by Scott Creighton
Contrary to
popular propaganda, only 16 out of the 100 members of the assembly who wrote
the new Egyptian constitution were from the Muslim Brotherhood. 16 out of 100
Egypt's new
constitution despite what you have been told, was NOT written by all Islamists and fanatical Muslim
Brotherhood members hell-bent to enshrine Sharia law in Egypt. That's
just a downright lie.
It was written, in accordance with the 2011 Provisional Constitution of
Egypt which itself was written by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of Egypt , not "Islamists", on 30
March, 2011 in order to forge a new Egypt governed
by the rule of law in the wake of the removal of our puppet
dictator, Mubarak.
When you are told this document "enshrines Sharia
law" and was written by the Muslim Brotherhood, that is a direct lie.
Pure and simple.
They formed, according to
the law, a 100 member assembly in order to write the new
constitution. It is called the Constituent Assembly of Egypt
and the main criticism coming from both the MSM as well as various
"alternative" news sites is that it is dominated by the Muslim
Brotherhood and thus they wrote the constitution. Again, not true.
"An agreement to form a more balanced assembly was
reached on 7 June 2012. 39 seats would be filled by members of parliament, six by judges, nine by law experts, one each
by a member of the armed forces,
the police and the justice ministry, 13
seats by unions, and 21
by public figures. Five seats would be filled by the Al-Azhar University,
one of Sunni Islam's most important institutions, and four by the Coptic Orthodox
Church" BBC
The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party ended up
having only 16 seats in the assembly while opposition parties had 22 seats.
There were 61 independents.
As the constitution started taking shape, some of the members
of the assembly dropped out of the process in protest. There's good reason
for that: it's not that the work is profoundly Sharia in nature, much to the
opposite in fact as focuses the on the rule of law of the Constitution as
it's basis and not Sharia.
That's not really the problem. The problem is, it sets a
decidedly anti-neoliberal basis at the foundation of the new Egypt and our
influence in that country is pushing hard to keep that from happening.
Thus, the new Color Revolution which is being pimped by left
and right wing prestitutes (including alternative ones in
fact) is well underway.
The stakes are VERY high which is why the establishment is
cashing in some of their embedded "alternative" media plants like
James Corbett of the Corbett Report who just the other day went so
far as to claim this new "revolution" is the only
legitimate revolution in Egypt in the past couple of years.
This is simply a staged Color Revolution in Egypt much like the fake "Green
Revolution" in Iran a
year or so ago, the fake "uprising"in Libya
last year and the ongoing "civil war" in Syria. A small group of National
Endowment for Democracy paid "activists" are running around
pretending to be a majority when in fact, they aren't. Not even close. But,
just like back in Iran
a while ago, with the right camera angles and propaganda from the likes of
James Corbett, they can pass as something they aren't.
Over at AntiWar, Jason "Hasbara" Ditz himself had to
admit that the critics of this constitution never actually talk about what's
in it while he went on to falsely continue the ongoing lie about
"onerous power grab" of the "dictator" Morsi.
"Yet after last year’s parliamentary elections ended in
an overwhelming victory for the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party
(FJP), it is unsurprising that party got a solid major of the seats in the
constitutional committee. Specific
complaints about the draft have been few, with most condemning it on the
basis of its authors, and in the end it seems that the
referendum will likely pass on the back of Islamist supporters, ending the
most onerous of Morsi’s own power grab by finally giving him a
constitutionally defined role." Jason "Hasbara" Ditz
The likes of Napolitano, Corbett and Ditz continue to rail against
the document without ever once offering their readers the opportunity to
actually read it like I did several days ago when the English translation
became available. My guess is, none of them have read it. As to the basis of
it's authors as the problem with the document, like the graph shows, 16
out of 100 and the majority of the elected representatives who served on the
assembly, were from OPPOSITION PARTIES...
In previous articles, I have repeatedly posted direct
quotes from the constitution which will be voted on by the people of Egypt so
that people are able to understand what it is that is REALLY at the heart of
this administration's hatred of it. Below I am reposting some of those in the
hopes that you will pass this on, repost it, put it up as a comment in other
forums, so that people start to understand just what is happening and what is
at stake. They want to do another intervention in Egypt to keep this from becoming
the law of the land and unfortunately, the "antiwar" alternative
press is aiding and abetting their propaganda. There will be a massive
demonstration in the next day or so in Egypt to show solidarity with
their government and this document. Don't expect even handed reporting on
that and you might even see some false flag activity in order to justify
intervention. Help get this word out if you can.
Excerpts from the New Egyptian Constitution:
No political party shall be formed that discriminates on the
basis of gender, origin or religion.”
“The State shall ensure safety, security and equal
opportunities for all citizens without discrimination.”
“Dignity is the right of every human being, safeguarded by the
“All citizens are equal before the law. They have equal public
rights and duties without discrimination.”
