At the age of forty-five, Eustace Mullins has completed thirty years of continuous activity as a writer, an artist and a businessman. With five books currently in print on fine arts, religious and economic subjects, he also carries on a fulltime business career, and is known as an artist’s artist, a serious painter who has restored distance to the art of landscape, and whose paintings have won many prizes. He has also won prizes for his exhibits of photographs, both portraits and still lifes. In business, he has been active as an economist, and in public relations.
Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, the Escuela des Bellas Artes, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.
He served as legislative researcher during the late Senator Joseph McCarthy’s battle against Communism, and has been a member of the staff of the Library of Congress. He has been a consultant on highway taxation for the American Petroleum Institute, an editor of Institutions Magazine, and an editorial director of the Chicago Motor Club. For fifteen years, he devoted his services as editor and writer to the better-known conservative publications in the United States. For a number of years, he was active in attempts to free the poet Ezra Pound from an illegal confinement in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, in Washington, D.C.
He was the first writer to have a book burned in Germany after World War II, when a German edition of ten thousand copies of Mullins on the Federal Reserve was burned by Dr. Otto John, West Germanys Intelligence Director, a few days before he defected to Communist East Germany.
For twenty-five years, I have studied the problems of human failure, of falling short of the promise, and of the decay and collapse of great empires. This phenomenon has existed throughout the five thousand years that man has been recording the history of his efforts. During the first twenty years that I devoted to this study, I amassed huge files of information about the various civilizations. I compared these facts in order to find common denominators which might lead to a solution. I also took into consideration such factors as mans environment, his nature, and the persistence of certain patterns in his behaviour.
This led me to an involved study of the animal kingdom, and a compilation of those factors which it bore in common with the plant kingdom. About five years ago, I discovered the common denominator of mans civilizations. I had come to it directly through my studies in biology, for this common denominator is found throughout the plant and the animal kingdoms. Because it was a natural phenomenon, and such a ubiquitous one, an ordinary and accepted part of all levels of plant and animal life, no scholar had previously thought to examine this factor as a prime cause of the degeneration and fall of empires.
This factor was parasitism. In the great advances which medicine had made during the past century, one of its most impressive achievements had been the rapidly developing field of parasitology. It had been found that many of mans most serious ailments were caused by parasites. From these studies, it was only a matter of time before scholars would be able to deduce that a similar condition might occur among mans civilizations, and that it might also cause sickness and death. It was to be expected that in their autopsies of buried empires, scholars should conclude that this condition, parasitism, was a definitive factor in the fatal diseases which befell human civilizations.
But no scholar advanced this conclusion. In the entire Library of Congress, no work can be found which deals with the social effects of parasitism on civilization. There are hundreds of works about the medical aspects of parasitism, but none about its equally serious socio-economic effects. Why is this? Why have not the thousands of scholars in this field, casting desperately for the slightest limb on which to build the flimsy thought which will serve as their doctorial thesis, been unable to see what is in front of them, the destructive effects of parasitic groups on civilization?
Let us offer the simplest explanation, since that is the usually correct one. The parasitic group in the civilization has fixed its domination over the academic and scholarly world. It would not tolerate any academic study which threatened its continued domination. Is this a far-fetched conclusion? Then let us search for a better one, and after we have been unable to find one, let us examine several accepted factors. First, we know that parasitism exists in mankind. Second, the parasitic group is a compact, well-directed (and inner-directed) species. Third, the parasitic group, in order to maintain its parasitic position, must exercise some sort of control over its host, because no host willingly tolerates the presence of the parasite. One obvious form of control would be a control over what the host thinks about, reads, and sees as entertainment, education and news.
The studies of parasitism have progressed at a fantastic rate during the twentieth century, and I can take no special credit for having formulated the social theory of the parasitic group in human civilization, because this theory has been staring us in the face for at least two generations past. Nevertheless, so obscured has been this phenomenon that it took me five years to develop this theory, and I am aware that even now, I am only opening the door for a host of scholars who can employ this theory to shed much greater light upon human problems than I have been able to do in this comparatively brief time.
Insofar as it has been possible, I have attempted to make this work as non-technical as possible, as much as the nature of the theory allowed, so that scholars in many other fields could employ it in their own work. The ramifications of this theory indicate that it can be immediately useful, and profitable, in the areas of sociology, government, and history, both for the professional scholar and for the layman.
Eustace Mullins,
9-25-67 Washington, D.C.
___________________________________________________________Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, the Escuela des Bellas Artes, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.
He served as legislative researcher during the late Senator Joseph McCarthy’s battle against Communism, and has been a member of the staff of the Library of Congress. He has been a consultant on highway taxation for the American Petroleum Institute, an editor of Institutions Magazine, and an editorial director of the Chicago Motor Club. For fifteen years, he devoted his services as editor and writer to the better-known conservative publications in the United States. For a number of years, he was active in attempts to free the poet Ezra Pound from an illegal confinement in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, in Washington, D.C.
He was the first writer to have a book burned in Germany after World War II, when a German edition of ten thousand copies of Mullins on the Federal Reserve was burned by Dr. Otto John, West Germanys Intelligence Director, a few days before he defected to Communist East Germany.
For twenty-five years, I have studied the problems of human failure, of falling short of the promise, and of the decay and collapse of great empires. This phenomenon has existed throughout the five thousand years that man has been recording the history of his efforts. During the first twenty years that I devoted to this study, I amassed huge files of information about the various civilizations. I compared these facts in order to find common denominators which might lead to a solution. I also took into consideration such factors as mans environment, his nature, and the persistence of certain patterns in his behaviour.
This led me to an involved study of the animal kingdom, and a compilation of those factors which it bore in common with the plant kingdom. About five years ago, I discovered the common denominator of mans civilizations. I had come to it directly through my studies in biology, for this common denominator is found throughout the plant and the animal kingdoms. Because it was a natural phenomenon, and such a ubiquitous one, an ordinary and accepted part of all levels of plant and animal life, no scholar had previously thought to examine this factor as a prime cause of the degeneration and fall of empires.
This factor was parasitism. In the great advances which medicine had made during the past century, one of its most impressive achievements had been the rapidly developing field of parasitology. It had been found that many of mans most serious ailments were caused by parasites. From these studies, it was only a matter of time before scholars would be able to deduce that a similar condition might occur among mans civilizations, and that it might also cause sickness and death. It was to be expected that in their autopsies of buried empires, scholars should conclude that this condition, parasitism, was a definitive factor in the fatal diseases which befell human civilizations.
But no scholar advanced this conclusion. In the entire Library of Congress, no work can be found which deals with the social effects of parasitism on civilization. There are hundreds of works about the medical aspects of parasitism, but none about its equally serious socio-economic effects. Why is this? Why have not the thousands of scholars in this field, casting desperately for the slightest limb on which to build the flimsy thought which will serve as their doctorial thesis, been unable to see what is in front of them, the destructive effects of parasitic groups on civilization?
Let us offer the simplest explanation, since that is the usually correct one. The parasitic group in the civilization has fixed its domination over the academic and scholarly world. It would not tolerate any academic study which threatened its continued domination. Is this a far-fetched conclusion? Then let us search for a better one, and after we have been unable to find one, let us examine several accepted factors. First, we know that parasitism exists in mankind. Second, the parasitic group is a compact, well-directed (and inner-directed) species. Third, the parasitic group, in order to maintain its parasitic position, must exercise some sort of control over its host, because no host willingly tolerates the presence of the parasite. One obvious form of control would be a control over what the host thinks about, reads, and sees as entertainment, education and news.
The studies of parasitism have progressed at a fantastic rate during the twentieth century, and I can take no special credit for having formulated the social theory of the parasitic group in human civilization, because this theory has been staring us in the face for at least two generations past. Nevertheless, so obscured has been this phenomenon that it took me five years to develop this theory, and I am aware that even now, I am only opening the door for a host of scholars who can employ this theory to shed much greater light upon human problems than I have been able to do in this comparatively brief time.
Insofar as it has been possible, I have attempted to make this work as non-technical as possible, as much as the nature of the theory allowed, so that scholars in many other fields could employ it in their own work. The ramifications of this theory indicate that it can be immediately useful, and profitable, in the areas of sociology, government, and history, both for the professional scholar and for the layman.
Eustace Mullins,
9-25-67 Washington, D.C.
Most of us think of a parasite as something distasteful, whose role in life is to feed at the expense of someone else. As a result, the term, when applied to humans, is always one of disgust. In the animal and plant kingdoms, also, the parasite is universally disliked. The Oxford English Dictionary (1933) defines the term.
“Parasite–1. One who eats at the table, or at the expense of, another; always an opprobrious application.
2. Biol. An animal or plant which lives in or upon another organism (technically called its host) and draws its nutriment directly from it.
3. (fig.) a person whose part or action resembles that of an animal parasite.”
This we find that a parasite is one who is disliked, who feeds at the expense of another, and who lives in or upon another organism which is called the host. We also find that the term can be applied to a person whose life follows the classic life pattern of the parasite.
Now, in the study of mankind, we find that there is one group or classification of persons who appear persistently in the records of the great civilizations. They are always disliked, yet they remain in the midst of the people who dislike them, and if they are driven out, they insist upon returning, no matter at what cost to themselves. We also find that they always manage to live at the expense of others.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines parasitism as follows: “Parasitism – a one-sided nutritive relationship between two organisms of different kinds, a relationship which is more or less injurious, yet not usually fatal, to the host; a relationship, moreover, that relieves the parasite from most of the activity or struggle which is usually associated with procuring food, and thus tends to favour or induce some degree of simplification or degeneracy.”
In the record of many civilizations, we find that the presence of the parasitic group is in many instances fatal to the host people, because its effects fundamental changes in the life pattern of the host people, and diverts their primary energies to the feeding of the parasites. This alteration affects every aspect of the host peoples existence, and inevitably weakens them to the point where they are destroyed. Since the Encyclopaedia Britannica refers above to a purely biological parasitic condition in the animal and the plant kingdoms, it is true that the parasitic relationship can be injurious without being fatal, over a period of time, yet even in these instances, we find many examples of plants and animals being killed by parasites, a fact which apparently was not known to the learned scholar who authored the authoritative Encyclopaedia Britannica article on this condition.
We find, too, that the parasitic group is continually denounced by the more moral elements among the host people, because the parasitic group indulges in every known type of degeneracy. The reasons for this are obvious. As the Encyclopaedia Britannica article points out, a parasitic existence leads to degeneracy. Since the parasite does not have to trouble himself with the active procurement of food, he has plenty of time and energy to devote himself to the vilest pursuits, and to the debauching of members of the host people.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica also paragraphs an important factor in the present study, the localization of the parasite within the host. The Britannica article points out that,“Parasites are often localized to a particular site within the host.”
Since the parasite has reduced its life aims to one goal, that of remaining upon the host and feeding at its expense, it must choose a location where this is possible. The location must be one from which the host cannot readily dislodge it, and it must be one which allows the parasite to feed without exertion. As a result, the parasite usually chooses a place in or near the reproductive organs or the excretory organs of the host.
Throughout history, the parasitic group has chosen to localize itself near the reproductive or the excretory organs of the host. In most cases, this has meant settling in the great cities of the host people, although, in nations which were primarily agricultural, the parasitic group managed to disperse itself among the villages.
Webster’s Third International Dictionary defines the parasite as “2a – an organism living in or on another living organism, obtaining from it part or all of its organic nutriment, and commonly exhibiting some degree of structural modifications.
This is an important characteristic of the parasitic group in the history of mankind. It has exhibited an amazing ability to change or to modify itself in order to achieve its parasitic goal. It has developed extremely refined techniques for remaining upon the host, and sophisticated methods of continuing to feed at the hosts expense. It has adopted many guises, and it has shown a tremendous amount of adaptability for appearing in various forms, in order to remain in place.
To continue with Webster’s Third International Dictionary –
“Parasite 3. something that resembles the biological parasite in dependence upon something else for existence without making a useful or adequate return (illus. the great city is a parasite on the country – Francois Bondy).”
This is the last important key to the solution of our problem, the decay of human civilization. The parasite depends on something else for existence without making a useful or an adequate return. Throughout our study of history, we find that the parasitic group never makes any return or shows any gratitude for being allowed to feed upon the host. The parasites motto is “always take.” Should we be surprised, then to find that this motto actually appears in the written literature of a known parasitic group?
We now ask the reader – what group appears and reappears in the history of one civilization after another? What group has always been actively disliked by its host peoples? What group has played an often decisive role in the decay and collapse of one civilization after another? What group indulges in every type of degeneracy? What group always localizes to certain positions among the host peoples? And what group refuses to fulfill a constructive role in any civilization, but instead, remains true to its motto of “Always take”, while refusing to make a useful or an adequate return?
This group, as the reader may have already surmised from his own studies, is known throughout history as the Jews. Prior to the present study, human individuals or groups living at the expense of others were often called parasites, but this term was used purely in a sociological sense, without any biological point of reference. Plantation owners were said to be parasites because they lived at the expense of their slaves, aristocrats were said to be parasites because they lived at the expense of the masses, armies were said to be parasites because they lived at the expense of the workers.
But, in every case, the supposed parasites were performing certain duties and fulfilling certain responsibilities in the society. Thus we find that in the purely sociological sense, it is possible to name many groups as parasitical, such as children and those who are too old to work. They are certainly feeding at the expense of others, performing no useful work, and making no adequate return. But these groups either have done useful work in the past, or they are expected to do so in the future. Thus, they do not fall within the accepted framework of the biological definition of a parasite. Throughout this work, we will find that the biological references hold true to an amazing degree, in establishing the history and the presence of a parasitical group, and that in every instance, the records of the Jews prove that they are fulfilling the role of biological parasites.
In nature, we find that the parasite often attempts to disguise its parasitic life cycle, and to appear to be like ordinary plants and animals. Thus, a description of the biological plant, Krameria, in “The Conditions of Parasitism in Plants”, by D. T. Macdougal and W. A. Cannon (Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1910):
“The Western United States desert bush Krameria is parasitic on a number of woody hosts. Krameria does not at first glance seem to be a parasite, for it does not grow directly upon its host, but its roots each out beneath the ground and tap the roots of its host, drawing nutriment therefrom. Its favorite host is Covillea tridentata, although it is also parasitic on the acacia and a number of other plants. Its condition of parasitism was discovered after scientists were puzzled that it had no deep-going tap root. It is a grayish shrub, bearing fruit and leaves at certain seasons of the year.”
The parasite in nature often finds it convenient to disguise itself and its aims, and to convince others that it is something else, in order to carry out its parasitic mission. Also, the parasite is not a species, but a form of life, which preys upon many other different species. In this regard, the Jew as a biological species is not so much a race, as it is a type which preys upon all other races. As Geoffrey LaPage points out, in his definitive work, “Parasitic Animals” (Cambridge University Press, 1951, page 1),
“A parasitic animal is not a particular species of animal, but an animal which has adopted a certain way of living.”
In regard to Kramerias failure to develop a deep tap root, which is not necessary for its parasitic existence, we may note that the Jew never develops deep roots in any culture of a host people, but confines himself to the most superficial and the most quickly profitable aspects of its existence.
Therefore, a Jew is not so much a particular species in the civilized world, as he is a type which has adopted a certain form of parasitic life and adapted himself to exist upon a host which can provide his food.
LaPage continues, “Unlike many other biological terms, the word parasite and its adjective parasitic have been taken into the every day language of men and women, and have, in the course of common usage, acquired emotional and moral connotations with which science – and therefore biology – has nothing whatever to do. The biologists outlook is scientific, and because it is so, he does everything in his power to remove from his studies all human likes and dislikes and all human moral judgments. He neither despises nor admires, likes or dislikes, condemns or approves, the parasitic organism. He studies it, its way of living as dispassionately as he can, seeing parasites as one of the various ways of living practiced by different kinds of animals.”
We agree whole heartedly with Professor LaPage's admonition to be completely scientific and to follow the resolve not to be swayed by emotional judgments. It was precisely by this method of dispassionate study that this writer arrived at his definition of the biological Jew. Only by studying him unemotionally as a biological phenomenon can we hope to learn how to combat the maleficent influence which the parasitic body inevitably exerts upon the more advanced human civilizations.
LaPage points out that we find, in general, two kinds of animal associations, those who belong to one species, such as herds, colonies of coral, communities of bees, etc., and two, associations of different species in the same area. To this second category, parasitism belongs, for we find groups with roots in an area entertaining parasites who have no roots in that area. One of the more interesting facets of parasitism is that the parasite lives an existence which often goes beyond the customary laws of nature and of man. The parasite seems not to be bound by limiting factors of climate, geography, and other elements which play a commanding role in the lives of most groups. Thus we find that a parasite can survive in an area in which it has no roots, while its host does have roots in the area and has established its existence there over a period of time.
LaPage also remarks that parasitism is different from commensalism, a frequently-encountered biological term which means “eating at the same table”. He cites as examples of commensalisms, the ox-picker birds which perch upon the backs of rhinoceros, elephants and other large animals on the African plains. These birds not only eat ticks, lice and other parasites which infest the animals, but they also warn the animals of approaching danger.
