I'm not a preacher, but I've studied comparative religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and as necessary complementary part of my study; paganism and atheism.
As far as Islam is concerned, I did study: Islamic law (Fikh or Shari'ah), also known as "Islamic jurisprudence", Interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, Islamic history, Biography of Prophet Muhammad Life (Sirah Nabawiyyah), Arabic language; both grammar and literature (in Arabic) along with my core subjects which was mainly Comparative Linguistics and Simultaneous Interpretation (in English).
However, after obtaining my Bachelor and Master Degrees from one of the most ancient and still functioning university on earth; Al-Azhar University, I did my further studies on the above, embarking on a journey for finding the truth. Therefore, with an open mind, and unbiased attitude, I had, while furthering my studies, to hang my believes on a peg on the wall, so that whenever I'm faced with an idea, theory, information contradictory to my believes, I would approach it with a clear mind.
Thus, I also studied Astrology, Theosophy, Extraterrestrial and the so-called Jewish mystic wisdom; the Kabbalah including the zohar (Splendor or Radiance) and Moreh Nevuchim (The Guide for the Perplexed ), both of Moses Maimonides, The Incoherence of the Philosophers or collapse of the philosophers (Arabic: Tahāfut al-Falāsifa) by Al-Ghazali, and the answer to it "Collapse of the Collapse or The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Arabic: Tahāfut al-Tahāfut" by Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
As far as Islam is concerned, I've read hundreds of books on the above subjects. Some were supporting Islam, and some were against it. Many of such books of both parties were written by "orientalists". Some of them were obviously biased against Islam and meant to spread hatred, and some fairly used solid reasoning, crediting and discrediting Islam.
In a nutshell, I found throughout my reading that there was a common denominator which was: Judging religions by judging the followers of religions. My viewpoint is if one judge a religion by judging its followers, even a philosophy or any of what ends with the famous "ism", he/she will be distracted from his/her main course, because followers of religions and philosophies have all the time committed atrocities throughout history, and nobody can deny that.
Many cases were raised against Islam by orientalist (scholars interested in Middle Eastern religion, mainly Islam, and culture), though those cases have been refuted throughout history multiple times. Currently, those cases are raised again due to political and propaganda reasons, mainly by the Zionist propaganda machine and the Evangelist Church which is blindly following the Zionist steps. Others do the same thing due to their hate, fear and ignorance.
Some of the myths that have been refuted as I mentioned before are: 1. Muhammad is a pedophile as he married a prepubescent girl named "Ayesha", the daughter of his close friend "Abu-Bakr", 2. Muhammad is a womanizer as he had so many wives, and 3. Islam is a religion of violence.
Though the above has been refuted many times, I'm going to explain why it is not true.
By: Devvy Kidd
December 25, 2006
...I spent a considerable amount of time researching Islam and Muslims. According to Ten Misconceptions about Islam published by the University of Southern California, USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts: Islam is the name of a way of life which the Creator wants us to follow. We avoid the word religion because in many non-Islamic societies, there is a separation of "religion and state. This separation is not recognized at all in Islam: the Creator is very much concerned with all that we do, including the political, social, economic, and other aspects of our society. Hence, Islam is a complete way of life.....Islam is the way of life; Muslims are people who claim to follow that way of life. Muslims claim their religion (way of life) is peaceful, but the facts tell us otherwise. I believe it's well documented that terrorists who are responsible for mass slaughter around this world are Muslims and now they are right here in America in your back yard building their terrorist cells; see here and here.
I've read many books and newspapers' columns written by journalists, and I have found the following: one of the definitions of "juournalism" is "the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media". Another one is "writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest".
A Journalist is someone who practices in accordance with the aforementioned. Hence, I've found journalists to be of three types: 1. Journalists with horizontal knowledge (shallow, and of bits and pieces). This type is concerned with collecting as much information as possible on many subjects. Being absorbed by covering many subjects, they do not really spend more time for authenticating their individual issues, but tend to only scratch the surface, 2. journalists with vertical knowledge (profound, deep). This type is composed of professionals specialized on a specific subject and journalism has become for them a way of publishing what they know. Example: a theist who has a column on religion on a newspaper, or a scientist, a doctor, and so on, and 3. journalists with horizontal-vertical knowledge rather deep bits and pieces. Those are who have to cover many subjects, but spent a bit more time studying them.