“Individual freedom is a natural right, safeguarded and
“Any person arrested, detained or whose freedom is restricted
in any way, shall be treated in a manner preserving human dignity. No
physical or moral harm shall be inflicted upon that person.”
“The private life of citizens is inviolable. Postal
correspondence, wires, electronic correspondence, telephone calls and other
means of communication shall have their own sanctity and secrecy and may not
be confiscated or monitored except by a causal judicial warrant.”
“Private homes are inviolable. With the exception of cases of
immediate danger and distress, they may not be entered, searched or
monitored, except in cases defined by law, and by a causal judicial warrant
which specifies place, timing and purpose. Those in a home shall be alerted
before the home is entered or searched.”
“Freedom of belief is an inviolable right.”
“The State shall guarantee the freedom to practice religious
rites and to establish places of worship for the divine religions, as regulated
by law.”
“The right to private assembly is guaranteed without the need
for prior notice. Security personnel shall not attend or intercept such
private meetings.”
Chapter Two: Executive Authority
Section 1: The President
Article 132
The President is the Head of State and chief of the executive authority. He looks after the interests of the people, safeguards the independence and territorial integrity of the motherland, and observes the separation between powers.
He carries out his responsibilities in the manner
prescribed in the Constitution.
Article 133
The President of the Republic shall be elected for a period of four calendar years, commencing on the day the term of his predecessor ends. The President may be reelected only once.
The process of the presidential election begins at least 90
days before the end of the presidential term. The result is to be announced
at least 10 days before the end of term.
The President of the Republic may not hold any
partisan position for the duration of the presidency.
Article 137
Before assuming the presidential position, the President of the Republic shall take the following oath before the House of Representatives and the Shura Council: “I swear by Almighty God to loyally uphold the republican system, to respect the Constitution and the law, to fully look after the interests of the people and to safeguard the independence and territorial integrity of the motherland.”
Chapter Three: The Judicial Authority
Section 1: General Provisions
Article 168
The Judicial Authority shall be independent, vested in the courts of justice, which shall issue their judgments in accordance with the law. It’s powers are defined by law. Interference in the affairs of the judiciary is a crime that is not forfeited by the passing of time.
Article 6
The political system is based on the principles of democracy and shura (counsel), citizenship (under which all citizens are equal in rights and duties), multi-party pluralism, peaceful transfer of power, separation of powers and the balance between them, the rule of law, and respect for human rights and freedoms; all as elaborated in the Constitution.
Article 74
Sovereignty of the law shall be the basis of rule in the State.
The independence and immunity of the judiciary are two basic
guarantees to safeguard rights and freedoms.
Article 76
Penalty shall be personalized. There shall be no crime or penalty except in accordance with the law of the Constitution. No penalty shall be inflicted except by a judicial sentence. Penalty shall be inflicted only for acts committed after a law has come into force.
Article 86
Prior to the start of his or her tenure, a Member shall take the following oath before his or her Council: “I swear by Almighty God to loyally uphold the republican system, to respect the Constitution and the law, to fully look after the interests of the people, and to safeguard the independence and territorial integrity of the motherland.”
This document was not written by the Muslim Brotherhood
seeking to enshrine Sharia law as the foundation of Egypt. It was
written by a number of scholars, judges, union leaders and politicians from
all parties in Egypt.
It is not the target of derision by the majority of the people in Egypt, it
will pass the referendum vote on Dec 15th, not on the backs of the
"Islamists" but rather by a people who were so sick of their
neoliberal puppet dictator they risked their lives, and many gave their
lives, to drive him out. And now they have the opportunity to set by rule of
LAW a foundation which will keep another U.S. friendly dictator from
taking his place.
Please read the document for yourselves and the real history
of the people who wrote it and the Mubarak supporting judiciary which is
trying to stop it.
As is always the case, there is a reason for these actions,
and there is a reason you are being actively lied to by trusted alternative
sites. This is a big deal. Be on the right side of it when it matters, not in
“Many activists,
including opponents
of the Brotherhood,
criticize the judiciary as packed with judges and prosecutors sympathetic to
Mubarak.” AP
“Morsi supporters counter that the edicts were necessary to prevent the courts, which already
dissolved the elected lower house of parliament, from further holding up moves to stability by
disbanding the assembly writing the new constitution, as judges were
considering doing. Like parliament was, the assembly is
dominated by Islamists. Morsi
accuses Mubarak loyalists in the judiciary of seeking to thwart the
revolution’s goals and barred the judiciary from disbanding the
constitutional assembly or parliament’s upper house.” NPR
“In a nod to revolutionary sentiment, Morsi also ordered the retrial of Mubarak and
top aides on charges of killing protesters during the uprising.
He also created a new “protection of the revolution” judicial body to swiftly
carry out the prosecutions.” AP
They All Are Lord of the Flies Children at Heart
forty hard years of lobotomizing, dumbdowning, infantilizing, and deploying
this multilayered PSYOPS of direct and covert operations have been brought
1 day ago
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