In England, we find that starlings and sheep have a similar commensal arrangement. We also have the phenomenon of symbiosis, a biological term meaning “living together”. This is a somewhat more intimate living arrangement than commensalism, because we find in symbiosis a physiological dependence of each partner upon the other. Each one supplies some food to the other without which life would be more difficult, or even impossible, and neither lives an independent life.
Parasitism, however, is defined by LaPage as similar to commensalism and symbiosis in that the association is based upon the need for an adequate food supply. He states that parasitism is an association between one partner, called the parasite, which obtains, by a number of different methods, its food from the body of the other partner, which is called the host of the parasite. But, asks LaPage, does the other partner, the host, benefit? He answers that it never does. The host is always injured by the parasite. Thus parasitism differs from commensalism and symbiosis in two particulars; first, not both, but only one of the partners, the parasite, gains a food supply, and second, not both, but only one of the partners, benefits, while the host always suffers some injury.
LaPage conjectures that the first parasite may have been a non-parasitic organism which penetrated by some route the body of another kind of animal, and found some food there, such as blood, which was rich in nutrition and easily digestible, and that, in the course of evolution, the descendants of this first parasite liked this way of life, and maintained such an association with some other animal. Eventually, these types became wholly dependent upon parasitism as a way of obtaining food and could not survive without following it. Thus it became an “obligatory parasite”, completely dependent physiologically upon its host. As LaPage points out, the host does not tolerate passively this association with the parasite, but reacts to the injury which it is suffering. He says, “The struggle between host and parasite went on according to the laws of evolution, and this battle is constantly being waged today.”
“Parasitism is quite different from the relationship of prey and predator, in which one body gets its nourishment by killing and absorbing the body of another. Here the predator is always larger and stronger than its prey, while the parasite is always smaller and weaker than its host.”
Thus we find that here once more the parasite violates a fundamental law of nature. It is a law of nature that the stronger survives at the expense of the weaker, the survival of the fittest, as the weaker is eaten to provide nourishment for the strong. In the phenomenon of the parasite, however, we find that the weaker survives at the expense of the stronger, the least fitted to survive becomes the victor, and the stronger is vanquished.
This too is a fundamental aspect of the life cycle of the biological Jew. Throughout history, he has always been smaller and weaker than his gentile host, yet he has often managed to subdue him. The puny weakling, as celebrated by the Jewish comedian Charlie Chaplin, always manages to outwit and to defeat his larger and stronger gentile opponent. We find that this celebration is a fundamental approach in all Jewish humor, literature and art. The small David is shown defeating the larger Goliath, the cunning Mordecai is shown defeating the stronger gentile official, Haman. David, of course, is the small parasite, and Goliath is the large host, who is struck down from afar, before he has a chance to use his superior strength against the weakling challenger.
LaPage classifies as “temporary parasites” those insects such as mosquitoes and leeches, which such the blood of the host. He names them ectoparasites because they do not enter the body of the host. Other lice, which live beneath the skin of their hosts, are classified as endoparasites. There are also hyperparasites, who live off of other parasites (the rabbinical dynasties), and brood or social parasites, which are found in ant and bee families, and which live off of the community.
LaPage points out that every animal, whatever its mode of life, is gradually altered by the slow processes of evolution. He says that the parasite, far from being an exception to this rule, actually exemplifies it.
“It develops teeth with which to rasp the tissues of the host, sucking apparatuses to suck its juices, coagulants to hold onto the host body. The remarkable cunning with which some kinds of bloodsucking bats stalk their victims and steal their blood must also be reckoned among the modifications which their temporarily parasitic habits have produced. Species of Desmodus attack cattle, horses and other animals, including man and poultry, when they are asleep at night. They watch their victims carefully, and, when they are asleep, they walk or sidle up to them and scoop out a piece of flesh so delicately that the sleeping animal often is not aware of the bite until the bleeding is discovered in the morning.”
One of the specialized modifications of the Jew is his ability to such the blood of the gentile host without alarming his victim, weakening it without being discovered, through the highly sophisticated and refined instruments and techniques which the Jew has developed over a period of centuries for these specific purposes, and which have no counterpart in any other species. In view of these techniques, need we be surprised that some of the gentiles who have been most weakened by the blood-lettings of the Jew are among his most vociferous defenders, and who will fight to the death to protect their Jewish “benefactors”. They are totally unable to recognize their danger, or the insidious nature of the parasitic attack.
LaPage describes a type of parasite called the hagfish, which is classified as one of the Cyclostomes, a name whose origin refers to the circular opening inside their mounts. He says, “All of these fishes have a wormlike shape and perhaps the best known of them is the lamprey. The hagfish has two rows of teeth on its powerful tongue and one median tooth upon the roof of its mouth. Its eyes are very important and are buried beneath the skin, probably because the hagfish burrows deeply into the tissues of the fish which it attacks, so that its eyes have become useless. For the same reason, its gill openings are connected by long tubes to a single opening on the surface much farther back than the gill openings of the lamprey, so that the hagfish can breathe water while its head end is buried in the body of the fish upon which it is parasitic. Some species of hagfish can attach themselves so firmly by means of their sutorial mouths to the living fish that these fish can only rarely shake them off. They then rasp off the flesh of the fish and suck their blood. Some species of them consume the fish muscle until little is left of the living fish except its bones and viscera, and the fish dies.”
Thus LaPage offers a complete contradiction of the definitive and scholarly article of the Encyclopaedia Britannica on Parasitism which contends that the parasite is never fatal to the host. The activities of the hagfish, in sucking the blood of the still living fish until it does, closely corresponds to the ancient Jewish religious rate of ritual murder, in which the healthy gentile victim is strapped down onto a table, ritual cuts are made into his flesh, and the flowing blood is drunk by the celebrating Jews is in one of the most important symbolic acts of their parasitic existence. The ceremony of blood-drinking continues until the gentile victim expires, in a social re-enactment of the physical activities of such parasites as the hagfish. Here we see the close correlation between the activities of parasites in the plant and animal kingdoms and those which have developed through the centuries of human civilization.
LaPage states that many leeches combine organs of attachment with organs of suction, but others have only organs of attachment, such as the hooklets developed by many kinds of parasitic animals which are attached either to the exterior or to the internal organs of the host. In the same way, when the host people of a Jewish community of parasites attempts to dislodge it, they find that the parasite has extended specialized tentacles of attachment deep into every facet of the host peoples life. So deeply rooted are these tentacles that the dislodgement is not only difficult, it is such a demanding and painful operation that the dislodgement itself may be fatal to the host.
The host finds that its mortgages are held by Jewish bankers, its children are being taught by Jewish teachers, its government is being administered by Jewish “advisors” or “consultants”, who, even if they hold no elective or appointive office, still make the important decisions. They turn for solace to their religion, and they find that Jewish converts, aided by appropriate gifts of money, have entered into the offices of their denominations, and have risen rapidly until the religious beliefs are altered to embrace all of the tenets of the parasitic community of Jews. What, then, does the gentile host have left? The seemingly inevitable doom of being slowly bled to death, after which the parasites will leave the body of their victim and seek another host.
LaPage points out that in many instances, the adult phases of the parasite do not move much about the hosts body, because they are surrounded by food and can obtain it without the help of locomotive organs. Thus, we find that the Jews are not much interested in the transportation industry, preferring the more sedentary occupations. The parasitic community actually can and does become completely immobile in the host for long periods of time, because it is characterized by the ability of dormancy, of lying without moving through the years, while losing none of its potency. We find that ticks bearing infectious diseases can remain in the ground for as long as one hundred years, and when they emerge, they are still infectious.
Jewish communities have established themselves in gentile nations and remained for hundreds of years without exhibiting any signs of being dangerous to their hosts, but, if the gentile host attempts to dislodge them, they immediately rise to the challenge and bring into play their specialized modifications for remaining upon the host. LaPage points out that parasites are naturally inclined to lead a sedentary life, “and undergo the modifications to which this mode of life leads.”
As a result of their parasitic mode of life, the Jewish communities have developed sedentary habits, which in turn have led to certain diseases, directly attributable to this sedentary life, and which have been known for their high incidence among the Jews. Thus diabetes is referred to in many medical dictionaries as “the Jewish disease”.
Diabetes occurs principally because the sedentary and parasitic life prevents Jews from burning up the excess blood sugars which they ingest in their diet, and which are intended for use in direct forms of energy. This causes a surfeit of sugar in the system, which becomes the disease of diabetes. Also, generations of sedentary persons cause malfunctions or the gradual weakening of the pancreas and other organs which are responsible for controlling the level of blood sugar. Thus, diabetes becomes a hereditary disease among generations of sedentary people.
The Jewish community has developed a number of degenerative types of disease, such as blood disorders, cancers of various kinds, and other forms of physical degeneration, which are directly attributable to their mode of parasitic existence, and to the physical degeneracy which it produces. As they cohabit with the gentile community, and as their sedentary mode of life becomes more widely practiced, these degenerative diseases begin to appear throughout the host community.
In one of the most important physical correlations between the Jewish community and the known types of parasitic organism in the plant and animal kingdoms, LaPage says:
“Among other organs which are often reduced or lost when parasitic life is adopted is the nervous system. It may be reduced as a whole or the reduction may affect chiefly the eyes and other organs. Organs of special sense are best developed in active animals which feed upon other animals and need to defend themselves against their enemies. They are not required by parasitic animals which live a relatively sheltered existence on or inside the bodies of their hosts amid a relative abundance of food.”
The effect of a parasitic mode of existence upon the nervous system, which can be observed in many types of parasites, are especially noteworthy in the Jew. The degeneration of the
nervous system into a state of severe mental illness in an average of thirty percent of all Jews has long been supposed by sociologists to be due to the physical interbreeding in the Jewish community, but the high incidence of mental illness in Jews whose families have intermarried with gentiles is the same rate as those who have remained within the Jewish community. This points to a strictly biological origin of this degeneracy of the nervous system, and bears out Professor LaPage’s contention that the leading of a parasitic mode of existence inevitably leads to a reduction or a degeneracy of the nervous system.
One of the most striking observations which LaPage has made in this study of animal parasites is his discovery that,
“Because this mode of life tends to cause a loss of (skeletal) structure resistant enough to be preserved as fossils, we have little geological evidence of the past history of parasitic animals. At least six species of fossil roundworms, however, have been described, two of these, Hydonius antiquus and H. matutinus in the Eocine lignite, and the other four in Baltic amber.”
The effortless existence led by the parasite not only affects its nervous system, which like any other physical attribute, tends to atrophy when not used or required by the animal, but it also leads, over a period of time, to extensive skeletal changes in the structure of the animal, tending towards a soft, amorphous bone structure which soon disintegrates after the death of the parasite. Here is another remarkable correlation between the life cycles of parasitic animals and the life cycle of the Jew. Because of their parasitic mode of existence, the Jews have left no artifacts which could be discovered among the ruins of ancient civilizations, even though they are known to have been present for long periods of time during these civilizations. Despite the historical records of their presence, we can find no concrete artifacts signifying their existence.
Because we have heard, and still hear, so much about the great Jewish cultures of the past, archeologists have made extensive efforts to discover some examples of Jewish art and sculpture and architecture in ancient cultures, the solid evidences which survive the ravages of time and natural catastrophes. Yet they found nothing. The sole results of these searches are a few pieces of crude waterpots, fashioned from mud, which a Stone Age man could have produced with his bare hands, since he did not know the use of the pottery wheel which made its appearance among early civilizations. These scanty evidences of the great Jewish past is but one more witness to the biological parasitical existence which the Jew has always led as a soft, amorphous and rootless creature feeding at the expense of others, and leaving no concrete artifacts to memorialize his presence.
LaPage says, “Human writings about some species of parasitic animals take us back to the earliest records of man. The Egyptian Papyrus from 1600 B.C. refers to tapeworms, blood flukes and hookworms of man.”
Thus the biological parasite has been a problem of man since the dawn of recorded history. Although humans have been aware of the physical discomfort and danger which animal parasites have always presented to him, they have consistently failed to recognize the specific danger of the Jewish parasite until it was too late.
LaPage says,” The parasitic animal has to contend with difficulties and risks to which non-parasites are not exposed. It may have gained shelter and abundance of food, but it has obtained these at the cost of partial or complete dependence upon its hosts. The parasitic animal must find it and get into it or on its surface and it must maintain itself in these situations.”
Thus the Jew encounters several dangers which do not ordinarily imperil other types of communities. Foremost among these is the danger of genocide, of actions against its community as a group, when the host discovers that its presence is endangering its health. The Jew is the only human group which has repeatedly undergone mass actions, or pogroms, against it.
Because of its parasitic mode of existence, the Jewish community made no effort to develop a nation or an independent state during thousands of years of recorded history. This meant that the Jew had no standing army for his defense against enemies. When a Jewish state, Israel, was finally established, the nations budget identified it as an extension of the parasitic community, for seventy percent of its national budget consisted of contributions from abroad, and thirty percent from the sale of bonds which, of course, were worthless and which would never be paid off.
Because of its total dependence upon the gentile host, the Jewish parasite develops a deep hatred and a contempt for the animals which provide it with food and shelter. This hatred is a protective frame which acts as a shield for the Jewish community, and prevents it from accepting the life and goals of the host people for its own. Herbert Spencer may have been focusing upon the Jewish parasitic phenomenon when he wrote, “If a group places a premium on the quality of enmity, in contrast with that of amity, a criminal type evolves.”
Since the Jew is the only group which places a premium on the quality of enmity, Spencer must have been making an oblique reference to the Jewish parasite. From the standpoint of the host people, everything that the Jew does is a manifestation of a criminal act, but from the parasites standpoint, he is only following the procedures of his life cycle which have evolved and been established over a period of thousands of years. The conflict comes from two separate and irreconcilable codes of ethics, that of the host, which places a premium upon decency, honor and self-reliance, and that of the parasite, which operates from an established modus vivendi of parasitism.
The Jew lives in constant fear of rejection, of being thrown off of the host, which would mean his starvation and death. As a result, the Jew sees everything in the light of how he “relates” to the host, or how he maintains his parasitic situation.
The adaptive modifications of the parasite are attempts to anticipate possible changes in the host. LaPage says, “Other parasites correlate their life histories with that of the host; the monogenetic fluke, Polystoma integerrimum, which lives in the bladder of the common frog, ignores all tadpoles which have reached a stage of development in which they can survive in them, but when it meets with one which has, its aimless behaviour ceases; its seems to pause and await its opportunity to dart through the spoutlike opening into the bag around the internal gills. How it knows the tadpole has reached this stage of internal development we do not know, but perhaps it is helped by its eye spots and its nervous system or by chemical substances secreted by the tadpole into the water which stimulate the miracidium larva.”
The extrasensory ability of the parasite to spot a suitably developed host has always been characteristic of the Jews. From earliest history, he has made unerringly for the most advanced and the most promising civilizations, ignoring the more backwards or undeveloped peoples. Thus, we do not find the Jew sharing the Spartan existence of the pygmies in the Uturi rain forest; he is living in a comfortable apartment in New York, dining on caviar and champagne.
LaPage observes that the timing of the release of the parasitic animals reproductive phases so that they may infect the host is also shown by some species of protozoa which live in the rectum of the frog. Here again we note the affinity of the parasite for the excretory organs, the previously mentioned Polystoma integerrimum, which resides in the bladder of the frog, and the protozoa which prefer the rectum of the frog as the most suitable environment for its life.
LaPage states that the dormancy of parasites is a continuously observed phenomenon, retaining their potency during many years of inactivity and isolation. Thus, a community of Jews may live torpidly in its ghetto for centuries, seemingly self-absorbed in its own parochial existence, and having little effect upon its gentile host, until some combination of factors will cause it to become furiously active. In a short time, it permeates every aspect of the host peoples existence, and brings it to the point of destruction. The community of Jews in the Frankfort ghetto of Germany is a good illustration of this type of parasitic dormancy. It remained dormant for three hundred years, and within the span of a single generation, produced a group of bankers and traders who soon won control of the destinies of Western civilization.
LaPage points out that parasites cause defense reactions in the host against a parasitic invader, such as efforts to localize and neutralize the injurious effects of the parasite, attempts to repair the damage done, and efforts to kill or to remove the parasite. He describes these as “tissue reactions”, and these are primarily local reactions, but more advanced reactions, such as a resistance immunity, may be developed by the host as the reaction of the entire organism. He says that tissue reactions are inflammations caused by bacteria, “viruses and inanimate agencies, and may be acute or chronic. They are the results of injury or irritation caused by organs or teeth of the parasitic animal, by its migration through these tissues, or by chemical substances which it secrets or excretes into the body of the host.”
