Was Nakoula Basseley Nakoula an FBI Informant and the “Innocence” Film a Honeypot Trap?
Posted on September 14, 2012 by
by Scott Creighton
Hillary Clinton has stated unequivocally
that the U.S. government had
absolutely nothing to do with the making of the film which has reportedly
caused so much anger and hostility across the Middle East.
I think she’s lying and there’s good reason I think that.
It turns out that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula fits the profile of an FBI
confidential informant perfectly. His criminal background and the terms of his
parole make it seem very likely that he may have been approached by the FBI to
help flush out some “extremists” in California.
Statements made by Klein make clear they had the intention to only show the
film “Innocence of bin Laden” in California
in hopes of finding radical Muslims. This is not something that average people
just jump up and decide to do out of the blue for the greater good of the
community. Especially career criminals.
The film did not achieve it’s goal and it’s my contention that the film may
have been retooled, turned into “Innocence of Muslims” by certain elements to
achieve a different objective: the justification for an all out military
invasion of Libya.
Not only does the background of the film and Nakoula’s criminal past fit
into this mold, but also the outrageous negligence of the State Department and
the fleeing of the security personnel at the Libyan compound also leads us to
this unfortunate conclusion.
What Really Happened at the Libyan Embassy?
It’s come out that the State Department knew of the pending troubles for at
least 48 hours prior to the attacks on the Libyan embassy and yet, they issued
no warnings. A warning would have motivated embassy officials to increase
security measures which may have prevented the mob from entering the compound.
“According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had
credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi,
and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no
warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under
which movement is severely restricted.” Independent
Despite President
Obama’s praise of the Libyan security forces for their bravery and heroic
actions trying to save Chris Stevens, the fact is, most of them, if not all 30
of the security personnel assigned to the compound, took off once the protest
outside the building began. The head of the security forces in Benghazi blames that on the video as well.
“The security people just all ran away and
the people in charge were the young men with guns and bombs.”
Wissam Buhmeid, the commander of the Tripoli
government-sanctioned Libya’s
Shield Brigade, effectively a police force for Benghazi, maintained that it was anger over
the Mohamed video which made the guards abandon their post. “There
were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen
because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put
their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing
compared to insulting the Prophet.” Independent
Why would the president of the United States
praise the efforts of the Libyan security forces who fled their posts and
directly or indirectly helped to cause the deaths of 4 U.S. citizens?
It’s known that the attack was planned well in advance but it certainly
wouldn’t have been nearly as successful nor as deadly if the security forces
had remained and had the State Department issued a warning 48 hours prior to
the attack.
What we have now is an open invitation for the president and the state
department to launch full scale military actions and stepped up covert actions
inside Libya,
something that they have needed to do since the Green Revolution has been
gaining strength and support from the average Libyans.
So the question that should be on everyone’s mind is this: Did this just
“happen”, this stupid little hate video, or did someone MAKE it happen in order
to facilitate a new military “surge” in Libya?
Is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula an FBI Informant?
In order to come to a better understanding of that question, since obviously
we aren’t going to get a straight answer from anyone in Washington, we have to
look at the source of the film “Innocence of Muslims” and try to figure out how
it came to be made and how it made it’s way to the public’s attention.
The FBI has a long sordid history of using confidential informants (CIs) to
work undercover in order to root out extremist of all sorts. This is an
unremarkable claim not needing source material as proof, but I will provide two
recent examples in anticipation of future doubters.
1. Did
FBI Employee Shaquille Azir Set Up His Own Employees in Fake Bombing Plot in
Exchange for Light Sentence on Bad Check Charges? In this case, the
FBI took career criminal, Kelvin Jackson and turned him into Shaquille Azir in
order to set up and entrap 5 low-life semi-literate laborers for a fictitious
bomb plot. Interesting to note: Jackson
was facing 20 years on federal check fraud charges. Keep that in mind for
2. Sikh
Temple Massacre: CNN Cites David Gletty, the SPLC, and the ADL in
ONE Article David Gletty boasts about his exploits as a FBI set-up
man. He was living with his mother back in his days posing as a neo-Nazi and
running a fake troop out of Orlando.