I'm not going to categorize Ms. Devvy Kidd. I have visited her site and found many article worthy of reading. She is intelligent, but as far as Islam is concerned, I believe she only scratched the surface for the following reasons: 1. When Islam and the Qur'an are concerned, you have to be able to understand, and speak Arabic, you have to study the history of the revelation of the Qur'an, when and why verses have been revealed and for what purpose, and how to read the Qur'an; (ah'kaam al-kira'ah/rules of reading): a) when to continue reading, b) when to pause, c) when to stop, and d) when to connect. You have to be a person who is well-versed in the Arabic language; grammar, etymology and philology. A translation of the Qur'an is not the right way to understand the Qur'an. My golden rule is: translation is always a betrayal of the origion text. This is exactly what happened to the Christian bible; a great deal of corruption of translation from whatever the source is.
Someone may wounder saying, WOW...do all Muslims know that? My answer is, of course not, and that is why they have to consult with "Ulama/scholars" whenever they are faced with difficulties in understanding their book. Some are ignorant and think they understand the book very well, or perhaps they do understand it very well, but twist its interpretation to serve their personal agenda. And those eventually become terrorists, not because Islam is preaching violence.
Yes, it is true that Muslims claim that their religion (way of life) is peaceful as Ms. Kidd mentioned above, but do all Muslims carry out the dictates of Islam? No, and that is why I believe Ms. Kidd is very shallow in her thinking. She fell in the trap I mentioned above; Judging religions by their judgment of its followers. Islam is a peaceful religion and doesn't preach violence. If some Muslims do so, then one should limit his/her criticism to those Muslims, without even giving himself the right to say that "all Muslims are the same"
Ms. Kidd has the right to be worried about that kind of Muslims who maybe around in the USA, concuting plans to hurt American people. But this Muslim segment does in no way represent Islam. I wonder why is Ms. Kidd is so critical of Muslims and Islam while the Zionists are in fact destroying her country! Does she know that, or she opts not to talk about it to avoind troubles? I don't know. She might have written unbiased article about Zionism. But as far as this article about Muslims and Islam, is concerned she is way off line.
Ask the people in the little town of Lodi, California, 45 miles south of Sacramento: June 17, 2005, the New California Media reported, "Pakistani community in the farming city of Lodi, Calif., was stunned when FBI last week arrested two Pakistani Americans and three Pakistani nationals for allegedly operating an Al Qaeda cell in the city. One of the men arrested, 22-year Hamid Hayat, is accused in a FBI criminal complaint of training in an Al Qaeda camp in Pakistan to learn 'how to kill Americans' and then lying to FBI agents about it. His father, 47-year Umer Hayat, is charged in the complaint with lying about his son's involvement and his own financing of the Al Qaeda camp. Meanwhile, two Pakistani nationals, Shabbir Ahmed, imam of the Lodi Mosque, and Mohammad Adil Khan, a former Imam of the mosque, were arrested on June 6 on the charge of immigration violations. The next day Mohammad Hassan Adil, 19, son of Mohammad Khan, was also arrested on immigration violations."
According to the sworn affidavit, Hamid Hayat admitted to agents he attended known terrorist camps for six months in 2003 and 2004, where he was trained in how to kill Americans, return to the United States and hide behind his "peaceful" religion. Living only an hour away from Lodi back then, I am very familiar with that round up of Muslims who were in violation of federal immigration laws and had proven involvement with terrorist camps and organizations. This is not an isolated situation. Hayat was convicted on terrorism charges; see here. Just your friendly, peaceful Muslim next door, right?
I don't know about the above, but I've my doubts about many such arrests' legality. But giving her the benefit of doubt, I reiterate that those people do not represent Islam and the majority of Muslims. You just cannot judge the greater sum by your judgment of the lesser sum. Here is a simple lesson in LOGIC:
Premise: Students in class 6 are smart
Alex is a student in class 6
Conclusion: Alex is smart
Wrong conclusion for the simple reason that we have to use "quantifiers" and/ or "Qualifiers" - "students" could be "some" students or "all" students in class 6. So a qualifier should be used to make the distinction.
"all" students. Therefor:
This is a correct logical deduction because the premise is correctly formed. Therefore not ALL Muslims are terrorists.
No matter how you put it and reason about it, it is still Christians killing innocent civilians in those countries, and ten of millions of innocent civilians have beel killed durting the two great wars. Therefore, my advice to any journalist is "be a good shepherd and count your sheep before taking them home, as the big bad wolf might have sneaked in and snatched a little lam away"
Ms. Kid, have you heard about water-boarding? Have you heard of American Jews who hold dual citizenship despite it is constitutionally illegal, and nobody is doing anything about it? So please, don't talk about federal immigration laws when your house is made of glass.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but many of us legitimately wondered why after 911, talk show pundits had to keep begging Muslim spokesmen in leadership positions with the Muslim faithful to denounce violence committed by Muslims? To me, it was a very vivid picture of how to hide your true feelings while spinning pat responses.