LaPage goes on at some length to describe the various types of damage which the parasite inflicts upon the host. He says that in addition to these various tissue damages, parasites introduce other types of parasites into the host, as well as dangerous viruses. The parasites may produce substances which are injurious to the host, toxins or other kinds of poisons. In effect, then, the parasite begins to exercise a dangerous influence over the life cycle of the host, one which goes far beyond the simple goal of remaining attached to the host and obtaining food from it. Whether the parasite consciously intends it or not, it gradually becomes the most important single influence in the life of the host. The story of the newspaper business in the United States is a typical example. A century ago, newspapers were small and insignificant in this country, while the profession of journalism ranked only slightly above the professions of ratcatcher and garbage hauler. As the Jews began to assume a more prominent role in the life of the gentile host, they found that newspapers were an essential vehicle for their goals. They began to flood everyone with newspapers, and the newspapers became virus carriers of various forms of mental poisons and toxins which either stupefied, confused or paralyzed the gentile host, putting it into a state of suspended animation as long as these venoms could be maintained.
As LaPage points out, the parasite introduces other types of parasites into the host. We find that when the Jews obtained control of the United Sates Immigration Service in the 1890s, through such Jewish Commissioners as Straus and Cohen, the gates were opened for a flood of Jewish immigrants from the ghettoes of Europe, most of whom had been excluded previously on grounds of illiteracy, criminal backgrounds, and various forms of physical contagions or mental illnesses.
LaPage also says, “Parasites may cause biological changes such as species which cause changes in the hosts reproductive glands, parasitic castration, such as the parasitic crustacean Sacculina, which destroys the reproductive organs of the host, the short-tailed spider cram, Inacus mauritanicus, which is attacked by Sacculina neglecta. The effects of sacculina cause seventy percent of male crabs to acquire some of the secondary sexual characteristics of the female. The abdomen of these males becomes broad, they may acquire, in addition to their male copulating styles, appendages modified to bear eggs, and their nippers become smaller at the same time.”
It is inevitable that the enormous effect which the parasite has upon the host would result in some biological alterations such as the effect of Sacculina upon Inacus mauritanicus. We have seen in America during the past quarter of a century, coincident with the great power attained by the Jews in every walk of life, startling modifications in the appearances and habits of American males, as well as a vast increase in the public practice of male homosexuality. American males have taken on some of the secondary sexual characteristics of the female, and they have shown amazing declines in such primary male characteristics as energy, aggressiveness, and physical strength.
The traditional roles of the sexes have also undergone sweeping changes, due principally to Jewish agitation for “sexual equity”. This campaign has not resulted in sexual equality, since this equality could only be attained by eradicating all physical differences between males and females. However, it has resulted in a decline of masculine traits in the American male, as well as psychological confusion as to his role. This development can be equated with the pernicious influence which the parasite exercises upon the host, as LaPage describes the encounter of Sacculina with Inacus mauritanicus. Here again, we note the remarkable activity and influence of the parasite in relation to the reproductive and the excretory organs of the host.
LaPage notes throughout his definitive studies of the parasite-host relationship that the hosts defense against the parasite is always of an activist or a reactionary nature, such as cattle switching their tails, fish taking evasive action in sudden, unpredictable twists and turns, and other wild actions which they help will dislodge the parasite. During the five thousand years that history has recorded the presence of the biological parasite in civilized communities, we cannot find a single shred of evidence that the host people has ever treated the parasite phenomenon in any but an activist manner, an unthinking, involuntary action to dislodge the parasite.
The host instinctively reacts against the presence of the parasite, because it knows it will suffer in an injury form this strange creature, with its differing life cycle and goals. This is why the Jews always call those who oppose them “reactionaries”, that is, those who react against the presence of the parasite. Consequently, one of the major tasks of the parasite is to seek out all potential “reactionaries” among the host people and eliminate them.
Because of this blind, unthinking reaction, which seldom is effective in ridding the host of the parasite, LaPage says,
“The basic essential of any campaign against a parasitic animal is a thorough knowledge of every phase of its life history and also of its relationships with all the hosts with which it can live. We need to know all the hosts because some of them may be reservoir hosts maintaining sources of the parasites which can then infect man. With this knowledge, we can select for attack the weakest points in the life history and biology of the parasitic animal.”
Research and education, then, are the tools which are needed to counterattack against the evil influence of the parasite. Above all, we must avoid blind, instinctive reaction, since the parasite has long since learned how to anticipate and control such reaction, and even to use it for its own advantage.
LaPage points out that “Host and parasitic animal must always be considered together, because the parasitic animal is, like all other living things, intimately related throughout its existence to its environment. The fact that environment is, for a part or whole of its life, the surface or interior of another animal, does not absolve the parasitologist from the biologists practice of considering animal and environment together as a whole. A second objective is the demonstration that some species of parasitic animals are among the most powerful enemies of man and his civilization.”
The parasites concern with his environment sheds light upon one of the most important intellectual developments of modern man, the Enlightenment, that revolutionary force which has spearheaded the growing control of the parasite over the host. The pre-Enlightenment centuries of human thought considered mans environment as a secondary consideration, because of faith in powers of the individual, and the belief that he individual could triumph over his environment. After the sudden importance given to such French intellectuals as Jean Jacques Rousseau, man was no longer considered as important as his environment. All at once, our leading thinkers decided that environment was the most important think in life. And indeed it is, to the parasite, whose environment is the host which feeds him.
But to the host, who is making his own way in life, environment is not the primary factor in his development. But to the parasite, environment is everything. All Socialist thinkers, and the various schools of sociological thought which have crept out of this development, place primary importance upon mans environment, rather than upon his powers to use that environment and to create a life for himself, as he achieves his life’s goals.
When we understand the theory of the parasite, we are able to understand, FOR THE FIRST TIME, the entire modern Socialist school of thought, because we can recognize it for what it is, the environmental psychology which the parasite has developed around his own life cycle. As such, it negates all of the hosts thought, goals and culture.
LaPage urges us to remember that the parasite is among the most powerful enemies of man and his civilization. Here again, he seems on the verge of going into the Jewish problem, but he shies away from applying his theories to the problems of humans sociology. Certainly he could not have been referring to parasitic viruses, or to the blood-sucking mosquitoes, for even if they hindered the building of the Panama Canal, they cannot be said to have caused the collapse of any human civilization. What could he mean but the biological parasite which has infested mans civilization since the beginning of recorded history, and which has brought about the downfall of one empire after another? Perhaps that is why he urges us to select for attack “the weakest points, in the life history and the biology of the parasitic animal.”
During the twentieth century, man has begun to concern himself with the problem of the collapse of world cultures, great empires which rise to their zenith, and then mysteriously decline. We know why they rise. They grow because a people finds itself with a mission, or because it develops techniques for mastering its surroundings. A people takes advantage of favorable conditions, because they have the will to carry out their mission. During the period when the people are able to channel their energies constructively, a nation grows amazingly in size and power, in a geometric ratio. Then, suddenly, it begins to sicken and die. One example was Elizabethan England, which had expelled the Jews. When Oliver Cromwell brought back the Jews, the English people lost their sense of direction, and although their momentum was still sufficient to carry them on an upward course through the Victorian period, today we find that their aristocracy has been dispossessed, and their assets, although greatly reduced, are administered by aliens.
Two scholars have formulated theories, developed through many years of study, to explain this process of the downfall of nations. The first, Oswald Spengler1, was a German scholar of unique power and energy. He compiled interlocking records of every known civilization, and carried on intricate comparative studies which today could only be done by an electronic computer, so complex was his mastery of conjunctive or interweaving factors.
Spengler concluded that a civilization is a body like any other, which is subject to the laws which govern natural bodies. He saw that a civilization had its birth stage, a young and vig-orous stage, and an old age which left it weak and prey to its enemies. In proposing this biological pattern for civilizations, Spengler was on the right track. Nor was he insensitive to the fact that civilizations develop internal problems which function, like a fatal disease. Only on one point slid he seem to be blind, the concept of the parasite. This is not too strange, for Spengler was greatly concerned with the finer aspects of human culture, the greatest achievements of man, his art, his music, his poetry, his architecture. Of course a scholar of this elevated turn of mind did not wish to concern himself with degenerative things which creep and entwine themselves about the reproductive and the excretory organs of man, those parasitic organisms which cause discomfort, disease and death.
A second explorer of this ground was Arnold Toynbee, a donnish Englishman. He was equally reluctant to face the omnipresent and distasteful fact of the biological Jew. He embarked upon a vast study of civilization, which covered essentially the same ground as Spengler, and added little to Spengler’s findings. His sole original contribution was a theory which immediately became popular with the intellectual lightweights of the time, since it conformed to their own prejudices. It was cast in the accepted pseudo-sociological jargon which university nitwits employ to bemuse their students and each other.
1 The Decline of the West, by Oswald Spengler, English edition, Knopf, NY 1926.
Civilizations fall, declared Toynbee, because of a “failure of nerve”, at some point in its development, a civilization, which lives by a system of “challenge and response” fails to respond to some challenge, and goes down before it.
Now, this could refer to the biological Jew, since the parasite is a challenge to the continued threat of the host. However, it is a challenge which no gentile host has ever been prepared to meet. It is a germ which is best defeated by inoculation, or by personal cleanliness and careful attention to matters of health.
Spengler’s history of the decline and fall of civilizations could not be upheld because it did not take into consideration the obvious fact that few, if any, civilizations, had died of old age. Nearly all of them had been murdered, in one way or another, but Spengler was too preoccupied with the fine arts to become interested in the problems of crime and disease.
Toynbee, on the other hand, could not be the detective in this case because he had lived most of his life on a subsidy from the criminal classes. His years of study had been financed by generous grants from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, one of a network of organizations which had been set up by international Jewish bankers as useful pawns in their operations. The sister organization of the RIIA in the United States is the Council on Foreign Relations, which I was the first to uncover as the principal power holding company of the parasitic Establishment in this country. In the first edition of Mullins on the Federal Reserve, in 1952, a biographical note on the back cover announced that I was completing a sequel to the Federal Reserve book which would be an expose of the Council on Foreign Relations. This was the first time that any American nationalist had ever publicly called attention to this organization. A few months later, a New York Jew via Hungary, Dr. Emanuel Josephson, rushed into print with a book on the Council on Foreign Relations, which attempted to show that it was an instrument of gentiles such as the Rockefellers, and not a front for the parasitic Jewish community. I visited him and we talked for seven hours. It was quite obvious that he knew everything that I knew about the Council on Foreign Relations, whose offices were only a few doors from his home, and it was also obvious that he had placed a different interpretation on his findings.
Just as Emanuel Josephson refused to face the facts about the Council on Foreign Relations, so Arnold Toynbee, living on comfortable grants from the Rothschild family, found no evidence of parasitical weakenings of civilizations in his vast work (“A Study of History”, by Arnold Toynbee, Oxford, 1934). Instead, Toynbee superficially studied the nerve patterns of cultures, and the stimuli which affected them, without once mentioning the most vicious enemy of the nervous system, the parasite. When Toynbee says that a civilization failed to respond to a challenge, he asks us to believe that a man who is standing on a street corner, and who is knocked down from behind by a runaway truck, has failed to respond to a challenge. The fact is that he has been killed.
Has Toynbee ever heard of biology? Has he ever heard of parasites? We find no evidence of it in his encyclopaedic studies. Does he have any inkling that civilizations allow foreign bodies to settle in their midst, to flourish and operate without supervision and control, no matter how pernicious their influence may be? How could Toynbee spend twenty years in the study of ancient civilizations without knowing that the Jews opened the gates of Babylon to the Persian invaders, without knowing how the Jews brought Rome to its knees, without knowing how the Jews subjected Egypt to a terrible dictatorship for three hundred years, until the Egyptians rose and drove them out? Only a great intellectual pervert, in the pay of the parasites, could conceal such information after having uncovered it. A comparable deed would be Pasteur destroying the records of his rabies vaccine after discovering it, or Jenner concealing the formula for his smallpox remedy.
The study of the biological parasite reveals a pattern, a set of characteristic and interweaving facts of nature: 1. the parasite prefers a healthy organism as a feeding ground; 2. the parasites life cycle depends upon its finding a host upon which it can feed; 3. a healthy organism which is invaded by a parasitic organism is inevitably injured and often dies from the evil effect of the parasitic presence. Most often, the parasite causes the host to lose its sense of direction, so that it becomes helpless and is unable to defend itself against its exterior enemies.
This pattern embraces a set of factors which have been common to every great civilization which has suddenly sickened and died. Was Mr. Toynbee, in his decades of concentrated study, unable to discern a single one of then? Apparently, the answer is yes. We see a state of affairs in which a people has built, through its own efforts, a great empire, whose ships trade with far-off lands, whose armies are invincible. This people is strong, self-confident, and aware of their virtues. Why should they fear a few shabby, furtive aliens who have drifted in from unknown places, and who establish themselves in the heart of the city so unobtrusively that it seems they have always been there? These aliens are willing to do anything, they perform any sort of distasteful task which the natives feel is beneath them. The aliens traffic in the bodies of girls, set up gambling dens, clear in stolen goods, lend money, establish houses in which one can perform every imaginable type of sexual degeneracy, and provide assassins for hire.
In a short time, the aliens know every secret of the peoples’ leaders, and they have established holds over them. The colony of aliens multiplies rapidly, and soon a once healthy people finds itself helpless, because their native virtues of strength, courage and honor, which have made them great, are of no avail against the newcomers. The host does not understand the parasite, which is like a creature from another planet, because they do not have the same goals, nor do they respond to the same stimuli, as the host people. They even seem to have different nerve patterns. As the pernicious influence grows, the army is demoralized, the native leaders are murdered or exiled, and the wealth of the nation swiftly passes into the hands of the aliens. The people are plundered of everything, and most of all of their self-respect. No member of a host people is allowed to preserve his self-respect or his privacy, once the parasite has taken command.
One morning, the ships of a rival nation appear in the harbor. In exchange for certain guarantees, the parasites welcome them. The host people does not resist, an empire is gone. Now, this process is not a typical life pattern of a culture a la Spengler; neither is it a challenge and response a la Toynbee. The host people could have repelled any other attack by an armed invader, but they could not fight against the onset of a furtive parasite and the inevitable decay which he brought with him, a disease which affected and paralyzed the entire organism of the people.
The theory of the biological parasite explains for the first time the fall of Egypt, of Babylon, of Rome, of Persia, and of England. A prosperous, healthy people allows a foreign body to establish itself in their midst. The foreign body paralyzes and destroys them. This new concept of history brings both Spengler and Toynbee up to date. It also offers a civilization, for the first time, an opportunity to escape the fate of its predecessors.
The serious student may find himself appalled by the more repulsive aspects of the study of the biological parasite. He finds that one type of fish in the South Seas has a long, tapering body, and that it enters the rear of larger fish, and feeds upon the feces within. Man is plagued by a tapeworm which enters his body, hooks onto the large intestine with a hook which he has developed solely for that purpose, and begins to absorb the nourishment from the food eaten by man. Various forms of lice secrete themselves around the reproductive or the excretory organs of man and cause him extreme discomfort.
Parasites find that the waste matter excreted by humans is a fertile breeding ground for them, because the human is a higher form of life which uses large quantities of food and excretes much of it with the food values intact. These excretions provide rich food for the parasite, but his attachment to it poses health problems for humans. Consequently, humans try to dispose of their waste matter so that it will not become a breeding ground for various obnoxious forms of parasites. The parasite considers this to be very cruel and unjust, and he endeavours by any means to reach it. If he endangers the life of the human, so what? A fly on a manure pile is not concerned as to whether he poses a threat to the health of humans.
It follows that the parasite which has established itself upon the gentile host does not care how much it injures the host. Its only goal is to lead a parasitic life at the expense of the host, and its natural objectives are usually the reproductive and the excretory organs. Throughout history, we find the Jew entwined about the reproductive organs of the gentile host like a parasitic vine which is slowly strangling a healthy tree. The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an apostle of sexual perversion, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community. When the title of “America’s largest pornographer” was bestowed by police investigators, who was the holder of the title? One Irving Klaw of New York, who carried on a vast business in nude photographs and other items of the trade.
Other Jews, of great intellectual aspirations, have become writers, transforming our literature into dreary recitals of sexual acts, and making it impossible to publish anything which fails to conform to their standards of depravity. Other intellectual Jews have created a new profession, one so characteristic of them that it is known everywhere as a Jewish profession. This is the profession of psychiatry, an outgrowth of the parasite’s obsession with the reproductive and excretory habits of the host. What is the basis of the “science” of psychiatry, as it has been formulated by its Jewish founder and patron saint, Sigmund Freud? The basis of psychiatry is the “anal complex”, the theory that an obsession with the anus is the principal influence in our emotional development. Many millions of words have been written on this subject, despite its distasteful connotations, and learned speeches about the anal compulsion are delivered by scholars before the worlds learned bodies of distinguished men.
With the anal complex setting the tasteful tone of the parasite’s obsessions, the Jew has gone on to develop other theories about the processes of human excretion. The most important influence in the modern school of progressive education is the science of toilet training, while much of modern art is based, and easily recognizable in its origins, upon the feces complex, or the handling of its stool by the pre-school child. Other important contributions of Jewish psychiatric thought, which have been hailed as major intellectual developments of tremendous depth and scope, are too filthy to be repeated here.