Eventually he framed up two unwitting dupes for ripping off a drug dealer. Not
much came out of that little charade.
There are far more of these type operations these days than I would like to
have to list but suffice to say it happens with an almost eerie regularity.
The typical MO of such an operation is as follows:
- you take someone outside of the justice or legal system because you don’t want them to be tracked back to law enforcement training or career. Usually someone with a criminal record so they are less likely to betray your project and if they do, you have a built in smear campaign to deny them credibility if, say, they go to the press.
- you create a new identity for them, something that suits your specific needs. In the case of Kelvin Jackson, it was an angry Muslim. In the case of Gletty, a pissed off white guy.
- you accord them some kind of credibility either cash and resources for bombing attacks or a background in whatever endevour you plan.
- fund them through back door channels so it can’t be traced back to the source (Feds, FBI, DEA, etc)
- you set up the sting hoping to catch extremists showing up with bad intentions on their minds.
It’s come out that the phone number for “Sam Bacile”, the director of the 14
minute video at the heart of this psyop, is actually registered to the home
address of a man named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
Nakoula was interviewed by the Associated Press outside his home and he
admitted to working on the film but not to being Bacile. Under the assumed name
of Sam Bacile, the director of the film gave several interviews claiming to be
an Israeli-American Jew. He also claimed to have raised 5 million dollars from
100 Jewish investors for the film. He ranted about “Islam being a cancer”.
Clearly this person’s intention was to stoke racial hatred on several fronts.
It’s pretty well established at this point that “Bacile” is a fake name and
the more one looks into it, the more one comes to the conclusion that Nakoula
was actually the director of the film. But for argument’s sake, let’s take
Nakoula at his word and pretend someone else directed the film. Nakoula
admits he produced it and if you know anything about film making, the
producer IS the film maker for all intents and purposes.
So if Nakoula produced this film, the questions we have to ask are “why?”
and “how?”
Nakoula’s Current and Past Legal Problems
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is a career criminal and just like Kelvin Jackson
(aka Shaquile Ariz)
his crime was bank fraud and just like Jackson,
he is still on the hook for it.
Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months for bank fraud back in 2010. He was sent
to the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in Lompoc
which is a minimal security prison for white collar criminals in California. Go
here to read the court order judgement. He was also given 5 years after
that 21 month sentence on highly supervised parole.
(As a side note, part of the parole stipulation set forth by the judge is
that if he were to enter into any kind of confidential informant type of
operation for any intelligence or law enforcement agency, it first has to be
cleared by the judge in the case. So in fact, there may be legal documentation
filed in a California court which ties Nakoula
and a branch of the U.S.
government to each other and this film. See
#13 of the Standard Conditions of Probation on page 4 of 4)
What he had been doing was creating new identities by combining fake names
with real social security numbers in order to open credit card accounts with
Wells Fargo bank. He would draw money out at ATMs or write checks to other
fictitious accounts and cash them at the bank. It was quite extensive his
little scheme. Go
here to read the court report on his crimes. In the court order he was
ordered to pay just north of $794,000 in restitution which he apparently is
going to have to be paying back for a very long period of time.
Also of note in the court order: he was not to buy,pay or transfer anything
in the dollar amount of over $500 without informing his parole officer first.
Well, wouldn’t the producer of a film have to make payments like that with
He was also ordered to report exactly where he was working and every source
of income. He was only allowed to keep one bank account due to the nature of
his crime and that account was to be monitored.
So we know he was on probation and being watched carefully. But right after
he gets out of the Federal Penitentiary, he hooks up with some shady guys and
starts making this ridiculous movie.
Why would he do that?
