrontation with the security forces. There have been bloody and drawn out clashes all over Cairo and in some of Egypt's main cities.

They have a long list of grievances and the demands are an explicit challenge to their rulers

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