When one contemplates the spectacle of a great hall, filled with well-dressed and well-educated men and women from many countries, who are listening intently, and occasionally applauding, a little Jew in a tuxedo who is delivering a learned dissertation upon the anal and excretory habits of mankind, we realize yet another aspect of the Jew. No matter what he does, the Jew is so fantastic that he becomes a comic figure. When the former Premier of France, Mendes-France, announced that his nation was surrendering the huge French investment in Vietnam to the Communists, one hardly knew whether to laugh or cry, so comic was the bulging-eyed black-jowled image of a rag merchant howling “O-o-o-l-l-d-d-r-a-a-a-a-g-g-z-z-uh” through the streets.
The poet Ezra Pound once observed to me that when he began to suggest to people that Jews were exercising undue power in the gentile world, no one took him seriously, because everyone knew that Jews were only clowns. As usual, the Jew used this impression to fix his position upon the gentile host. Charlie Chaplin, with his racially characteristic gestures, employed his typically obscene movements to be hailed as a great comic genius by the indefatigable international Jewish claque. He made millions of dollars by wagging his behind at the audience, scratching frantically at his buttocks, and exhibiting the usual run of the parasites age-old preoccupations with the reproductive and the excretory organs.
In his own right, Sigmund Freud is an even greater comedian than Charlie Chaplin, because the Freudian theories of human behaviour, as the great gentile psychologist, Carl Jung, reminded us, are based upon the biological parasites enormous misconceptions of the nature of his gentile host, and Freud’s theories are even more comical than the gyrations of Charlie Chaplin. Yet we laugh at Chaplin, and study the theories of Freud seriously.
Another obsession of the parasite is that it must force its way into every aspect of the host’s existence. It cannot endure the thought of a group of gentiles discussing anything without the parasite or one of his shabez goi agents being present to make notes. Thus, the Jew campaigns to force his way into every gentile organization, whether it he social, religious, a private school, a club, or a neighborhood, anywhere that the gentiles might be able to gather and talk over things which the Jew wishes to know .
This obsession is due to the fact that the Jew can never know any real security in his parasitic existence. He lives daily with the terrible fear that the host will cast him off, and even when he has obtained control at every level of the gentile's life, the Jew still feels insecure. If the gentile manages to keep him out of anything, the Jew becomes wild with rage.
This obsession with security was the real force behind the furor over the Dreyfus case in France during the last century. A Jew named Captain Dreyfus had managed to penetrate the formerly all gentile French High Command. Soon afterwards, he was charged with selling French military secrets to the highest bidder. Although it was an open and shut case, as usual, the Jews launched a frantic international campaign to free him. It seemed odd that so much noise was raised over the fate of one French officer, but the theory of the biological parasite explains the mystery. The parasite had penetrated one of the last bastions of the gentile host. Now he knew all the military secrets, and .he was also in a position to inform his people if the army should become involved in a reaction against the presence of the parasites. But the parasite was arrested and charged as a traitor, which he was, because his primary loyalty was to the parasitic community. The tragedy is not that he is convicted, but that the Jews have lost their man in the nation’s security council. At once, the entire parasite community charges to his defense, exhibiting terrible fear and anger. This rejection or exclusion is the fate which haunts the parasite, because, for him, it is a matter of life and death. If he is rejected by the host, he cannot lead a parasitic existence, and he will die. Hence the great furor over the Dreyfus case.
Democratic administrations in the United States have had a plethora of Dreyfus cases in recent years, in which a parasite who had burrowed into the nation’s security councils was charged with disloyalty. One of them was Dr. Oppenheimer, a Jew whose social circle was composed of dedicated Communist agents, most of whom were known as such while he worked on our nation’s most vital defense secrets. He was finally denied a security clearance, due to public alarm over his background, and a terrible clamor arose from the international Jewish community, which went on for years. We still do not know how much damage he did to the nation.
A more celebrated case was a Jew of Russian origins, Walt Rostow. He is only the person in charge of our national security! Yet a few years ago, loyal employees of the State Department refused Rostow a security clearance, not once, but three times, because of his notorious associations. Yet when John F. Kennedy became President, he placed Walt Rostow in charge of our national security!
Drew Pearson recently revealed that it was this Jew who made the personal decision to employ American troops in large forces in Vietnam, one of the greatest victories for Communism since 1917. While Americans were being slaughtered in Vietnam, Russia could sit back and see us bleed to death without the Communist world being weakened at all. In this Dreyfus case, the Jews .have won every round, while the gentile who exposed him, Otto Otepka, is still being persecuted by “our” government.
In France, a few clever gentiles sensed which way the wind was blowing in the Dreyfus case, even if they had no understanding of the parasitic theory. An obscure hackwriter named Emile Zola wrote some fiery articles, such as “J’Accuse”, demanding that Dreyfus be freed, and the international Jewish propaganda machine immediately began to puff Zola as a great writer. He enjoyed great fame and fortune during the rest of his life, although his novels are now ignored.
A pompous little country lawyer, Clemenceau, also found his career in the Dreyfus case. He intervened on Dreyfus’ behalf, and the Jews made him Premier of France. The way of the shabez goi can he smoothed.
The threat of rejection always stirs a torrent of fear and anger in the parasite. This writer encountered an example of this when he purchased a secondhand mattress in Jersey City. Late that night, he was awakened by an unwelcome presence. He switched on the light, and there on his stomach was a fat little bedbug, swollen with its feast, and reluctant to abandon its host even in the light of exposure. When the light came on, the bedbug gave a furious shriek of anger, and waddled out of sight. At this time, the writer did not immediately relate this episode to the theory of the biological parasite, but he later reflected that this anger of the bedbug, which was carrying on its usual activity, was understandable. We cannot expect the Jew to appreciate any effort of the gentile host to dislodge him, and remove him from the feast. This is why he works day and night to prevent such a thing.
This is why the Jew MUST control our communications; this is why he MUST control our education; this is why he MUST control our government; and most important, this is why he MUST control our religion. If he fails to do this, in any area, he endangers his continued existence as a biological parasite. Even in the Soviet Union, with its idealistic slogan of “From each according to his means; to each according to his needs,” the parasite gains control over gentile workers and sets them to producing goods which he sells, and pockets the proceeds. Fat Jews and their blond mistresses stroll from their luxurious villas on the Black Sea, while intense, dogmatic gentile commissars such as Mikhail Suslov sit in the Kremlin trying desperately to devise a system which the Jew cannot twist to his own advantage. They cannot succeed, because the parasite has always thought one step ahead of them.
When the Jews seized the lands of peaceful Arab farmers by aggression in 1948, many gentiles throughout the world supposed that a new era had begun. These gentiles assured each other, now that they have their own country; the Jews will go there and stop exploiting us. Instead, the parasitic communities in all parts of the world intensified their exploitations of their gentile hosts, in order to meet the vast needs of the new State of Israel. Garment workers in the notorious New York sweat shops, most of them Negro and Puerto Rican women and children, had large portions of their earnings extorted from them by the cold-blooded Jew, David Dubinsky, the fascist dictator of the garment union. These funds were turned over to the State of Israel.
This illustrates the facility of the Jew for being on all sides, and for always being on the winning side. Chaim Weizmann, the founder of the State of Israel, quotes an .oft-repeated saying of his mother, in his autobiography, “Trial and Error”, Harper, New York, 1949, page 13, “Whatever happens, I shall be well off. If Shemuel (the revolutionary son) is right, we shall all be happy in Russia; and if Chaim (the Zionist) is right, then I shall go to live in Palestine.”
On April 17, 1950, the New York Times announced that the annual budget of the State of Israel had been released. It was composed of seventy percent of donations from abroad, and thirty percent from the sale of Israeli bonds, which would never have any redeemable value, and which could only be described as contributions. No other nation on earth could envision such a budget, for even India, the perennial beggar among nations, with its swollen, mongrelized population, can raise only one percent of its budget from abroad, and that is entirely donated by the United States. Yet the State of Israel confidently envisions a national budget for years to come consisting of charity and the peddling of dubious paper. This is the budget of a nation of parasites, still depending upon the gentile hosts.
The bizarre, unhealthy existence of the parasite, with his trend to degeneracy and his decaying nervous system, places him outside of every known system of morality and human decency. Now he has perfected a Jewish hellbomb, which threatens to destroy the host and himself as well. When Alechsander Sachs, of the international Jewish banking firm of Lehman Brothers, New York, and Albert Einstein, “suggested” to President Roosevelt that he invest hundreds of millions of dollars in the production of a hellbomb, how could Roosevelt refuse? Now they needed a gentile front for their project. Major General Leslie Groves was asked to head the project, but when he found that most of the scientists were Jewish, he asked to be excused, saving that he believed that a Jewish director would be more efficient in this atmosphere.
“Not at all,” he was assured. “We need a gentile as the ostensible head of the project. Don’t worry, we’ll handle all of the responsibility.”
We know that the gentile can never expect any mercy from the Jew. The horrible practice of ritual murder is sufficient evidence of this. The ritual murder of gentile children by bleeding them to death and drinking their blood is the highest symbolic revelation of the theory of the biological parasite.
Primitive man sometimes drank the blood of fallen foes as a symbol of victory, and to absorb some of the strength of the enemy, but another blood-drinking practice, that of ritual murder, is the only one which has survived into modern times. This religious ceremony of drinking the blood of an innocent gentile child is basic to the Jew’s entire concept of his existence as a parasite, living off of the blood of the host. That is why he refuses to abandon this custom, even though it has brought him close to extinction many times.
When the Jew can no longer symbolize his role by kidnapping a perfectly formed gentile child, spiriting him away to a synagogue, and ritually puncturing his body in the places which they boasted they had wounded the Body of Christ, and drinking the blood of the dying child, then, according to Jewish belief, he is doomed. His prophets have warned him that when this custom can no longer be observed, the Jewish parasite’s hold onto the host will be loosened, and he will be cast off. Even though this ceremony is so horrible that most Jews refuse to participate in it, and all of them deny its practice, it still remains the final method by which the Jewish leaders signify and retain their control over this people. Should they abandon the practice of ritual murder, perhaps there would be a possibility that the Jew could be weaned away from his historical role as a biological parasite, and become a constructive member of the gentile community, turning his back upon a record of five thousand years of bloodshed, treachery and murder, which is his entire history. We say perhaps, because we do not know.
Viewing this prospect from the biological realities, it seems unlikely that the Jew could renounce his past and join gentile society as a contributing member. Certainly we find no evidence of it in the writings of the Jews themselves, even at the present time. From the most religious of them to the most worldly, their attitude towards the gentile host is the same, a fierce, undying hatred. Consider what the high priestess of the modern Jewish, intellectuals, Susan Sontag, has to say in the Jewish house organ, the Partisan Review, in 1967:
“The white race is the cancer of history. It is the white race and it alone – its ideologies and inventions – which eradicates autonomous civilization wherever it spreads."
These twenty-seven words capsule an enormous amount of information about the parasite-host relationship. First, it is an expression of the undying hatred which the parasite bears for its white race host. Second, it reveals that the Jew has never and will never consider himself as part of the white race, which it regards as a separate species. Third, this passage attributes savagery only to the white race – not to the bloodthirsty tribes of the Congo, not to the mass murders in China, nor to anyone except the highly developed North European civilization in Europe and America. And fourth, Susan Sontag reveals the entire situation in her phrase “autonomous civilization”. What does she mean by autonomous civilization? She means the parasite community, which demands total freedom to attach itself to the host, to rule the host, and to prevent the host from casting it off. And she says here that the white race, because the past it has reacted against the “autonomous civilization” of the Jewish parasite, is totally savage and evil.
We have remarked on the strange omission of works which one might expect in our libraries, works which treat of the phenomenon of parasitic communities in human civilizations. And we have suggested that these works have not been written because the parasite exercises control over the academic and scholarly life of the host. Is this a fantastic conclusion? Not at all.. Since the host is physically stronger than the parasite, obviously the parasite cannot control him through physical strength. Then he must exercise mental control. How is this done? The Jewish parasite controls the gentile host through an entire class of gentiles which he has created, and who serve him by maintaining control over the gentile host. This class is known as the shabez goi.
We have pointed out that the Jewish parasite is a disease of the more advanced civilizations. One does not find the Jew sharing the hostile desert with the Australian aborigine. Primitive man had no experience of parasites. There was little food and less shelter. But those who survived began to master their environment, to till the land, to domesticate animals, and there began to be surpluses of food. Now rats and cockroaches appeared, feasting on these surpluses (one of the heroes of the Jewish intellectual movement, Franz Kafka, wrote a work in which a man envisioned himself as a cockroach, writing out of some ancient racial memory which has bemused thousands of university students who had it rammed down their throats by their professors, with no explanation of its overtones).
With these surpluses, there also appeared a new type of person, a variant of the species, one who existed by producing no goods or services, but who became adept at producing an illusion that he was giving goods and services. This was the Jew, who made his appearance upon the stage of history as a magician, a fortuneteller, a petty thief, or, in the open country, a treacherous and cold-blooded bandit. He became a physician, a teacher, an acolyte in any kind of religious group. From earliest history, he practiced money-lending, and always at usurious rates of interest.
All of these Jewish vocations have one thing in common, the opportunity for fraud. The Jew always operated from a basis of fraud, and slipped easily from one vocation into another. A Jew practices medicine in one city, and, leaving behind a trail of corpses, turns up in another town as a soothsayer. After some widows are bilked of their life savings, he again takes to the road, assisted, as always, by the international Jewish community. In another town, he becomes a student priest, and soon he offers daring new interpretations of the religious beliefs, until his superiors find that he is stealthily transforming every tenet of their faith into some strange and barbaric dogma. He moves on, and turns up in another city as a highly trusted government official, respected by all, until, one evening, the gates of the city are opened to an invader, and the Jew becomes the Grand Vizier of the conquerors.
But is this parasitism, or is it merely crime? It is crime, yes, for each of these isolated events is a crime, but the whole is not merely crime, it is parasitism. Treason, fraud, perversion, all the hallmarks of Jewish life among the gentiles in the Diaspora. And it is parasitism. All of these things are not merely crimes in themselves, they are crimes which are committed as essential parts of the Jew’s parasitical relationship with the gentile host. We must remember that there is no Jewish crime per se, since the existence of the Jewish parasite upon the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and the life of the host. Thus, everything that the Jew does in connection with this parasitic existence is a criminal act, and part of an overall criminal existence.
A gentile government which had as its concern the health of the nation would convict the Jewish parasite and cast him off. This has happened hundreds of times in recorded history. Therefore, the Jew knows that his first task, upon arriving in a gentile community, is to subvert and take over its government, and to paralyse the people with subtle injections of poison, so that they become helpless and unable to defend themselves. Thus, the Jew begins agitation to set up a “progressive” government, also known as a “popular front”, a “democratic” government, a “people’s” government, a “liberal” government, and all of these are synonyms for the Jewish government, which will protect the presence of the parasite and guard it against the anger of the exploited gentiles.
When he has set up this government, usually by subversion, the Jew sets out to exterminate all of the former gentile leaders, whom he reviles as “reactionaries”, that is, those who might react against the presence of the parasite. First, they are prevented from engaging in any gainful employment. Then they and all members of their families have their landholdings, bank accounts and other assets confiscated. Finally, after extensive agitation against them, the Jew arouses the populace against them and they are hunted down and killed, because they might be able to set up a “reactionary” government if they are allowed to survive. Thus the Jew has introduced the blood-thirsty custom of genocide, or extermination of groups, into world affairs.
Now, does not this sound familiar, the confiscation of assets, the mass murders? Oh, yes, Russia, 1917, the victory of the Bolsheviks, the carrying out of Marx’s program of Communism, when a government which believed in the principle of “solidarity” was installed to enslave the gentile Russian people. The Czar and his wife and children were murdered in cold blood, because the biological Jew is not concerned with chivalry in his struggle to maintain control over the gentile host. We have only to read the sadistic Book of Esther in the Bible to see the Jewish custom of mass murder exposed in detail.
Is the helplessness of the gentile host before the onslaught of the parasite an essential weakness? We have only to think of the strong, healthy man subdued by flu virus to get the answer. Health in all matters is the principal defense against the attack of the parasitic virus. For centuries, the larger and stronger gentile host has gone down in defeat before the smaller and weaker, but more deadly, parasitic virus. The survival of the gentile host is a matter of understanding biological laws. The gentile community has set up elaborate codes by which it
lives, codes of honor, codes of laws, and the trust which the observance of these codes breeds in the members of the community. They respect the law, they respect each other’s families, they respect each other’s property, and they defend the nation when it is attacked.
It is the code of honor which gives the Jewish parasite his first opening in the armor of the gentile host, since this code is binding upon the gentile host, and its members achieve status in the community only if they observe it. But the parasite is bound only by his determination to achieve parasitic status upon the host. The gentile’s code is itself a biological phenomenon, since it grows out of his attitude towards all life, and it is a manifestation of his innate courage, his honor and his industry, the virtues upon which he builds his nation.
The code of the Jew is quite different: It is a code which abnegates all other codes. He agrees to pay one price and later settles only half of it; he appears in court with forged deeds and wills, paid perjured witnesses, and kept judges, thus taking over gentile properties. He takes advantage of the gentile wives while their husbands are at work, thus shaming them, and in time of war, the Jew avoids army service and disrupts civilian life at home. At the times of gravest peril, he makes deals with the enemy and betrays the nation.