Original Intent
I noticed when I first saw the 14 minute trailer for the film that it didn’t
have a single title block anywhere in it, not at the beginning and not at the
end. I therefore concluded that the trailer had actually been lifted from some
film school thesis project and retooled for this psyop.
I was partially correct.
The film was not made to this end. It was actually made in the hopes that
the filmmakers could smoke out “dangerous” Muslim extremists in California and I believe
that was done by Nakoula on behalf of the FBI.
Take a look at what Steve Klein said when interviewed
about his role in the film and what he knew about “Sam Bacile”
The original title was “The Innocence of Bin Laden,” which the filmmaker
expected would attract an audience of radical Islamists who would become
disillusioned about their faith after watching, Klein said.
“Sam had a crew of people passing out fliers around the dangerous
mosques in California,
trying to get these folks who love Osama
Bin Laden who would come to cheer Osama Bin Laden,” Klein said. “But the
movie was going to expose all the stuff that Muhammad really did, like murder
and pedophilia and stuff like that.”
The movie had one theatrical showing at a cinema on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood,
Klein said.
“I got there about a half hour before the movie started and stayed a half
hour after it started and I saw zero — nada, none, no people — go inside,” Klein said.
The lack of interest in the movie left the filmmaker depressed and
embarrassed, Klein said. He said he didn’t know how much the budget was
or who gave money for production. He said he didn’t invest.
“ San
Fransisco Chronical
What we have here is a perfect description of an FBI confidential informant
honey pot project. Notice that Klein doesn’t know where the money came from.
He said that Bacile had “a crew” of people handing out fliers in the
“dangerous” Muslim areas trying to get extremists to show up to the theater and
the plan failed. This, according to Klein, depressed “Bacile”. That’s
understandable if he needed to produce patsies in order to please his FBI
Again we have to ask, if Bacile is indeed Nakoula, where did the money come
from and how was he able to funnel it all through his bank accounts without the
approval of the courts? I also wonder if taking on an assumed name is a
violation of his parole considering the nature of his crimes.
There really is no other possible explanation for all of this unless Klein
is just making this entire thing up out of whole cloth and maybe Klein himself
is Bacile and he’s fingering the producer to avoid taking the blame.
But of course, all of the questions about the identity of Bacile and Nakoula
could be over in a flash if someone from the press would just show a picture of
Nakoula to the actors and technicians and ask them if it’s Bacile.
But, for some reason, to my knowledge, that hasn’t happened yet. Which in
itself is an odd thing when you think about it.
There is no possible explanation for Nakoula to get out of prison and jump
right into this project in hopes of trapping the angry Muslims. It appears that
Nakoula is a conman, a career criminal who has little to no regard for Muslims
or community service. So why would he suddenly jump into this project with
money from out of the blue?
He wouldn’t unless he was promised something out of it. One thing he could
get out of it is forgiveness of that $780,000 debt hanging over his head. That
would be a good motivation, wouldn’t it?
Typically these CI projects eventually come out in court but this one won’t.
Now that the film has been retooled and stands at the heart of several deaths,
this CI project has got to be flushed down the memory hole forever and if I am
right about this, that doesn’t bode well for Mr. Nakoula.
I don’t know if I have proven hypothesis or not. The film was once used as a
honeypot, that much is for sure. And it was clearly re-purposed for the
“Innocence of the Muslims” mini-flick without even taking the time to put a
cheesy title block on it. Who could have done that? Who knew it existed? Who
benefits from the attack at the Libyan embassy?
Who left the embassy wide open
for an attack and provided them with no warning?
A lot of things had to happen just right for the U.S.
to be sending drones, destroyers and marines into Libya right now. Everything seems
to have fallen into place and at the heart of all this is a film that appears
to have been created to sucker extremists into a Sunset Strip theater to meet
their demise. Well, retooled or not, the film is now serving a similar purpose
and if I am correct, the Feds are finally getting some payoff for the little
honeypot deal with Bacile.
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