Sunday, January 23, 2011

ISRAEL: Here are the people who inherit the lands be they Palestinians or aliens from outside Earth. But definitely NOT you..

Jews believe they are the chosen people and that they have Biblical rights to Palestine. Are they the righteous servants as mentioned in the Qur'an? Are they humble as mentioned in the Greek version of the Bible? Are they the meek as mentioned in the Vulgate Bible? Are they the humble as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible?
Three holy books, one of them is theirs, have set forth the criteria for inheritance of the holy land. Do they match up with such criteria? You are the judge.
In addition, the Jews talk about their historical rights to Palestine. The name "Palestine" lived for thousands of years in spite of the Jewish attempts to stifle its mentioning. It is historically proven that the Canaanites and Palestinians, the indigenous people of Palestine, lived in the area centuries before Abraham left his abode in the city of UR in Mesopotamia; now named Iraq.

The Promise:The Qur'an

"We have decreed in the Psalms, from beside (in addition to) the reminder, that the land shall be inherited by My righteous servants."

The Promise: Greek New Testament Matthew 5:5

"Makarioi hoi praeis hoti autoi kleronomesousin ten gen"
"Fortunate are the humble, because they will themselves inherit"

The Promise: Biblia Vulgata Matthew 5:4

"Beati mites: quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram."
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land."

The Promise: Hebrew Bible Psalms 37:11

יא וַעֲנָוִים יִירְשׁוּ-אָרֶץ; וְהִתְעַנְּגוּ", "עַל-רֹב שָׁלוֹם

"wa`anawim yirshu aretz; wehit`annagu `al rov shalom."

"But the humble shall inherit the land (i.e. Palestine), and delight themselves in the abundance of peace."


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