Since the parasite depends upon the host for its food, we would suppose that it would do everything within its power to aid the gentile community to become richer and more powerful. But, overriding every other consideration is the parasite’s determination to keep its position upon the host. For five thousand years, history has recorded the efforts of gentile hosts to dislodge their Jewish parasites. Empires rise and fall, continents are discovered, wildernesses are explored and settled, and man makes progress through new inventions. Yet through it all, one factor remains constant. The gentile host, fearful of the damage which it is suffering from the presence of the Jewish parasite, tries to dislodge it. The parasite has prepared for such efforts, which it always foresees, by attaching itself so securely to the host that the host only damages itself in its wild struggles. In some cases, the gentile host destroys itself in these efforts. The Jewish host prefers seeing the gentile host destroyed instead of leaving peaceably from a still-living host. If the host dies, the parasite looks for another host. It has no feeling of any kind for the host which has provided it with food. This callous attitude is typical of the philosophy of .the Jew, and it is exemplified by the current phrase so popular in Jewish Hollywood, “Who needs it?”
Like other Jewish sayings, this phrase has become part of contemporary American life, yet gentiles do not know what it means. It means that the Jew doesn’t need the gentile host, because he can always find another one.
Millions of gentile Americans work hard all of their lives, raising their families and feeding themselves. When they die, there is hardly enough left to pay the funeral costs. Despite the fact that they have lived useful and productive lives, none of the profits have accrued to them or to their families, they have been unable to accumulate any of the world’s goods. Yet millions of Jews, who produce nothing, accumulate vast fortunes, and die with a disproportionate share of the nation’s wealth, which then goes to the parasite community. Why is this? Is it because the gentile worker is lazy? No, he has worked hard all of his life. Did he gamble away his earnings? No, he has never gambled. It is the Jews who make up the majority of the nation’s gamblers.
We find the answer to this question in the theory of biological parasitism. The gentile worker has spent his life in providing sustenance for the Jewish parasite, enabling the parasite to live in luxury while the gentile worker labors long hours each day in order to survive on a mere subsistence level. The earnings of the gentile worker vanish before his eyes into the Jewish monetary system, as calculated and abstruse monetary laws go into effect. Meanwhile, the Jewish educational system instructs the gentile worker’s children that they can look forward to the privilege of laboring all of their life to support the Chosen People of God, who live in the style to which they have become accustomed.
The Jewish monetary system is a series of variations on the shell game at the county fair. The gentile is certain that the pea is under the shell on the left, but when he bets on it, the shell on the left has nothing under it. The gentile puts his money down on other Jewish peas, but whatever he buys suddenly depreciates. The bonds which he purchases drop in value, and he sells at a loss, in order to avoid losing everything he has.
Many people emigrated to America because the Rothschilds had suddenly risen to power in Europe, and were now looting the continent. As these gentiles fled, the greedy Jewish parasites inflicted heavier taxes on those who remained, conscripted the youths into armies which were leased for hire to other nations, and invaded every level of life with their pernicious influence.
Now, a feature of the parasite is his mobility. When the host moves, the parasite follows, catches up with him, and re-establishes his attachment. The American pioneers resented the efforts of the parasites to follow them, and one of the longest debates at the Continental Congress concerned a proposal for permanent exclusion of the Jews. It was finally defeated by the curious argument that, as the Jews were not presently a problem, they would be unlikely to become so in the future. This certainly went against the grain of everything that was known about the Jews and their methods. The records of these debates have survived only in a few notes taken by some of the delegates. The drafts of the Constitution which contains the proposal for Jewish exclusion have all been destroyed. One of the Jewish vocations is that of dealer in old books and rare documents. In these dealings, records containing unfavorable references to the past can be sequestered and destroyed. Other rare documents, which contain no unfavorable references to the Jews, are sold to gentile collectors at huge profits. As usual, the Jew has it both ways, protecting his flanks by destroying all references to his activities, and financing this task with the gentile’s money.
What is the function of government? The function of government is to provide the people with essential services, to guide the defense of the nation, and to promote justice and free enterprise. Now, what is the function of a gentile government which has come under the direction of the parasite? The chief function of a government controlled by the parasite is to guarantee his right to feed upon the host, to protect him against being cast out, and to allow other parasites the right to come in and feed upon the host. Thus, the chief function of such a government is bound up with campaigns for civil rights for minorities, liberalizing all immigration laws, and attacking other hosts who threaten to cast off their parasites. All other considerations of government are swept aside in the performing of these functions, which are so essential to the well-being of the parasite.
Thus, in the United States, we find the Federal Bureau of Investigation ignoring the mounting crime rate while its agents spend all of their time in battling those gentile “reactionaries” who are reacting against the harmful presence of the parasite. We find that the American government has become a vast tax-collecting agency for the benefit of the parasites, and that eighty-four percent of the gentiles’ earnings are forcibly taken from them and given to the parasites. We find that every department of the government has interested itself in the added function of guaranteeing the parasite’s continued security in its position upon the host. They have set up many new economic subsidiaries whose task is to funnel all of the nation’s economic resources into the hands of the parasites. We find that the Department of Defense, instead of guarding our nation, is punishing the nation with a tremendous blood-letting by sending many thousands of our finest youth to be slaughtered in jungles many thousands of miles from our shores, in wars which the Jewish parasites have conjured up for this sole purpose.
Instead of providing equal justice for all, the courts of the nation have become rubber stamp Star Chambers for the persecution of those gentiles who react to the presence of the parasite. These gentile “reactionaries” are arrested on some pretext or other, or evidence against them is planted by FBI agents, and they are sentenced to long terms in prison.
What about education? We find that the Jewish parasite makes a fetish of education. There must be universal education, education for all. But what sort of education does the gentile host receive in a state which is dominated by the Jewish parasite? First, he is taught that he must never think for himself, because this is the original sin. He is carefully instructed in how to be a docile slave for the rest of his life, a robot-like zombie who will never be able to use his mind for his own protection or advancement.
Why does the Jewish parasite have to control the native intelligence of the gentile? First, the Jew is not invisible, he has high visibility. He knows that the gentile is bound to see him, to become irritated by his presence, and to wish to cast him out. The gentile has only to look down the street on any Main Street in America to see that most of the businesses are owned by Jews. The place where he works is owned by a Jew. He pays rent each month, or a lifelong mortgage, to a Jewish bank. He knows that .he is being mercilessly exploited by a foreign body known as the Kingdom of Israel. Therefore, the biological parasite begins its instruction of the gentile child, even before the alphabet, with the definition of the forbidden sin. What is the forbidden sin? One must never show “prejudice” towards another human being. The children hear this admonition daily from the time they enter kindergarten. They are puzzled by it, because children are naturally open and generous, they do not hate anyone. They never realize that if the teacher fails to give them this daily lesson about “prejudice”, she will he fired from her job.
In high school and college, the gentile comes under the more forceful influence of Jewish teachers. They find that the Jewish teachers are interesting, because they seem to have carte blanche to say or do whatever they wish in class, while the gentile teachers seem hamstrung in everything they do. The Jewish teachers recommend pornographic books to the children, discuss sexual perversions in detail, and frequently harangue their classes for hours about the evils of Nazism. Since there is no Nazi government anywhere, the gentile children are puzzled by this. They do not understand the terrible fear and hatred which fills the Jewish people at the memory of a gentile people who reacted against them and cast them out.
At home, the gentile child watches television programs which are largely devoted to anti-Nazi themes. This is not surprising, since the Jewish parasites own outright the three television networks, and no program can be seen which is not subjected to their warped censorship. In the universities, the gentile is taught that all of the world’s culture stems from the writings of three Jewish parasites, Marx, Freud .and Einstein. Gentile artists and writers are no longer mentioned.
Ask any American college graduate – “What is the greatest evil which has ever existed upon this earth?” He will reply very promptly, and energetically, “Nazism!”
He gives this answer because it is what he has been taught. In fact, it is all he has been taught, and it is the sole result of four years of higher education. Do not ask him WHY Nazism is the greatest evil that has ever been known, because he does not know. You will only perplex and confuse him, and make him angry at you, because he does not know the WHY of anything. He has only been indoctrinated with conditioned responses, he is repeating the lesson which has been drummed into him until he has learned it by heart, at the hands of his Jewish and shabez goi professors. In all of the hundreds of books which have been written about Nazism, yon will not find a definition of what Nazism is. This is quite understandable. The Jews do not want anyone to know what Nazism is. Nazism is simply this – a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off. It was an ineffectual reaction, because it was emotional and ill-informed, as were all the gentile reactions which preceded it for five thousand years. And how futile it all was, because today, Jewish bankers own sixty per cent of German industry, and their holdings are protected by the occupation army of America.
Since the parasite is smaller and weaker than the host, he must control it principally by guile. And because he is out-numbered, he must depend upon active agents among the gentiles. Once he has destroyed the host people’s native leadership, he creates a new ruling class, a group recruited from the weakest and the most depraved of the gentiles. This class becomes known as “the new class”, and it is composed of the government officials, the educators, the judges and lawyers, and the religious leaders. This “new class” is known to the Jew as his shabez goi, or his “Sabbath gentile cattle”.
The creation of the shabez goi class provides that the Jewish religion is basically a ritualization of the parasite’s techniques for controlling the host. A key tenet of the Jewish religion is that he must not perform the slightest task on his Sabbath. He cannot begin his religious service until the candles are lit, but his religion forbids him to light the candles, because this would be work. He must find a gentile to light the candle for him. This gentile is called a “shabez goi”. Thus, the Jewish religion cannot be enacted until the Jew finds a gentile to do his work for him.2 The Jewish religion also forbids the Jew to work for a gentile, although it is permitted for short periods of time if the Jew finds it necessary to take such a position during the period he is plotting to steal the gentile’s business from him!
Those gentiles who become shabez goi for the Jews lead comfortable lives at the expense of their fellows, but they can never overcome their shame, regardless of how wealthy and powerful the Jews make them. The exploiting class which the Jews create from the most servile and contemptible of the gentiles are the most despicable human beings who have ever infested the earth. Although they comprise the educated and moneyed classes in a host nation which has fallen prey to the Jewish parasites, the shabez goi wretches never lead happy lives. In the United States, we find that the gentile bankers, judges, college presidents and leaders of religious denominations whose mission is to parrot in Pavlov, trained-dog fashion every whim of the Jews, are also the people who have the highest rates of alcoholism, the highest rate of divorce, the highest rate of suicide, and the highest rate of juvenile delinquency among their children.
This “affluent society” of the shabez goi also has spawned a massive wave of homosexuality and degeneracy in America. Is this surprising? We have only to recall Professor LaPage’s description of the effect which the parasite Sacculina has upon its host, the short-tailed spider crab, Inacus mauritanicus. LaPage says that his researches showed that seventy percent of the male spider crabs acquired some of the secondary sexual characteristics of the female and had their reproductive organs destroyed by the attack of Sacculina neglecta. He also stated that “the abdomen of these males becomes broad, they may acquire, in addition to their male copulating styles, appendages modified to bear eggs, and their nippers become smaller at the same time.”
What better description could we have of a middle-aged college professor simpering in the wake of a brawny football player? One of the characteristics of nations which are controlled by the Jews is the gradual eradication of masculine influence and power, and the transfer of influence into feminine forms. This is understandable. The masculine force is naturally aggressive and self-assertive, independent and self-reliant, courageous and willing to fight for its rights. The feminine force, on the other hand, is more passive, willing to accept orders, and avoids direct action. Thus, Russia and America, the two most influential powers in the world today, a world which is controlled by the Jewish parasites, are basically feminine powers, but the two powers which were more masculine in their attributes, Germany and Japan, and which did not give power to the Jewish parasites, are small and of lesser influence. Nevertheless, as masculine forces, they retain the will to again exert force upon the world, while Russia prefers to use her influence in sinister intrigue, a worldwide network of agents and assassins, those who stab in the hack. Now America has followed in Russia’s footsteps with the worldwide force of
2 Drew Pearson described the process in a column, Washington Post, July 5, 1968 when he quoted Mayor of San Francisco, Joseph Alioto, a Catholic, as follows:
“I’ve been raised in the shadow of the synagogue across the street from me, and my parish priest has been Rabbi Fine. Every week I light a candle in the synagogue, and Cyril Magnin lights a candle in my cathedral.”
Alioto’s political success has been due to his operation as a shabez goi, lighting candles for the Jews.
The Central Intelligence Agency, and at home, the furtive operations of the FBI are aimed solely at controlling “reactionaries” among this host people.
In a Jewish-controlled environment, gentile men become soft and capable of any treachery, because their new class, the shabez goi, are epitomes of the living lie, with their insidious conspiracies on behalf of the secret government of the parasites. In this sort of world, manliness, strength and honor are despised.
The most important feature of the shabez goi wretches, as liberal, faceless representatives of Jewish interests is that they never solve a problem. If we have a national problem today, we can be sure it will be worse ten years from now, and even worse twenty-five years hence. All problems intensify, this is the basic law of the shabez goi government.
We have only to look at the race problem in America, as a typical illustration. One hundred years ago, we fought a bloody war which ravaged much of the nation, in order to solve the problem of the Negro minority in America. One hundred years later, the nation is on the point of being torn apart once more by this problem, as the shabez goi wretches have worked ceaselessly since 1900 to intensify this problem, which had been dormant from the period of 1870 to 1900. De Tocqueville said everything which needed to be said about the race problem in America more than a century ago, but no one paid him the slightest attention.
One of the striking points of identification of the shabez goi new class is their complete erosion of all sense of responsibility. Since the shabez goi life means that they are living for themselves alone, as enemies of their people, it is understandable that they should reek little of the future, but it goes further than this, as a direct biological result of the effect of the Jewish parasite upon the weakest and the shabbiest of the host people. Today, the principal group in America which has resisted this biological effect is the working class. This is due to several factors, first, because the working class has had less of the effect of years of “higher education”, which, in this nation, is simply extended instruction in how to be a shabez goi, and second, as workers who produce their own living, they have greater self-reliance and less erosion of their sense of responsibility and self-respect.
Although I have passed beyond any possible deleterious effect which the Jewish parasite or the shabez goi could have upon me, I know the hopelessness of the life of my people. I was freed from this paralysis, which the Jew inflects upon the healthy members of a host nation, in two ways, first, through my life in art, and second, through my life in Christ.
In 1948, when I went to San Miguel de Allende, a beautiful village in Mexico, I began to live my life in art. At the age of twenty-five, this was my first experience of joy, because my life had been passed in the gloom which the pall of the Jewish parasite had cast over America. I began to understand what D. H. Lawrence had experienced during his years of desperate wanderings in search of the sun and seeking a healthy life. Not only was D. H. Lawrence dying of tuberculosis, but he was also dying of the terrible malaise which had settled over European civilization, the loss of the will to live, which had been eroded away by centuries of slavery under the Jews and misgovernment by the shabez goi.
In the bright, sun-washed streets of San Miguel de Allende, for the first time, I knew what light was. The people, though poor, were strong and self-reliant, they bore no resemblance to the Americans I had left at home. Although I did not realize it at the time, there were no Jews here, and no shabez goi. Now I began to know the joy of the creative life, my life in art, the life of the mind and the God-given talents to which all of us are bon and of which we are robbed by the Jews and the shabez goi.
Now, there was nothing selfish in my attaining this joy, because I was not taking it from anyone else, and since that time, I have wished for nothing more than to bring this job to all of my people. Since this desire now became the principal direction of my life, I began to live my life in Christ, because I wished to bring joy to others. As these efforts brought me nothing but poverty and what would have been despair, had I ever despaired, I found Christ and knew a greater joy than my life in art.
If the American people knew nothing of the joy of my life in art, how much less did they know of the joy of my life in Christ! The question now was, how to liberate them from two thousand years of mental serfdom. During these centuries, the Jews had continually decried the institution of physical slavery, and while noising about the possibility of physical freedom for everyone, they had subtly imposed their own brand of mental serfdom upon the gentiles. And if physical slavery is a crime, how much greater a crime is mental slavery, the taking over the mind of a freeborn human being!
One of the greatest problems which face our nation today is the disenfranchisement of the American worker and the middle class. His vote is meaningless, it is worthless, because, no matter whom he votes for, his personal position in life deteriorates. His taxes are increased, the business pressures intensify, and his family life is subjected to terror and shame at the hands of aggressive minorities, egged on by the shabez goi wretches and the Jewish overlords.
With the shabez goi in charge of the departments of our religious life, our academic life, and our cultural life, the American workers and the middle class find that wherever they turn, they are faced with the Jew. A Jew directs the symphony orchestra, ninety percent of the art galleries are operated by Jews, so that gentile artists cannot get a showing for their work unless they embrace the degenerate goals of the Jew. The three television networks are owned and operated by Jews, while the studios, producers, and writers, who are nearly all Jews, bring us programs in which gentiles caper to the Jewish time. In fact, a five percent minority has gained control of every aspect of American life.
