Sunday, January 23, 2011

EGYPTIANS: Pull down the stratue of the tyrant. Shake of the shackles. Break the handcuffs.

It is said, "A man is known by the company he keeps". Let us see how does this apply on the traitor, Hosni Mubarak.

Mubarak and Mahmoud Abbas; 
both are traitors as far as Palestine is concerned

Mubarak and Obama; 
one is run like a puppet by Jews, and the other is run by the puppet. Thus he is also run like a pupett by Jews.

Mubarak and Livini; 
shaking hands with the devil.

Mubarak and criminal Bush. The former kills and torture Egyptians in prisons, and the latter massacre people in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
ABOVE: A picture of Mubarak leading. 
Is he a leader? Definitely not. Picture is faked and manipulated by Al-Ahram; the official Egyptian newspaper
BELOW: Here is the original picture before manipulation.

is the real he; one ugly face

Law of causality dectates that because of all the above, repercussions will be as shown below



that has been becomes 
a scarcity

Loss of dignity.

of stability

And the Cartoon is self-explanatory. 
You all will become that man with yellow t-shirt. 
What a disgusting end!

I to comment?!

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