Friday, January 28, 2011

MUBARAK: He has herekened to the memebr of his clan, the Zionist Jews.

 During the Omayyad , ruling, Calif Mu'awiyah Ibn Abi Sufyaan was asked how he could manage ruling the people of Al-Shaam (greater Syria). He  said, "What is between me and the people is a hair-thin string. If they pull it, I release, and if the release it, I pull"

I find that to be wise. As a person who loves playing the drum, I have to keep my drum's skin tight in order to be able to produce a sound. But in the meantime I should not keep it too tight, otherwise it well break.

Politics have to be handled in a very wise and likewise way specially when people's interest is greatly taken into consideration. But have you met an honest politician so far. I have not?

Israel has suggested that the corrupt president of Egypt should use the military to quell the demonstrations. It is well known that Mubarak has been spoiling the military rotten over the last decade. Military and police clubs have become so luxurious, and are being frequented by high rank military who are served by military slaves; the lowest rank - soldiers. So Mubarak links with military and police thugs are extremely strong.

On the other hand, Obama, the idiot of the American village, along with his stupid Hillary Clinton are calling on Mubarak to listen to the demands of the Egyptian nation.

 So if Israel and the USA are two nice pals; two bodies in one shirt, one should expect a unison in their pieces of advise to the Egyptian president. I would not expect the rough and Zionist state of Israel advise the Egyptian Idiot to listen to his people demands (they have already advised him to use the military).

Now I am asking myself, what on earth is going on?

The only logical answer is...IT IS A GAME. Both the USA and Israel, two clowns, are playing headgames. The game title is "GIVE WITH THE RIGHT HAND AND TAKE AWAY WITH THE LEFT HAND", and of course the left hand is Israel, while the USA is keeping face in the eyes of the world's nations. Have you been gullible yet?. And the battle is afoot. WILL THE TRUTH PREVAIL AT THE END?

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