Now, this unconscious realization causes the American worker and the middle class to become despondent, because of a deep feeling of alienation, an overwhelming sense of loss. He knows that this is not his art, it is not his culture, it is not his religion, and it is no longer his country, because an alien has taken over every department of his life. As a result the American worker and the member of the middle class loses his power of concentration, he can no longer think anything through, because his education, his cultural life, and his government, are all in the hands of the alien, and because he cannot think his problems through, he loses the resolve to act, he sinks into the hopeless attitudes of lifelong mental slavery which the parasite has forced upon him.
But, even though the American worker or the member of the middle class has lost his power to think things through, and to act from his will, he is still a human being, he can feel. Thus, he endures intense mental suffering, because everything has been cut out of his life except the task of working to feed the Jewish parasite. And even though I have passed beyond this suffering, I cannot rest because I know what this suffering is doing to the American people. I do not feel this suffering, because of the joy of my life in art, and the joy of my life in Christ, and, knowing this joy, I do not need America, and still less do I need a Jewish America. But America is a creation of God, and as such, it cannot be abandoned to the Jewish parasites, the suffering of the gentile host must be relieved.
Although I live in joy and peace, I know that America must be restored to Christ. I would like to free her from her bondage to Satan, in the metaphysical sphere, and from her bondage to the Jews, in the biological sphere. Although I have been freed from suffering through knowing Christ, I know what suffering is doing to my people, who have been robbed of everything, and who have been converted into mindless robots who mechanically perform tasks according to instructions implanted in them by a Jewish programming, and who respond to every question with a Jewish answer.
I resent the fact that my nation and my people have been converted into a country of Pavlov-conditioned dogs, and I am resolved to see them become men once more. Because they are cut off from the creative life, because they are cut off from the life of their nation by the Jewish parasite, their lives are empty and pointless.
One of the problems of this Pavlov conditioning is that we no longer have heroes. Now, a nation cannot grow in health without heroes. For the past fifty years, our heroes have been the synthetic products of Jewish liberalism, those Americans who have successfully exploited their people for the benefit of the Jews, and who have expedited the mongrelization of the American people. These synthetic heroes are made of plastic, they do not have any of the human qualities. A typical synthetic hero is Hubert Humphrey, Vice President of the United States, whom one can press into any shape, like a rubber doll, because he has no skeletal structure. He has accepted every aspect of the shabez goi role, and he has no culture and no goals except those which have been implanted in him by the Jewish programmers.
In 1957, alarmed by the issuance of a report known as the Gaither Report, which insisted that every aspect of shabez goi life and Jewish liberalism must be intensified in America, some of my associates urged me to make a formal reply. As this request dovetailed with some projects on which I was then engaged, I was able to draw up a sweeping reply within a few weeks. This report is reproduced here exactly as it was published in August, 1957, by M & N Associates, in Chicago, Illinois:
(Due to public alarm over the Gaither Report, which admits that the United States is rapidly becoming a second-class power, but dares not admit why that is inevitable, M & N Associates has decided to release the confidential Mullins Report, prepared in August, 1957 for a group of American industrialists. We issue this report as a public service by an impartial research organization. It has already become history.)
BY 1980, TIIE UNITED STATES WILL OCCUPY THE SAME POSITION IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AS DOES INDIA TODAY. The United States will then be an overpopulated, impoverished country with a standard of living 50 percent below its 1957 level.
Consequently, there is no need, and little possibility, of Russia waging war against the United States. The rapid wane of the United States as a global power will enable Russia to make the American continents into Communist satellites by 1980, if she so chooses, but this prospect is unlikely. From geopolitical considerations, the, continents of North and South America will be of little practical use to Russia. Her European and Asian policies will remain paramount to her national security, but the American continents will be of less geopolitical significance than Africa.
Because of this prospect, the Rockefeller Report and other government demands for increased “defense” spending may be properly evaluated as last-gasp attempts to shore up an artificial and doomed prosperity. How did it happen that the United States, which in 1945 stood unchallenged as the supreme world power, could decline so rapidly? To understand this, a brief review of the nation’s history is necessary. The country was settled by bold, energetic North Europeans who were willing to risk their lives in a wilderness in order to own their own homes and land. Cheap labor was needed, but the Indians refused to become menials, so they were killed or put on reservations. The New Englanders imported negroes, but they proved to be less productive than the cost of their keep, so they were sold to Southern plantation owners, where the climate was more suitable and their owners less demanding. Even so, their importation was soon discontinued as impractical.
Meanwhile, the original North European settlers prospered and increased. With ample space and plenty of natural resources, they soon developed into the most highly skilled and productive people the world has ever known. New inventions poured from them, and they enjoyed the greatest prosperity in the history of mankind.
Successive waves of cheap labor came from Europe. A substantial wave from Ireland produced many desirable citizens, but after 1860 little further immigration came from Northern Europe. Most of it was from Central and South Europe, with some Asiatics. Side by side with the North European settlers lived the burgeoning families of the darker citizens. Limited in number in their own lands because of their lower productivity, they reproduced in much greater numbers here because of the higher productivity of their hosts.
Despite the fact that these darker citizens enjoyed a higher standard of living here, thanks to the superior technology of the North Europeans, they felt no gratitude. Instead, they were consumed by hatred and envy of the North Europeans, many of whom had amassed large fortunes and lived like princes. By 1900, the darker American citizens had formed a voting bloc to combat the political leadership of the North Europeans. Already a deep racial schism had formed which doomed the young republic at the very peak of its promise. The North Europeans soon concentrated their strength in the Republican Party, while the darker citizens became Democrats, a party which also represented the white Southerners as a result of the War Between
the States. This strange alliance achieved its first great political victory in 1912 with the election of Woodrow Wilson, a misguided idealist who hailed the Russian Communist Revolution of 1917 as a “victory for democracy over the forces of despotism”. Wilson set the nation on a suicidal foreign policy caused by the racial schism of its people. This policy aimed to end all racial injustice, atone for the sins of British imperialism, reprimand French imperialism, stop German imperialism, and set up a worldwide protectorate for the colored peoples.
The North European Americans had no idea what this policy intended, and were too busy and prosperous to care. The nation gained in wealth and power by entering the First World War. A few years later, the Crash of 1929 wiped out the fortunes and property of more than half of the North European Americans. The stage was set for the Roosevelt regime, which was to set up the rule of the darker citizens over the impoverished and dispirited white Americans, a rule carried on by the Truman and Eisenhower directorates.
Our entry into the Second World War was intended to stop “racist” Germany, as though every group in the world was not “racist” and interested in its self-aggrandizement. In 1945, a victorious United States reaffirmed its role as the protector of the colored world. But Soviet Russia also claimed to be the protector of the colored world, and pointed out that white Americans refused to intermarry with the darker citizens. Most white Americans maintained homogenous communities, schools, clubs and places of worship, just as did all other groups in the United States. However, the heirs of the Roosevelt regime now ruled it illegal for white Americans to separate themselves, although all other groups were allowed to do so without hindrance by the government. Now the government began to enforce a policy of racial amalgamation, although no other nation in the world, especially Soviet Russia, followed such a policy. Largely through the Supreme Court, an instrument operating upon powers usurped from Congress, white Americans were stripped of their private institutions and forced into racially integrated schools and living quarters. Intermarriage was inevitable, particularly because of the flood of “integration” propaganda.
All religious groups in the United States declared it a religious duty to racially amalgamate, although not one of their leaders could cite a single tenet of dogma which required this. White children, were taught in the schools and churches that it was their duty to intermarry with the darker citizens, and the press, radio, television and movies pressed the mongrelization campaign. The government continued legal action against the last privacies of white citizens, although no action was taken against Negro, Jewish or other group institutions. Yet at the very moment that white Americans were being forced to racially amalgamate, their technical skills were in greater demand than ever before! Guided missiles were being developed by imported German scientists because impoverished white Americans were working as manual laborers, unable to educate their children in technical schools. But the shortage of engineers was laid to the fact that we had not availed ourselves of our fine negro talents; a people who squatted in dusty jungle kraals for 20,000 years without the least improvement in their conditions was now declared the rightful heirs of the American technology! Our universities were flooded with colored students, their tuition paid by government grants and “racist” foundations for colored only. The white Americans who could have salvaged our declining technology continued as manual laborers.
All of this was inevitable. The American of North European descent, although realizing that he possessed superior skills, bore no ill will towards the darker citizens. But the colored man could not see a white man without hating him, for the white face reminded the colored man that
he was dark. Either the colored man must become lighter or the white man must become darker. No other remedy would pacify him. Anyone who has seen the advertisements for “skin whiteners” in the negro press knows how basic this drive is among the dark people. The pivotal negro vote caused the white man to be legislated out of existence in the nation which he had created, and the Supreme Court declared, “All Americans are Negroes!” M & N Associates makes no comment on the justice or injustice of this development. We only evaluate the facts. The inevitable result was that by destroying the white American’s desire to preserve himself as a manifestation of God’s Holy Will, and forcing him to intermarry with the colored, the nation was condemned to go the way of other great world powers, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome, whose white leadership vanished in intermarriage with darker peoples.
The passing of a great nation from the stage of world history is neither an occasion for sadness or rejoicing. It is simply an historical event. The process was bound to be much more rapid in the United States because of the pace of modern life and the tremendous pressure behind the dark people’s will to intermarry with the whites. At the same time, Soviet Russia’s white managerial elite, showing no intention of intermarrying with darker peoples, continued to specialize. Selective breeding became a state policy, and thus Russia secured the future for herself, for the future was long since known to belong to that nation which could produce the highest type of technological elite.
At this late stage, M & N Associates was asked to ascertain whether the colored citizens could be restrained in their aggression against white Americans. The answer is no. They will never be content to enjoy their higher standard of living here, because it cannot compensate for their constant reminders to themselves that they are inferiors. Once again, bolder whites will emigrate, this time to Australia and New Zealand. At best, the United States may become a sort of British Guiana, a colored colony of white Canada, whose dollar is already worth more than ours!
It is too late for the North European stock, a minority of 50,000,000, to reassert leadership over 120,000,000 mixed bloods. The colored cannot be appealed to on patriotic grounds, for they can never know nation-feeling, but only have race. Only a people capable of defending their land can know patriotism. Typical was A. Philip Randolph’s advice to negroes to refuse to serve in the U. S. Army. M & N Associates does not believe that a White movement can gain power. There is no longer a White market in the U.S., either commercially or politically. At best, the whites might secede again as a white Southern republic, leaving the mulatto North to go its own way, but the result would be the same, the disappearance of the United States as a world power. Our mulatto grandchildren will placidly watch the decay of the nation they inherited, while the rest of the world, including Soviet Russia, pay no more attention to us than is presently paid to the mouthings of the mulatto inhabitants of India. The world is realistic.
When this report was drawn up more than a decade ago, I said that it was already history. Since then, the American position has worsened on the precise lines which I laid down. I said there was no white market, and every American politician since then has borne me out. In only one point did I err; I failed to allow for the possible reclamation of America through knowing Christ, because at that time I had not progressed this far, I did not foresee this sole possibility of reclamation for America.
Some of the sponsors of this report felt that it was unduly pessimistic. Yet, in less than a decade, many of our great cities, including the nation’s capital, lay in ashes, while we had entered an economic crisis which seemed impossible to solve. Now, even the Mullins Report did not predict national bankruptcy against a background of burned and looted cities, in less than ten years! Who will dare to be sufficiently pessimistic about the next ten years?
Let us recapitulate how this all came about. In 1945, the United States stood alone as the supreme military power in the world, the only industrial nation whose plants had not been destroyed by the Second World War. Militarily and economically, America was the master of the world, and the world waited for our command. We had only to raise our hand, and our command would be obeyed. England, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, and in Asia, Japan, lay in ruins, their factories but heaps of rubble.
But we gave no command. Why? Because the parasites and their shabez goi wretches had but one desire, to rebuild Communist Russia. Dean Acheson proposed that vast new loans be made to Russia, through his law firm, Covington and Burling, which so ably represented nine Communist nations at our Federal trough. The American postwar economy was hamstrung by Communist Jews such as David Niles, a notorious homosexual who bragged that Harry Truman never made a decision without consulting him, and who had one sister in Israeli Intelligence in Tel Aviv, and another sister high in the Soviet Intelligence in Moscow. Harry Dexter White, a Lithuanian Jew and lifelong Communist agent, also supervised Truman’s decisions as President of the United States.
At the top of this heap of worms squirmed the master parasite, Bernard Baruch, an agile Jewish speculator who made as much as one million dollars a day through foreknowledge of government decisions which affected the stock market. No wonder Harry Truman called Bernard Baruch “the greatest living American”! This master parasite pulled the strings of a horde of conniving political wretches, and collected United States Senators as a lesser man might net a cageful of hamsters. He publicly boasted that he had such Senators as Harry Byrd, James Byrnes, Harry Truman and many others in his pocket
Now America’s conversion to a peacetime economy was held up by these Jews, in order to give Russia precious time to rebuild her shattered economy. Not only was the United States paralyzed by Jewish “economic planners”, whose sole aim was to stall the erection of a prosperous economy, but the Communists also found the ideal instrument with which to weaken America from within, a planned race war. With the race war and the paralyzed economy in America, the Communists bought time, a precious decade, for Russia to build an atomic bomb, with the assistance of the Rosenbergs and a vast horde of Jewish spies, while other agents threw the Negro masses against the barricades in a reckless and destructive race war. Now the government of the United States practically ceased to function, as the “spontaneous” and carefully-rehearsed “demand” of the Negro people for their “civil rights” took precedence over everything else in Washington. The shabez goi wretches leaped into the fray on the side of the Negroes, yelping with precise responses to every command of the Jewish parasites, their paws flailing the air as they slavered for their slice of raw steak, whenever the Jews called out “civil rights” or “peace”.
As the high priests of the shabez goi wretches, the Supreme Court gave official status to every demand of the Communist-inspired mobs in 1954, when it ruled that all schools must be integrated. No other single decision of the Supreme Court has ever plunged the nation into such chaos. Americans stood appalled as armies of American soldiers marched into American cities, bayoneting and shooting white citizens who tried to claim their rights. But, a decade later, when we saw American soldiers again marching into American cities, it was to protect the Negro mobs who were looting and burning with impunity!
Now, in 1945, as we have mentioned, the United States stood preeminent in the world, as the new Rome. But in 1955, Russia was well on .her way towards reestablishing herself as a world power, while the United States was weaker than it had been in 1945! And in 1965, the pendulum had already swung in favor of Russia, for in this decade, the Soviet agents had successfully implemented a full-scale race war in the United States, and had also succeeded in committing American soldiers to the endless holocaust of an Asiatic land war. Caught in a man for man struggle with Asia’s teeming billions, the United States would slowly bleed to death while Russia daily grew stronger, without losing a man. And Russia, at home, was calm, while the United States was drawn into a race war, the government was paralyzed, the educational system was paralyzed, and the American people had not a single representative who would defend their interests.
Jewish gold had purchased the sorriest lot of ragtail beggars and thieves that had ever infested our nation’s capital, men who, while. handing over billions to the Jews, had sold themselves for a paltry few thousand dollars apiece! Our Senators and Representatives did not even ask for their souls the price of a healthy Negro slave at pre-Civil War levels. The Mullins Report, in placing a dateline of 1980 to see the United States reduced to the status of another India, had erred by ten years. Now it seems that 1970 is the more likely date.
Geopoliticians have said for years that America was running down. Everything that our nation has achieved had been done at the cost of tremendous outpourings of energy and instinctive intelligence. There has been much native greed and cruelty also, the merciless gouging of immigrant workers, the mass slaughters of the Civil War and the systematic destruction of America’s only native culture, the Greek revival gentility of the South. These are dark chapters in America’s history. But there are also bright pages, when America lived up to all of her promise of freedom and her offerings of hope to a sick and rotted European civilization, which was slowly expiring because of the excesses committed against her by the Jewish parasites. And now it is America’s turn to totter on the brink of the abyss, as her economy reels from the onslaught of revolutionary mobs at home and insane Jewish adventures abroad. But there are still scientists who are blazing new trails for the world, perhaps one per cent of the nation remains constructive in the face of these disasters.
In 1957, I could not predict the burning of American cities while police and National Guardsmen stood by, under orders to “show every possible courtesy to the rioters”. I could not predict that a Jew who had thrice been denied security clearance would commit large-scale American troops to Vietnam in order to sabotage our national economy, an effort which was advertised .as an effort to “stop Communism” while the CIA planned the execution of the nation’s anti-Communist leader, Ngo Diem. No wonder his widow remarked to television newsmen, “With America as a friend, you don't need any enemies.”
The three hundred billion dollar effort to stop Communism in Vietnam would be more believable if it had not been inaugurated by the same lifelong dedicated Marxists in the State Department who had sabotaged Chiang Kai-Shek’s government and turned China over to the Communists. Can we really believe that these traitors, who had presented the Communist world with a gift of six hundred million people, were now prepared to make an all out effort to save a few Vietnamese from the same fate? They showed their hand by refusing Chiang Kai-Shek’s offer to send troops to Vietnam, just as they had refused his offer to send troops to Korea, because the State Department planners had to stick to their plan of showing Asia that it was “white imperialists” who were preventing the Vietnamese from peacefully setting up a Communist state. If Asians were sent to fight Communism, the Marxists in Washington would lose an important plank in their program to wreck our nation.