Enough credible research clearly shows that Muslims, despite their denials, hate Americans because in their eyes, we are "non believers" of their Allah. We are infidels. If you think that's an unfair statement, just consider the massive violence and destruction by Muslims over silly cartoons or anyone who disagrees with their Muhammad or "way of life" outlined in the Quran. In my research I found a web site dedicated to stopping the abuse of women and children in the name of the Prophet Mohammad. Dr. Homa Darabi was born to her mother, a child bride at age 13. Dr. Darabi brings to light abuses under Islam against women and the practice of pedophilia.
Yes, a great number of Muslims hate America, not Americans, and I'm one of them. Do not mix your oranges with you lemons. The reason they hate America is because of its lousy foreign policy which is hurting them deeply. Have you heard of the continuous American blind support to Israel despite what Israel did to the Gazan people, and is doing to Palestinians throughout the Satanic state of Israel? And WOW, so your information is based on some web sites on the internet. Ms. Kidd if you are preparing a theases for your Phd, references to web sites are not credible. I myself can say what the hell I want on this blog of mine. Do you know that there are thousands of Zionist web sites promoting lies on the Internet?
As regards "Dr. Darabi brings to light abuses under Islam against women and the practice of pedophila.", rest assured I'm going to comment on it, and you will be surprised when I show you how shallow you're.
Premise: ALL students in class 6 are smart
Alex is a student in class 6
Conclusion: Alex is smart
This is a correct logical deduction because the premise is correctly formed. Therefore not ALL Muslims are terrorists.
If Ms. Kidd is not kidding, then what about Christian people: 1. world war I, 2. world war II (Christian killing Christians), 3. war in Iraq (Christians killing Muslims and Christian for no reason), and 4. war in Afghanistan (Christians killing Muslims for no reason).
No matter how you put it and reason about it, it is still Christians killing innocent civilians in those countries, and ten of millions of innocent civilians have beel killed durting the two great wars. Therefore, my advice to any journalist is "be a good shepherd and count your sheep before taking them home, as the big bad wolf might have sneaked in and snatched a little lam away"
Ms. Kid is not a good shepherd as
her biase, anger and fear are blinding her;
three qualities which are very dangerous
because they mislead the reader.
Ms. Kid, have you heard about water-boarding? Have you heard of American Jews who hold dual citizenship despite it is constitutionally illegal, and nobody is doing anything about it? So please, don't talk about federal immigration laws when your house is made of glass.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but many of us legitimately wondered why after 911, talk show pundits had to keep begging Muslim spokesmen in leadership positions with the Muslim faithful to denounce violence committed by Muslims? To me, it was a very vivid picture of how to hide your true feelings while spinning pat responses.
"Of course not all Muslims are terrorists".
WOW, this is a good tip...thank you!...now after being smeared, I've enough change in my hand to go to McDoald and place an order for a big Mac.
Enough credible research clearly shows that Muslims, despite their denials, hate Americans because in their eyes, we are "non believers" of their Allah. We are infidels. If you think that's an unfair statement, just consider the massive violence and destruction by Muslims over silly cartoons or anyone who disagrees with their Muhammad or "way of life" outlined in the Quran. In my research I found a web site dedicated to stopping the abuse of women and children in the name of the Prophet Mohammad. Dr. Homa Darabi was born to her mother, a child bride at age 13. Dr. Darabi brings to light abuses under Islam against women and the practice of pedophilia.
Yes, a great number of Muslims hate America, not Americans, and I'm one of them. Do not mix your oranges with you lemons. The reason they hate America is because of its lousy foreign policy which is hurting them deeply. Have you heard of the continuous American blind support to Israel despite what Israel did to the Gazan people, and is doing to Palestinians throughout the Satanic state of Israel? And WOW, so your information is based on some web sites on the internet. Ms. Kidd if you are preparing a theases for your Phd, references to web sites are not credible. I myself can say what the hell I want on this blog of mine. Do you know that there are thousands of Zionist web sites promoting lies on the Internet?
As regards "Dr. Darabi brings to light abuses under Islam against women and the practice of pedophila.", rest assured I'm going to comment on it, and you will be surprised when I show you how shallow you're.
They use their shofar to propagate their filth

Continue: Part 2/3
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