Meanwhile, at home, as the gross national product reached new highs, (due principally to runaway inflation), the Marxists continued their mad looting of the United States Treasury. Typical was the establishment of more than one hundred “think factories” in which the Jewish parasites drew huge salaries for sitting around thinking up new ways to exploit the gentile host. We find Herman Kahn’s Hudson Institute exposed in the Nation, May 13, 1968, as having been reviewed by the General Accounting Office and its million dollar a year contract proved to have produced nothing of value. The General Accounting Office characterized the work of the Hudson Institute as “its ideas a rehash”, “superficial”, “valueless”. The Nation noted that “virtually no records were kept either at the Hudson Institute or by the General Accounting Office as to how money was spent, the progress of programs,” and other usual business procedures.
We find that there are some one hundred similar concerns in this country, offshoots of the Rand Institute, which spend an average of $50,000 per man per year. This is a salary of one thousand dollars a week for a Jew to sit in an office puffing a cigar, a type of boondoggle which was inspired by Mortimer Adler’s twenty million dollar windfall from the Ford Foundation to “study philosophy”, with the usual valueless rehash of superficial ideas as the only tangible result. These moneys come from tax-exempt foundations or from government agencies, principally the Department of Defense, and never a word of criticism from our Senators and Representatives, who dare not criticize this method of the Jewish parasite’s exploiting the gentile host.
The rapid deterioration of America from a position of strength to a rank of second class power, racked at home by riots and bankruptcy, is a classic example of the effect which the Jewish parasite has upon the gentile host. Writing in the Washington Post on April 5, 1968, Drew Pearson exposed Walt Rostow as the man who committed troops on a large scale to Vietnam. Rostow is a Jew whose father is an avowed Socialist, and Rostow himself, after being refused security clearance three times, was placed in charge of our national security! The man
who refused him security clearance because of his background is a loyal American named Otto Otepka, who has undergone continuous persecution ever since. State Department files were destroyed, witnesses were bribed, and perjury was committed to prevent Rostow from becoming another Dreyfus, a Jew who had gained admittance to the nation’s top security councils and who was now to be rejected because of his past.
Later, as director of our national security, Walt Rostow and a little group of high-ranking government Jews gathered in the Pentagon early one morning to cheer the Israeli sneak attack on its neighbors, and toasted each other while Israeli planes massacred American sailors on the U.S.S. Liberty in neutral waters!
The riots which have devastated American cities for three years and left entire sections in smoking ruins, remarkably akin to the destruction which Jewish-directed bombers had visited upon the cities of France and Germany a few years ago, had their initial inspiration in the writings of a little black hustler in a pamphlet called “The Fire Next Time”. It was published in a house organ of the Jewish parasites, the New Yorker Magazine, and later issued as a book. In this work, James Baldwin promised that the Negroes would burn down America’s cities. Baldwin has long been familiar as a housebroken pet of the Jewish parasites, and he lived for two decades on the liberal outpourings which they gave him from various tax-exempt foundations. Some grants were made in return for his favors, others were made to encourage his revolutionary activities, but none of these awards could be said to have been a sincere appreciation of his feeble literary talent. Since the fires started, he has prudently remained in Paris, snickering at a series of gay parties on the Left Bank while America’s cities are devastated by the black mobs who consider him their inspiration. In his interviews, which are always prominently displayed in the New York Times, he refers to the United States as “the Fourth Reich”, an “in” joke among the parasites.
If James Baldwin gave an intellectual impetus to the riots, the actual planning was done by the Chinese Communists. The inside story of the burning of Washington is that the Chinese Communists devised a plan whereby the city of Washington would become a “free city”, divorced from the United States and administered by a Black Power Commission. This Commission would then charge the United States ten million dollars a year rent for the United States Capitol, the White House and other government buildings. When Mayor Washington approached President Lyndon Johnson with this plan, he was told that it was out of the question. A few days later, the city of Washington was on fire. The stage had been set three days earlier, at a Communist cell meeting at which the Party leaders decided upon the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. A North Vietnamese professional, Nuy Ti Ganh, was flown in for the job, while an American “Oswald” or patsy, as his name has now entered the American language, was murdered and his body buried that same night.
At this Communist Party meeting, one of the conspirators, a member of Mayor Washington’s staff, mentioned that “our soul brother, Walter” had guaranteed the safety of looters and arsonists during the forthcoming burning of Washington. Not a shot would be fired against them – this was the commitment. The promise was kept. During three days of looting and burning Washington, not a single rioter was injured by the thousands of police and soldiers who stood by wider orders not to fire.
Mayor Washington stated, at the beginning of the riot, that any policeman who shot at a rioter would be charged with murder. He fought bitterly against the ordering out of the National Guard, and permitted it only after extracting the incredible commitment from the National Guard commander that the troops would keep their weapons unloaded, and that they would be permitted to load and fire only after obtaining written permission from a superior officer! This was the most ridiculous order ever issued to troops going into a combat situation! These conditions were then read over Television Stations WTOP and WTTG in Washington, so that rioters would know they could loot and burn without a shot being fired against them.
At the height of the burning on Friday evening, after the Communists had murdered Dr. Martin Luther King according to plan, President Lyndon Johnson called Mayor Washington and begged him to allow the National Guard to come in. Mayor Washington curtly refused, and hung up on him, so great was the arrogance of the Negro leader.
The following afternoon, when most of Washington was in flames, Mayor Washington permitted the National Guard to come in only to protect the looters, because some of the Washington City Police, who had been shot at and clubbed by the rioters, were threatening to fight back. The merchants cheered the arrival of the National Guard, because they supposed that this meant a stop to the looting and burning. They were dumbfounded to see the soldiers standing by while Negroes drove Cadillacs from Newark and Philadelphia up to their stores, loaded color televisions, the most expensive clothing, and other loot, into the cars, and drove away, while the soldiers did nothing to stop them. When the stores had been looted, they were set on fire, and again the soldiers did nothing.
At 3:15 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, Mayor Washington had the instructions to the National Guard read over Television Stations WTOP and WTTG. He assured the looters that “1. The soldiers were carrying unloaded weapons and that they would be allowed to load and fire only after being given written permission from a superior officer, and 2. that the soldiers and police had been ordered to show every possible courtesy to the looters.” With this reassurance, the rioters stepped up their activity, and the riot spread to Baltimore, where the same conditions were in effect. Mayor Washington’s instructions resulted in another wild night of looting and burning. Five hundred fifty-eight buildings were burned to the ground in the city of Washington after being looted, at a cost of eighty million dollars worth of goods stolen and ten million dollars in property damage. As one rioter explained, when interviewed by a television cameraman while he had his arms filled with hundreds of dollars worth of expensive clothing, “Man, it’s wonderful! They can’t bother us because we got a soul brother up there!”
3 The Washington Post, July 14, 1968, noted a government investigation which had established that the Negroes had been persuaded to burn the stores because the Chinese Communists promised them that once the Jewish merchants had been burned out, government aid would enable Negroes to open businesses in their stead, and that the Jews would be afraid to return.
During the height of the rioting, WTTG newsman Hal Walker, a Negro who was allowed to move freely about the city during the riots, interviewed a Jewish merchant, John Hechinger, who was Chairman of Washington’s City Council.
“Don’t you see a pattern to this looting?” asked Walker.
“Oh, no, it’s indiscriminate,” replied Hechinger.
“But aren’t only certain types of stores being burned?” pursued Walker.
“No,” muttered Hechinger, and the interview was suddenly cut off of the air.
Hal Walker was referring to the map which had been prepared before the riot in Washington, on which every Jewish store was marked, and of which three hundred copies were distributed in the city on the morning before Martin Luther King was murdered. The Chinese Communists had persuaded the Black Power leaders to stage a massive anti-Semitic uprising against the Jewish merchants who had exploited them. The main target of the burning was the destruction of credit records, and this goal was achieved. Now Hechinger and other Jewish merchants began a frantic campaign to conceal the nature of the anti-Jewish uprising. One Washington merchant, Irv Weinstein, refused to go along with the coverup, and he openly declared that the burning of Washington was the biggest anti-Jewish uprising anywhere in the world since the end of World War II. He pointed out that the heinous Krystal Nacht in Germany during the Nazi regime, in 1938, in which Jewish stores were wrecked, had only resulted in a total of one hundred thousand dollars damage, while the Washington uprising had cost jews one hundred MILLION dollars.
Against the wishes of his fellow Jews, who were desperately trying to cover up the story, Irv Weinstein tried to present a petition to the United Nations, charging Mayor Washington and the City Council with genocide, because they had encouraged the Negroes to attack Jewish stores, and had refused the Jews the protection of the City Police and the National Guard.
Ambassador Arthur Goldberg, our representative to the United Nations, refused to accept the petition, and assured Irv Weinstein that the United States Government would make good every dollar lost by the jewish merchants. When he returned to Washington, Irv Weinstein was visited by two Black Power leaders who told him he had three days to live. Forty-eight hours later, he disappeared and has not been heard of since. Meanwhile, other Jewish merchants, who reopened their stores in Washington, were visited daily by Black Power leaders who charged them ten percent of their gross to stay in business, a tactic they had picked up from the Mafia. One Jewish liquor dealer who refused them, Ben Brown, was shot down in cold blood in his store, and Mayor Washington still refused the merchants protection. Meanwhile, other Negroes were murdering bus drivers each evening, which caused the bus drivers to go on a slowdown. The purpose of these tactics, to wreck the economic life of the city and its transportation system, had been planned by Chinese Communist leaders in order to paralyze the Vietnam peace talks. They correctly reasoned that with our capital city in flames and its economic life shattered, we would lose face and would be unable to make a strong presentation at the Paris peace talks. The murder of Dr. Martin Luther King had been timed for this purpose.
Meanwhile, agents of the Central Intelligence Agency were discovered to have also played a part in fomenting the Washington riot. When their role was revealed, CIA officials stated that the burned buildings followed exactly a plan for a Washington expressway through the city, which had been proposed for more than twenty years, but which could not be implemented because of the cost of acquiring the business buildings and tearing them down. Now that they .had been burned out, and the expressway could be built at a reasonable cost.
The riots which devastated American cities represented a new stage of the mongrelization program which the Jewish parasites had devised to weaken the United States, and, if Jews such as Irv Weinstein seemed to be the losers in this new phase, it was because they refused to look at the long-term program which had been devised for America by the Chinese Communists and their tools, the Black Power militants.
This program had been forced upon America during the Second World War, when the people were living under martial law, and had to accept without protest each new dictatorial decree of the Federal Government. At the end of the war, the Chinese Communist program moved rapidly to implement a forced mongrelization program along three fronts:
1. Forced integration of all army units, to prevent the existence of any armed unit such as an elite white guard which could battle against Communism at home.
2. Forced integration of schools, to educate children from their tenderest years to meekly accept government integration decrees.
3. Forced integration of churches, private clubs and neighborhoods, to prevent any adult white Americans from having a price where they could meet to discuss possible reactions against the activities of the Jewish parasites.
During the campaign for forced integration of all American Army units, the Chinese Communists found that there was a shortage of Negroes in the armed services, and they began a hasty program to attract more Negroes into the Army. One of these attempts was a poster which was widely distributed in Negro business and residential areas, and prominently displayed in Negro taverns and barber shops. The poster read:
Are you victims of race prejudice? Do white girls refuse to go home with you? As a United States soldier, you can travel abroad and be stationed in the homelands of our allies, where your high pay will make you wealthy in the eyes of the people. Your money is worth five times as much as theirs. Negro-Americans! The white girls of Germany and England are waiting eagerly to see your healthy smiles. JOIN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TODAY!
This plan came to an abrupt halt when copies of the poster were sent to Europe, where a press campaign was inaugurated to stop the planned debauching of white European girls by black soldiers, a favorite goal of the Communists which began shortly after World War One, when detachments of black Senegalese troops from the French Army were stationed in Germany and given orders to rape as many German girls as possible.
The Federal Government withdrew all copies of the poster and destroyed them. A European newspaper offered a thousand dollars for a copy but none could be found. One tactic of the Communists had backfired.
A prominent characteristic of the Jewish parasite’s techniques of slow paralysis of the higher thinking centers of the gentile masses is the continuing efficacy of old methods. The Jewish biological drive to destroy gentile civilization through the infiltration and control of the nerve centers has been centralized in the techniques of fomenting Communist revolutions in the industrialized nations.
In 1848, there were street demonstrations against government policies in many European nations, riots which the police could not control. Some European governments fell before the Communist onslaught of 1848. Now we find, a century later, that the same techniques of street demonstrations work just as well, because the demonstrators grow more aggressive, and every department of the government is tested and strained until it gives way.
The initial impetus of the riots comes from students who are agitated by their instructors. Plans are made, students are indoctrinated by faculty members and by older “students”. In Berkeley, California, the organizers of the student riots were found to be “students” in their late twenties or early thirties, and many of the protestors were not students at all, but persons who had taken up residence near the campus for the purpose of fomenting riots.
The churches in the United States play a vital role in providing “sanctuary” for the Communist plotters, raising money for the demonstrations, and serving meals to the rioters, who are too busy with their work of planned disruption to be concerned with providing food for themselves. Dedicated Marxist organizers, who probe for every weakness in the community with all the skill of highly trained surgeons, have long recognized that the churches and the air of piety provide the ideal cover for their revolutionary operations. Infiltrating the church groups is no problem, because they are already wracked with dissension over theological matters, and the administration is composed of college-educated persons who have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the proven shabez goi techniques for controlling the gentile masses. Thus, Communists infiltrate the seminaries (Josef Stalin began his revolutionary activities as a student priest), and with the aid of other Communists, they rise to positions of command in all the religions denominations.
Rosemary Reuther, one of the nations outstanding Catholic scholars and a teacher at George Washington University and Howard University, exposed the origins of our church offices in “The Church Against Itself”, Herder and Herder, NY, 1967, page 134,
“The first concept of church office was borrowed, not surprisingly, from the Jewish synagogue. The sanhedrin, the council of elders which ruled every Jewish community, provided the first model for church office. This pattern was established first in Jerusalem, where, by Paul’s time, it had succeeded in replacing the original community of Jesus’ followers and substituting a presbyterial structure modeled on the Jerusalem Sanhedrin.””
Thus we find that the church administration, a short time after the Sanhedrin had demanded Christ’s crucifixion, kicked out Jesus’ followers and adopted the dictatorial administration of His murderers. This is one of the most amazing discoveries ever revealed about the strange role of the churches in denying Christ and trying to destroy His followers! Read it again and again, until you understand why the churches today embrace every tenet of Communism and reject every principle of Christ.
The most valuable members of the church who promote class struggle are those who are not Communists at all, but who are disoriented fools who are unable to accept Christ, who are dissatisfied with their life, and who wish to provoke Armageddon by any means at their disposal.
What is most surprising is the continued gullibility of the students in our universities, who are still enthralled by a Communist “wave of the future” which is mired in the atmosphere of 1848. Marxism plods along with the same dreary set of concepts with which it faced the onset of the Industrial Revolution. Communism has not come up with a single new idea for more than a century, yet it tries to meet the Space Age with a theory which was obsolete even when it was first set forth by Karl Marx!
Our students are never informed that the ideological masters of Communism, Marx and Lenin, were men who were completely out of touch with the life of the societies which produced them. They spoke of the “revolt of the peasantry” at a time when the peasants were moving to the cities to take factory jobs, but then, what could Marx, sitting in a dusty room of the British Museum and wriggling back and forth as his hemorrhoids tormented him, know of the changing world outside of the book stacks, and what could Lenin know of the world during the years which he spent quietly reading in a Swiss library, leading the life of a retired insurance salesman, until the twentieth century caught up with him and dragged him back to Russia, where he became the willing tool of a homicidal maniac named Lev Brontein, or Trotsky? Yet American professors today present these two intellectual backwaters, Marx and Lenin, as the two most original thinkers of all time!
One reason that American students are so prone to embrace doctrines of revolt is that they know they are being robbed, that they are not getting the education they are having for, because the “treason of the clerks”, the trahison des clercs which Julien Benda, a French scholar, exposed, prevents them from receiving an education. The shabez goi professors, the treasonable clerks, cram the outdated philosophies of Marx and Freud clown the throats of the students when they need an education for the Space Age!
One of the principal reasons for student rebelliousness is the ubiquitous MacLeish Syndrome which they encounter in our better universities, particularly in the Ivy League schools.
The MacLeish Syndrome has two firm tenets which are never deviated from : “1. All culture must be presented as Jewish in origin. 2. All human thought must be attributed to either Marx,
Freud or Einstein, and must be clearly labelled as originating from these Jewish ‘geniuses’”. Forbidden to know the work of such great gentile minds as Ezra Pound, Werner von Heisenberg, and hundreds of others, the students grow restless, and after two or three year of this dreary rabbinical education strictly on the lines of the Talmud, they are ripe for any doctrine of revolt. Yet, instead of rebelling against their sick professors, they allow the professors to send them out to wreck the surviving institutions of their gentile civilization.
The MacLeish Syndrome is characterized by a tweedy, Scot terrier type of individual who has been a lifelong pet of the liberal non compos mentis. Because of inherited income, this type affects a genial air of native superiority, and entertains student leaders in a den lined with the first editions of the works of former students, nor is he reluctant to describe how he arranged for their publication.
A good sherry is poured for the students by a subservient black man while the MacLeish talks easily about the necessity for human equality. Often silly, and always dishonest, the MacLeish sits regally in a vast easy chair of Spanish leather, puffing a rare mixture of imported tobaccos in his pipe and wearing a red silk smoking jacket from Sulka, while black patent leather slippers from Peele of London dangle from his toes. The students literally perch at his feet, while the MacLeish peddles a watered-down version of the gospel according to Karl Marx.
Dazed by the MacLeish syndrome, the students rise up and go out into the world to purvey classical Marxism to the masses whom this philosophy is intended to enslave. From the posts which they obtain, they rise rapidly in the spheres of education, journalism, religion and government, their promotions depending solely on the degree in which they are effective in spreading the Marxist gospel. Whatever doubts the students may have entertained about this gospel soon vanish as they discover how it opens the doors for them in their chosen professions. Those whose systems reject the infection find that twenty years later, they are teaching study hall at the Podunk Grammar School, or tending a deserted library in East Gowatchee, Pennsylvania.
What is puzzling is the continued gullibility of the students, who blindly accept as “the wave of the future” a philosophy of Marx which was already obsolete one hundred years ago. How can they be so obtuse? In the first place, a student must begin with what he is exposed to, the sunlight and air and water which is available to him. Now, if he gets only shabez goi thought from his Jewish teachers, what else can he know? Cut off from his native Western culture, the American student today is a rootless tumbleweed, driven by the wind from one goofy Marxist theory to another, and unaware of his heritage, his people and his nation. His anger at finding that the education he pays for is an empty sham is understandable, but his failure to react against the true culprits suggests that his native instincts have been destroyed, as he reacts against his society, rather than against the perverters of the education-al system themselves.
The recent Columbia University riots may presage an awakening on the part of the students, as the eviction of President Grayson Kirk from his office would seem to be a sign of student awareness, yet the same dreary Marxist slogans scrawled on the walls indicates that they have learned nothing. Those students who defecated upon Dr. Kirk’s desk may have demonstrated a legitimate resentment, but they also revealed their own lack of judgment. Instead of attacking the milksop Marxism of their perverters, they were led by Jewish agitators who criticized the professors for not being more Marxist! Is there any intelligence left in such students, or have their minds been totally destroyed by such Jewish activists as Mark Rudd at Columbia University, the son of a Lithuanian Jew named Jacob Rudnitsky, and in France, the student leader who wrecked the DeGaulle regime, a redheaded Jewish agitator named Daniel Cohn-Bendit, also known as “Danny the Red”?
The plight of the students reflects the unhappy situation of the entire gentile masses, a condition of mental serfdom. Now, when we say that Americans are being held in mental bondage, what do we mean? We mean that ever newspaper, radio station, television station, magazine and stage and screen play has been edited by Jewish agents to remove any reference to their crimes and to keep the gentile masses in a condition of sleep. This would be a fantastic statement, if we did not have at hand the annual reports of the organizations which perform this censorship. Foremost is the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, with the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress as other important agents of censorship.
These groups issue annual reports in which they document the fact that their agents check every public presentation of any kind, written or staged, and delete any references to Jewish misdeeds. As a writer, I have followed the ADL operations closely for twenty nears. If I submit a story to the Saturday Evening Post, any ADL staff member, whose salary is paid by the magazine, checks the story for any reference to Jewish activities, and also checks a blacklist to see if my name is there as a critic of the Jews. Even if the story contains no reference to the Jews, it is rejected because my name is on the Jewish blacklist, and I must be prevented first, from earning any money from my writings, and second, from reaching an audience.
If I submit a manuscript to a publishing house, it is again checked first for references to the Jews, and second, to see if its author is on the Jewish blacklist. In this manner, the Jews prevent any gentile writer from reaching the public if he is known to be indifferent or hostile to their goals, if he has refused to become a member of the shabez goi class. Any publication which rejects Jewish censorship is either driven out of business, or taken over by Jewish financial interests. A book which is published by gentiles who are not of the shabez goi class is ignored by the book review departments of mass publications, and bookstores refuse to stock it, for their stocks are reviewed monthly by traveling ADL agents who enter the store incognito, inspect the stock, and if any publication is found which mentions the Jews, the proprietor is threatened with various weapons, lawsuits, government action or financial revenge.
Many gentile publications, such as the Literary Digest, Liberty Magazine, and others have been driven out of business by the ADL, not because they published “anti-Semitic” articles, but because they refused to let ADL inspectors control their operations. Other magazines, such as Collier’s, were prosperous publications, but Jews took over their editorial staffs and filled their pages with hysterical invective against anyone who opposed them, until the disgusted subscribers quit reading them.
The Saturday Evening Post is now traveling this road of no return. Once a virile publication which reached a respectable percentage of the American middle class, it has become a vicious and irresponsible organ of Jewish propaganda, and is facing bankruptcy for this one reason. So important has it become to the Jews that Martin Ackerman, a Jewish entrepreneur, recently rushed in with a five million dollar loan. A week later, he announced that he had recouped his loan by selling the Saturday Evening Post subscription list to Life Magazine, a typical wheel-and-deal operation. Nevertheless, the Saturday Evening Post is doomed to go the way of Collier’s, for, under its present editors, it is a sick and vile publication. ADL agents fill its pages with their garbage as they try to brainwash the American people. Typical was a vicious and unprovoked attack against the American businessman, H. L. Hunt, in a recent issue .of the Saturday Evening Post, written by a professional clown named William Buckley. This article referred to Mr. Hunt as a “boob with appallingly bad manners” a “buffoon” and other sneering Jewish epithets. One ostensible reason for Buckley’s attack may have been Mr. Hunt’s refusal to contribute to the staggering losses suffered by Buckley’s venture into publishing, the National Review, which was neither national nor a review.
William Buckley, a well-advertised “conservative spokesman”, has been described as a figment of George Sokolsky’s imagination. A Jewish provocateur, Sokolsky decided to use Buckley’s money to launch a “rightwing” magazine which would peddle approved Jewish techniques of “anti-Communism”. Sokolsky and a Hollywood gagwriter named Morrie Ryskind put together the format of the National Review, which it still follows today. Although Sokolsky died, the National Review was condemned to drift forever on the sea of his murky ideas, in which only three principles could be discerned. The first was that Jews are not Communists, the second was that anti-Semitism was the worst evil of which man could he guilty (a plank which Sokolsky borrowed from the Soviet Constitution) and the third was that all Americans are fools.
One of the techniques of ADL control is to keep the gentiles at each other’s throats through tried and proved methods of provocateurism. When Robert Welch founded a gentile anti-Communist group, the John Birch Society, an ADL provocateur persuaded Buckley to attack Welch as being “anti-Semitic”. Stung by the accusation, Welch hastily hired Jewish editors to supervise his publications, but Buckley continued his attacks, and the supposed goal of the National Review and the John Birch Society, anti-Communism, disappeared in a avalanche of mud-slinging, a typical shabez goi imbroglio, while the Jews laughed their heads off. The moral is that each time you hit a ball across the net, a Jew wins a point, because shabez goi conditioning, the Pavlov slavering of the trained dogs, occurs on schedule whenever the Jew utters the key word, “anti-Semitism”. But trained dogs, however amusing they may he in a circus, cannot build a nation, nor can they administer one which others have built.
Looking at this situation superficially, as we have been trained to do by the Jews, we may well ask, Why shouldn’t the Jews do all of our thinking for us, censor our books and burn anything they do not wish us to read? But this goes against the grain of the American legend of freedom and self-expression, it denies us the right to examine and solve our national problems. America faces a serious economic crisis, a serious racial crisis, and a serious military crisis, yet the Jew refuses to allow us to discuss these problems, for fear that we might criticize the role of the parasite in exploiting the host.
More important, we are frustrated in our search for wisdom. As crucial as the maintenance of life itself is man’s quest for wisdom, the fruit of a healthy life, in order to bring more benefits to his people. Ezra Pound once said to me, “A man should study German philosophy from age forty to sixty, Greek from age sixty to eighty, and after he has reached the age of eighty, he is ready to tackle Chinese philosophy.” But all we get is Jewish philosophy, from the cradle to the grave. Not only is this philosophy devoted to the maintenance of the parasite’s ascendancy over the host, but it also prevents us from knowing Christ. A great republic is collapsing into the dust, but what do the Jews care about this? As their slogan says, “Who needs it?” They will travel to another host, and America will join the ghosts of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, and Rome.
The ADL has a vast arsenal of weapons to use against those gentiles who oppose them. I have experienced the following: being discharged from professional positions; prevented from finding an established publisher for my articles and books; a continual propaganda campaign to prevent me from establishing a following among conservative Americans.
Although I knew nothing about the ADL when I began writing anti-Communist articles and books, I soon came up against them. A leading New York publisher told my agent,
“Mullins made a great mistake in going against us. He is versatile and prolific, we could have done a lot for him. Look what we did for other gentile writers, Hemingway, Steinbeck, Faulkner, they were just high school talents but we made them household words in America. Now Mullins will never have a dime, because his books will never find an outlet in this country.”
When this story was relayed to me, it affected me not at all, because at this time, in 1952, I had a growing audience for my work, and some influential people in New York began a campaign to raise money so that I could devote all of my time to anti-Communist writing. My own funds at this time totalled a hundred and fifty dollars, on which I could survive, by abstemiousness and thrift, another three months. Suddenly the fundraisers ceased their efforts. I began to hear a rumor so unbelievable that I ignored it. This story, widely circulated among New York patriots, was that I owned large estates in Virginia and that the income from these properties enabled me to live the life of a gentleman scholar, to travel, and write as I pleased. In reality, I have never owned anything but the clothes on my back, and have no prospects of inheriting anything, but the story did its work, and the ADL put an effective end to the campaign to back me in my work.
In 1954, my name disappeared from “anti-Communist” publications in America, although some of them continued to advertise my Federal Reserve book, with the name of the author carefully blacked out! It is still advertised in this fashion today. Only one patriot, Mrs. Lyrl Clark Van Hyning, continued to give me space in her newspaper, Women’s Voice. This silent treatment proved the effectiveness of ADL control over the supposedly “anti-Communist” newspapers and magazines in this country, because I had become, in a few years, the leading scholar of this group, with my exposés of the Federal Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations, and other shabez goi operations. FBI agents visited the offices of these publications and warned them against printing my work or mentioning my name. For nearly fifteen years, I worked quietly at home, developing my theories of the biological parasite, while most patriots supposed that I was either dead or no longer active.
With the degeneration of all levels of life in America, the most pronounced decadence appeared in the children of the affluent society, shabez goi families. These children formed a disillusioned class which became known as “hippies”.
The Saturday Evening Post interviewed a large group of hippies in San Francisco. One gentile youth said, “My father is supposed to be a big man in our town, yet I saw that he was always raising money for Jewish charities, signing petitions for Jews, things like that. I asked him, ‘What’s the idea? You don't give a dam for anybody, much less the Jews.’ He told me that if he refused to do this, he would be wiped out in a few days. We live in a fine home, have three cars, a color TV, you name it. But I told him, ‘It’s not worth it,’ and I walked out.”
This American youth expressed a correct reaction against the pernicious influence of the Jewish parasite. Only when our youth begins to express its contempt for every member of the shabez goi, every educator who trains the youth to become gentile slaves, every religious leader who tells his congregation that it is their duty to work for the Jews, every government official who taxes the gentiles for the benefit of the Jews, only then can we hope for a “reaction” against the parasites.
It is this “trahison des clercs”, the betrayal of the people by the educated middle class, which makes the continued hold of the parasite possible. Without this active assistance, he would be dislodged immediately. Every aspect of gentile existence is poisoned by the shabby, vicious and cheap gentiles who have become the passive agents of the parasite’s power. Yet it is they who are held up as models for the nation’s youth. It is they who are the presidents of our colleges, directors of our museums, heads of our publishing houses, chairmen of our religious denominations. Only by challenging them at every step can the gentile begin the process of dislodging the parasites. Since these gentiles already despise themselves, they will not be surprised to discover that they are despised by the rest, of the population, including their Jewish masters. The next step is to drive them out of every office, and to replace them with people who have “kindness”, that is, who are responsive to the needs of their own kind, and who will not sell their people for fifty pieces of silver.
It would be a mistake for the scholar to suppose that the entire shabez goi community understands the parasite-host relationship, or that our educators, government officials and religious leaders are active agents in a conspiracy to enslave the gentiles. There are no conspiracies in nature. People lead the lives which their genes map out for them, and these laws can be evaded only two ways, by following Christ, or by following Satan. The parasite automatically seeks to follow a parasitic existence, and the shabbiest, most vicious and cheapest of the gentiles find their only fulfillment in the life of a shabez goi. They miseducate, misgovern and confuse the gentile masses because that is the only role they can know in life. Without Jewish support, our college presidents would be fortunate to find employment as janitors, our government officials would qualify only as swineherds.
In the United States, many of the shabez goi are in the third and fourth generations of their shabez goi professions. The Adlai Stevenson and Dulles families shuttle back and forth between high government positions and posts in Jewish banks and law firms. These, so we are told, are the American aristocrats, who lead the gentile masses in Pavlov gestures of approval of each action of the Jews.
Thus we find the American masses applauding the atrocities which the Israelis commit against the Arabs. Yet these Arab peoples have always been America’s friends and allies. An Arab leader asked, “How can Americans applaud the outrages of then worst enemies, the Jews in the bandit state of Israel, and cheer them on in their aggressions against us?”
The answer is that the shabez goi, in their dominant positions as publishers, educators, and government officials, have trained the American masses in group responses like trained dogs. Only when some of our young people rebel against the role of trained dog, and refuse to bark when the shabez goi order them to, will there he hope for us. Only when we fight against the well-dressed rabble which make possible the parasite’s dominance will we have a chance. Only then can we remove the tentacles of the parasite from our body.
Throughout nature, the parasite seeks a host. The host tries to dislodge him. If he succeeds, the parasite soon returns. The Jews have been expelled from European nations hundreds of times, yet they are there today. Each time the parasite is cast out, he learns a lesson, he will improve his hold the next time. He learns to anticipate and control the reactions of the host, and as he turns their nations into vast, shabby prisons, he affects their most fundamental impulses and warps their entire existence.
This is the state of Western civilizations today. Only machines have freedom. The gentile masses of the Western democracies are already dying. Many of them are zombies, the walking dead. What can we say to these walking dead? Do they have enough nervous energy left to respond to an appeal to cast out their parasites, or has the Jewish poison paralyzed their bodies?
What is the ethic of the parasite-host relationship? Is it immoral? No, it is natural for the parasite to seek a host on which it can feed, and it is natural for the host to attempt to dislodge him. The Jew is obeying his God when he fulfills his life mission of being a parasite, of finding and controlling a host. It is the sense of his own historical rightness, as Trotsky formulated it in Communism, which led the Jew to believe that he was indeed a Chosen People, born to live off the work of others, and to take their goods and lands.
Today, the Jew believes that everything the gentile owns has come from the parasite, that the parasite has brought the good life to the ignorant gentile cattle, given him a culture, a monetary system, and a religion. The Jew believes that he has given purpose and direction to the life of the gentiles, in training the gentiles to become his slaves, for the Jew believes that their only role in life is to serve him. For this reason, the Jew believes that all of history is Jewish history, as the historian Dubnow claims. He may be right, insofar as much of recorded history is a series of variations upon the host-parasite theme.
However, Dubnow and all other Jewish historians refuse to admit one thing, the damaging influence of the parasite upon the host. Yet this has been proven in every instance, either by the collapse visited upon the host by the presence of the parasite, or by a great renaissance of culture, learning and power of the host when it manages to rid itself of the parasite, even for a comparatively short time. Look at Elizabethan England, after the Jews had been expelled. In a few short years, the English people had such a flowering as the world had never seen, tremendous productions of poetry, drama, world exploration and scientific discoveries. Coke gave us the Common Law during this period, which became the basis for the United States Constitution.
Look at America before 1860, when the country was largely free of the parasite blight, a young nation which was the hope of the civilized world. Look at Germany today, where it is a crime by law on the statutes to mention the parasite by name, and compare it with the Germany of 1800. Germany today is a nation of despair, because the parasite has once again fastened its tentacles deep into the host, with the aid of foreign occupying armies, and poisoned every aspect of German life. Yet in 1800, all of Germany was alive, great composers were writing the symphonies which we listen to today, and Count von Humboldt was amazing the world with his scientific discoveries, while Goethe was becoming known as the single greatest figure in world philosophy.
Thus, we must admit a fundamental law of nature. If the host cannot dislodge the parasite, it sinks into a slow, degenerating trauma of sickness and death. If it can dislodge the parasite, it quickly soars to new heights of accomplishment and prosperity.
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